themeleaf 行内表达式 不显示(themeleaf inlining)

themeleaf 行内表达式 不显示


Although the Standard Dialect allows us to do almost everything using tag attributes, there are
situations in which we could prefer writing expressions directly into our HTML texts.For example,
we could prefer writing this:

尽管标准语言允许我们使用标签属性做几乎所有的事情,但是在某些情况下,我们更喜欢将表达式直接 写入我们的 HTML 文本。例如,我们可能更喜欢这样写:

themeleaf 行内表达式 不显示(themeleaf inlining)

themeleaf 行内表达式 不显示(themeleaf inlining)

themeleaf 行内表达式 不显示(themeleaf inlining)
