



Microsoft PowerPoint has a neat little tool that allows you to copy and paste the formatting of a text string or object. Here’s how you can copy the formatting rules from one object and paste it in the next.

Microsoft PowerPoint有一个简洁的小工具,可让您复制和粘贴文本字符串或对象的格式。 这是从一个对象复制格式规则并将其粘贴到下一个对象的方法。

Open your PowerPoint presentation, navigate to the slide that contains the text or object with the formatting you want to copy, and then select it. For our example, we select our “How-To Geek” title text.

打开PowerPoint演示文稿 ,导航到包含要复制格式的文本或对象的幻灯片,然后选择它。 对于我们的示例,我们选择“ How-To Geek”标题文本。


Here’s the current formatting of our text:


  • Font type: Gill Sans MT

    字体类型: Gill Sans MT

  • Font size: 40 pt

    字体大小: 40 pt

  • Font color: Light blue


Next, click the Format Painter icon (the paintbrush) in the “Clipboard” group under the “Home” tab.



The format of the selected object or text is copied to the format painter, and the cursor will now have a paintbrush icon next to it. Highlight the text or object to which you want to apply the formatting.

所选对象或文本的格式被复制到格式刷,并且光标旁边将带有一个画笔图标。 突出显示要应用格式设置的文本或对象。

As shown below, the selected text automatically reformats to match the format of the text you copied to the Format Painter.

如下所示 ,所选文本会自动重新格式化,以匹配您复制到格式刷的文本格式。


If you want to change the format of multiple objects or text strings, you can do so without having to go through this whole process again.


Instead of just clicking it once, double-click the Format Painter icon in the “Clipboard” group under the “Home” tab. This allows you to format as many text strings or objects as necessary. When you’re finished, just press Esc or click the Format Painter icon.

不仅可以单击它,还可以双击“主页”选项卡下“剪贴板”组中的“格式刷”图标。 这使您可以根据需要设置尽可能多的文本字符串或对象格式。 完成后,只需按Esc或单击Format Painter图标。

RELATED: How to Change a Picture From Color to Black & White in PowerPoint

相关: 如何在PowerPoint中将图片从彩色更改为黑白

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684893/how-to-use-the-format-painter-to-duplicate-formatting-in-powerpoint/
