
微信小程序开发交流qq群   581478349





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<view class='item'>
  <view class='toptext_bor'>
    <view class='toptext1'>碎 片 时 间 . 听 见 未 来</view>
    <!-- 动态展示标题 -->
    <view class='toptext2'>{{title}}</view>
  <!-- 旋转图片 -->
  <image class='audio_post{{music_on?" music_on":""}}' style="animation-play-state:{{music_playing?'running':'paused'}}" src='{{img}}'></image>
<view class='bt_pos'>
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  <!-- 播放进度 -->
    <view class='time'>{{starttime}}</view>
    <!-- 进度条 -->
    <slider block-size='14' bindchange="sliderChange" block-size="12px" step="2" value="{{offset}}" max="{{max}}" selected-color="#4c9dee"></slider>
    <!-- 音频长度 -->
    <view class='time1'>{{duration}}</view>
  <view class='audio_control'>
    <!-- 列表 -->
    <image src='/img/list.png' class=' rt_img' bindtap='showModal'></image>
    <!-- 上 -->
    <image src='/img/shang.png' class=' anniu_img_sx ' bindtap='play_shang'></image>
    <!-- 播放 -->
    <image src='/img/bf.png' class='anniu_img anniu_img_sx' bindtap="listenerButtonPlay" wx:if="{{!isOpen}}"></image>
    <!-- 暂停 -->
    <image src='/img/zt.png' class='anniu_img anniu_img_sx ' bindtap="listenerButtonPause" wx:if="{{isOpen}}"></image>
    <!-- 下 -->
    <image src='/img/xia.png' class=' anniu_img_sx ' bindtap='play_xia'></image>
    <!-- 转发  -->
    <image src='/img/zf.png' class='rt_img' ></image>

<view style='display:{{show}}'>
  <view class='show' bindtap='hide'></view>
  <view class='show_bo' animation="{{animationData}}" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}">
    <scroll-view class='for_list' scroll-y='true'>
      <block wx:for='{{title_list}}' wx:key=''>
        <block wx:if="{{index == clickId}}">
          <view class='bo_list_bot' catchtap='play_list' data-index='{{item.id}}' type='primary'>
            <cover-image src='/img/tuwen.png' class='bt_show_img'></cover-image>
              <!-- 标题 -->
              <cover-view class='bo_list_text' style="color:{{color}}" id="{{index}}" bindtap="play_list" data-data="{{item}}">{{item.title}}</cover-view>
              <!-- 名字 日期 -->
              <cover-view class='name_time' style="color:{{color}}" id="{{index}}" bindtap="play_list" data-data="{{item}}">{{item.name}} {{item.time}}</cover-view>

            <view style='  margin-top: 35rpx;'>
              <icon type='success' size='20' color='#0b68f3' style=' display: {{display_rue}}   '></icon>


        <block wx:else>
          <view class='bo_list_bot' bindtap='play_list' data-index='{{item.id}}' type='primary'>
            <cover-image src='/img/tuwen.png' class='bt_show_img'></cover-image>
              <!-- 标题 -->
              <cover-view class='bo_list_text' id="{{index}}" bindtap="play_list" data-data="{{item}}">{{item.title}}</cover-view>
              <!-- 名字 日期 -->
              <cover-view class='name_time' id="{{index}}" bindtap="play_list" data-data="{{item}}">{{item.name}} {{item.time}}</cover-view>
    <cover-view class='none' bindtap='hide'>取消</cover-view>


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const bgMusic = wx.createInnerAudioContext()
const app = getApp()
var audioAnimation;
  data: {
    index: '2',
    title_list: [{
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      title: '元宝妈妈:拇指姑娘',
      src: 'http://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46',
      id: 0,
      img: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000',
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/56773.mp3',
      title: '元宝妈妈:《格林童话》拇指姑娘',
      img: '../../img/Rotation_chart.jpg',
      id: 1
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/56778.mp3',
      title: '《格林童话》 元宝妈妈:《格林童话》拇指姑娘元宝妈妈:《格林童话》拇指姑娘',
      img: '../../img/x.jpg',
      id: 2
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/32476.mp3',
      title: '拇指姑娘',
      img: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000',
      id: 3
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/56778.mp3',
      title: '元宝妈妈',
      img: '../../img/Rotation_chart.jpg',
      id: 4
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46',
      title: '元宝妈妈拇指姑娘',
      img: '../../img/x.jpg',
      id: 5
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/56778.mp3',
      title: '《格林童话》拇指姑娘',
      img: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000',
      id: 6
    }, {
      name: 'Anmber',
      time: '2019-1-1',
      src: 'http://www.ytmp3.cn/down/32476.mp3',
      title: '元宝妈妈:《格林童话》拇指姑娘',
      img: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000',
      id: 7
    }, ],
    // 默认动态高度
    heighTrue: true,
    // 底部弹窗动画
    showModalStatus: false,
    show: 'none',
    isOpen: false,
    starttime: '00:00', 
    duration: '00:00',
    music_on: true,
    music_playing: false, 
  onLoad: function() {
    var that = this
    // 获取应的音频
  play_shang: function() {
    var that = this
    var id = parseInt(this.data.index)
    var num = id - 1
    if (id - 1 < 0) {
        title: '已是第一个',
    } else {
        music_on: false,
        index: num,
        'color': '#0b68f3',
        'clickId': num,
        src: '',
        duration: '',
  // 下
  play_xia: function() {
    // console.log(this.data.title_list)
    var that = this
    var id = parseInt(this.data.index)
    var num = id + 1

