
JSTAT即JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool,JVM统计数据监控工具,可以用来查看JVM中GC、类加载等信息


  • [option] : 操作参数
  • LVMID : 本地虚拟机进程ID
  • [interval] : 连续输出的时间间隔
  • [count] : 连续输出的次数(默认一直打印)


Option Displays…
class class loader的行为统计。Statistics on the behavior of the class loader.
compiler HotSpt JIT编译器行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the HotSpot Just-in-Time compiler.
gc 垃圾回收堆的行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the garbage collected heap.
gccapacity 各个垃圾回收代容量(young,old,perm)和他们相应的空间统计。Statistics of the capacities of the generations and their corresponding spaces.
gcutil 垃圾回收统计概述。Summary of garbage collection statistics.
gccause 垃圾收集统计概述(同-gcutil),附加最近两次垃圾回收事件的原因。Summary of garbage collection statistics (same as -gcutil), with the cause of the last and
gcnew 新生代行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the new generation.
gcnewcapacity 新生代与其相应的内存空间的统计。Statistics of the sizes of the new generations and its corresponding spaces.
gcold 年老代和永生代行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the old and permanent generations.
gcoldcapacity 年老代行为统计。Statistics of the sizes of the old generation.
gcpermcapacity 永生代行为统计。Statistics of the sizes of the permanent generation.
printcompilation HotSpot编译方法统计。HotSpot compilation method statistics.




class class loader的行为统计。Statistics on the behavior of the class loader.



compiler HotSpt JIT编译器行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the HotSpot Just-in-Time compiler.



gc 垃圾回收堆的行为统计。Statistics of the behavior of the garbage collected heap.



gccapacity 各个垃圾回收代容量(young,old,perm)和他们相应的空间统计。Statistics of the capacities of the generations and their corresponding spaces.

