
Step One—Install EPEL

EPEL stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux. Because yum as a package manager does not include the latest version of nginx in its default repository, installing EPEL will make sure that nginx on CentOS stays up to date.

To install EPEL, open terminal and type in:

sudo yum install epel-release**

Step Two—Install nginx


To install nginx, open terminal and type in:

sudo yum install nginx

After you answer yes to the prompt twice (the first time relates to importing the EPEL gpg-key), nginx will finish installing on your virtual private server.
(在您两次对提示回答“是”后(第一次与导入EPEL gpg-key有关),nginx将完成在您的虚拟专用服务器上的安装。)

Step Three—Start nginx


nginx does not start on its own. To get nginx running, type:

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

You can confirm that nginx has installed on your VPS by directing your browser to your IP address.


On the page, you will see the words, “Welcome to nginx”
Congratulations! You have now installed nginx
(在页面上,你会看到“Welcome to nginx”恭喜!您现在已经安装了发动机)Linux在线安装Nginx(注:括号里是英文步骤的翻译)