03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库



将鼠标定位到关键字单元格,点击Ctrl 键,弹出提示框,如下图:

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库



二、BuiltIn 库

按F5,(如果是笔记本的话,按Fn + F5),打开Search Keywords框,可以从Source下拉列表选择库,然后就可以看到特定库下面的所有关键字。

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

1、Call Method,调用方法



03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库


03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

4、Convert To Binary,将给定的对象转成二进制字符串

5、Convert To Boolean,将给定的对象转成布尔值,true或false——Case5

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

6、Convert To Bytes,转Bytes

7、Convert To Hex

8、Convert To Integer,转整数(后面只能传整数字符串参数)

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

9、Convert To Number,转浮点数,可以指定几位小数

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

10、Convert To Octal,转octal string

11、Convert To String,转成一个Unicode string

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

12、Create Dictionary,创建并返回一个字典

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

13、Create List,创建并返回一个list

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库



03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库


16、Fatal Error,停止整个测试执行

遇到Fatal Error,本case后面的语句不执行,且后面的case也都fail

17、Get Count, 返回item1中包含几个item2

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库


18、Get Length,返回item的长度

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库


19、Get Library Instance,

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

20、Get Time

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

21、Get Variable Value

03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库


22、Get Variables


03-Robot Framework 之 BuiltIn库

23、Import Library,引入库


24、Import Resource,引入源文件


25、Keyword Should Exist,除非给定的关键字存在,不然就报错

26、Length Should Be,长度应该为多少


28、Log Many

29、Log To Console

30、Log Variables

31、No Operation

32、Pass Execution

33、Pass Execution If

34、Regexp Escape

35、Reload Library

36、Remove Tags

37、Repeat Keyword

38、Replace Variables

39、Return From Keyword

40、Return From Keyword If

41、Run Keyword

42、Run Keyword And Continue On Failure

43、Run Keyword And Expect Error

44、Run Keyword And Ignore Error

45、Run Keyword And Return

46、Run Keyword And Return If

47、Run Keyword And Return Status

48、Run Keyword If

49、Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed

50、Run Keyword If All Tests Pased

51、Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed

52、Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed

53、Run Keyword If Test Failed

54、Run Keyword If Test Passed

55、Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred

56、Run Keyword Unless

57、Run Keyword

58、Set Global Variable

59、Set Library Search Order

60、Set Log Level

61、Set Suite Documentation

62、Set Suite Metadata

63、Set Suite Variable

64、Set Tags

65、Set Test Documentation

66、Set Test Message

67、Set Test Variable

68、Set Test Variable If

69、Should Be Empty

70、Should Be Equal

71、Should Be Equal As Integers

72、Should Be Equal As Numbers

73、Should Be Equal As Strings

74、Should Be True

75、Should Contain

76、Should Contain Any

77、Should Contain X Times

78、Should End With

79、Should Match

80、Should Match Regexp

81、Should Not Be Empty

82、Should Not Be Equal

83、Should Not Be Equal As Integers

84、Should Not Be Equal As Numbers

85、Should Not Be Equal As Strings

86、Should Not Be True

87、Should Not Contain

88、Should Not Contain Any

89、Should Not End With

90、Should Not Match

91、Should Not Match Regexp

92、Should Not Start With

93、Should Start With


95、Variable Should Exist

96、Variable Should Not Exist

97、Wait Until Keyword Succeeds

98、Continue For Loop

99、Continue For Loop If

100、Exit For Loop

101、Exit For Loop If
