
After a crazy week featuring not one but three separate events crammed into the span of one week I’m finally coming up for air and thought I’d take a minute to share some thoughts with y’all. The first of those events was the longest and most involved and that was last week’s Casual Connect Seattle conference.

在一个疯狂的星期里,一个星期内没有出现一个或三个单独的事件,我终于登场了,以为我要花一点时间与大家分享一些想法。 这些活动中的第一场是时间最长,参与程度最高的活动,那就是上周的西雅图临时连接会议。

I’ve been lucky enough to attend every Casual Connect conference in Seattle and without fail this year’s event was as awesome as ever. I’m quite impressed at the work done by the Casual Games Association as they’ve managed to expand this event from a few hundred or so in 2006 to something on the order of 2000 attendees as last week’s event, and they’ve done that while retaining the same cool vibe that makes it such a cool conference. I say that because the conference really does offer a great feel to it, it’s more like a community affair than some large anonymous bulk conference and it has such a great focus on the casual games business that it really speaks to the heart of most folks using (or that should be using) Unity.

我很幸运地参加了在西雅图举行的每届Casual Connect会议,而今年的活动也一如既往地出色。 我对休闲游戏协会所做的工作印象深刻,因为他们成功地将该活动从2006年的数百人扩大到上周活动的2000人左右,并且他们做到了同时保留了使其成为如此酷炫的会议的酷感。 我说,因为会议确实确实给人以深刻的感觉,所以它比起一些大型的匿名批量会议更像是一个社区事务,而且它非常关注休闲游戏业务,这确实使大多数人感到心动。 (或者应该使用)Unity。

Unfortunately I wasn’t lucky enough to get away from the table to attend any sessions but word on the “street” is that they were of course as valuable as ever. What I was lucky enough to enjoy was the incredible amount of traffic by our sponsor table and the wide range of meetings I was able to have with people from all backgrounds. What’s more is that we as a company noticed a very tangible shift in who was there asking about us. In years past most folks dropped by the booth with a “so, what’s Unity?” sort of approach, this year it was far more on the “I’ve heard of Unity and want to know more!” side, so they were intent and interested visitors to say the least!

不幸的是,我没有走到桌子旁参加任何会议的机会,但是在“街道”上的字眼是,它们当然和以往一样有价值。 我很幸运地享受到了我们的赞助商桌子带来的不可思议的交通流量,以及我能够与来自不同背景的人们进行的广泛会议。 而且,作为一家公司,我们注意到谁在问我们的情况发生了非常明显的变化。 在过去的几年中,大多数人都以“那么,Unity是什么? 这种方法,今年的重点是“我听说过Unity,并且想了解更多!” 一边,所以他们的意图和感兴趣的访客至少可以说!

All told we had an incredible time, we met with countless developers as well as a number of high-level strategic partners, and both of those groups will be extremely valuable in helping all of us push Unity even further in the coming weeks, months and years. I have to offer a big shout out to my fellow UT crew members that were there as they all worked hard and did a great job. On top of that I’ll offer another huge shout out to Luke Burtis of the Casual Games Association as he’s an incredible contact for us that’s managed to pull through on all accounts.

总而言之,我们度过了一段不可思议的时光,我们与无数的开发人员以及许多高级战略合作伙伴会面,这两个小组将在帮助我们所有人在未来几周,几个月甚至更长时间内进一步推动Unity方面非常宝贵。年份。 我要向在场的UT全体同僚大声疾呼,因为他们都努力工作,干得很出色。 最重要的是,我还要向休闲游戏协会的卢克·伯蒂斯(Luke Burtis)大喊大叫,因为他对我们来说是不可思议的联系方式,已经设法处理了所有帐户。

Thanks to our team, thanks to all the Unity users that were in the house, thanks to Luke and the Casual Games Association crew and of course thanks to everyone at the conference – that rocked!

感谢我们的团队,感谢公司中所有的Unity用户,感谢Luke和美国休闲游戏协会的工作人员,当然也感谢会议中的每个人 –真是震撼!

On with some photos eh? :)

上一些照片是吗? :)


Preparing our sponsor table



David (at right) having a meeting



Tony (at left) chats up Michael from Mirax



A (rare) quiet moment at the table…


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/07/30/casual-connect-seattle-2009/