

本文为挪威奥斯陆大学(作者:Jonas Julian Jensen)的硕士论文,共107页。



Database management systems havetraditionally been implemented entirely in software. However, adding hardwareto database cluster servers to gain more speed has its price. Firstly, the costof the hardware itself, secondly the increased power consumption from thenumerous processors that have to be used. The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how partial run-time reconfiguration in FPGAs can be used toaccelerate databases. It aims to show how an FPGA based query processor canwork in collaboration with a regular software database to accelerate certainqueries. This thesis proposes a novel way of using dynamic partialreconfiguration in FPGAs to process arbitrary queries in hardware. Weinvestigate how SQL queries can be decomposed and turned into hardware modulesthat are ’stitched’ together at runtime to form a stream processing datapath.Consequently, a set of customizable hardware modules that each can implement arange of SQL operators are presented. In addition, the thesis gives a methodfor floorplanning a high capacity FPGA for slot based partial reconfiguration.In the end, by the help of a case study we can conclude that the mainbottleneck is the interface to the host computer. Another interesting findingis that unlike conventional databases, the accelerator is not slowed down by amore complex query. On the contrary, filtering out results actually speeds itup.

  1. 引言
  2. Maxeler系统描述
  3. 重配置
  4. 概念与设计决定
  5. 具体实现
  6. 结果
  7. 结论
    附录 文件系统开销的Matlab脚本
    附录 模块库的VHDL代码
    附录 整数比较模块的VHDL代码
    附录 简单模式匹配模块的VHDL代码
    附录 长字符串模式匹配模块的VHDL代码
    附录 生成静态系统的GoAhead脚本
    附录 生成部分模块的GoAhead脚本