    if (id + 1 > this.data.title_list.length - 1) {
        title: '已是最后一个',
    } else {
        music_on: false,
        index: num,
        'color': '#0b68f3',
        'clickId': num,
        src: '',
        duration: '',
  // 视频获取
  s_p: function() {
    var that = this
    var src = this.data.title_list[this.data.index].src 
    var img = this.data.title_list[this.data.index].img 
    var title = this.data.title_list[this.data.index].title 
      'color': '#0b68f3',
      'clickId': this.data.index,
      src: src,
      img: img,
      title: title
  // 点击列表切换
  play_list: function(e) {
    // console.log(e)
    var that = this
    var id = e.target.id
      'color': '#0b68f3',
      'clickId': id,
      index: id,
      display_rue: 'block',
    if (this.data.src == '') {
        'color': '#0b68f3',
        'clickId': id,
        index: id,
        display_rue: 'block',
    } else {
        'color': '#0b68f3',
        'clickId': id,
        index: id,
        display_rue: 'block',
        src: ''
  showModal: function() {
    var that = this
      show: 'block'
    var animation = wx.createAnimation({
      duration: 200,
      timingFunction: "linear",
      delay: 0
    this.animation = animation
      animationData: animation.export(),
      showModalStatus: true,
      heighTrue: false,
      ball_height: 1,
      show: 'block'
    setTimeout(function() {
        animationData: animation.export()
    }.bind(this), 200)
  hide: function() {
    // 隐藏遮罩层
    var animation = wx.createAnimation({
      duration: 200,
      timingFunction: "linear",
      delay: 0
    this.animation = animation
      animationData: animation.export(),
    setTimeout(function() {
        animationData: animation.export(),
        showModalStatus: false,
        heighTrue: true,
        ball_height: 2,
        show: 'none',
    }.bind(this), 200)
  // 播放
  listenerButtonPlay: function(e) {
    var that = this
    //bug ios 播放时必须加title 不然会报错导致音乐不播放 
    // console.log(this.data.index)
    var sec = this.data.src
    bgMusic.title = '此时此刻'
    bgMusic.epname = '此时此刻'
    bgMusic.src = that.data.src;
    this.data.music_on = true;
    this.data.music_playing = true;
    bgMusic.play(); //图片添加css样式,旋转样式   
      music_on: true,
      music_playing: this.data.music_playing,
    bgMusic.onTimeUpdate(() => {
      //bgMusic.duration总时长  bgMusic.currentTime当前进度
      // console.log(bgMusic.currentTime)
      var duration = bgMusic.duration;
      var offset = bgMusic.currentTime;
      var currentTime = parseInt(bgMusic.currentTime);
      var min = "0" + parseInt(currentTime / 60);
      var max = parseInt(bgMusic.duration);
      var sec = currentTime % 60;
      var maxtime = max / 60
      var max_time = parseInt(maxtime);
      var x_maxtime = maxtime - max_time;
      var yu_time = parseInt(x_maxtime * 60)
      if (sec < 10) {
        sec = "0" + sec;
      var starttime = min + ':' + sec; /*  00:00  */
      var time_time = max_time + ':' + yu_time
        isOpen: true,
        duration: time_time,
        offset: currentTime,
        starttime: starttime,
        max: max,
        changePlay: true,
    // 播放出错
    bgMusic.onError((res) => {
    // 播放结束
    bgMusic.onEnded((res) => {
      // console.log('录音播放结束');
      var that = this
      var id = parseInt(this.data.index)
      var num = id + 1

      if (id + 1 > this.data.title_list.length - 1) {
          title: '已是最后一个',
      } else {
          music_on: false,
          index: num,
          'color': '#0b68f3',
          'clickId': num,
          src: '',
          duration: '',
  listenerButtonPause() {
    this.data.music_on = true;
    this.data.music_playing = false;
    var that = this
      isOpen: false,
      music_on: this.data.music_on,
      music_playing: this.data.music_playing,
  // 进度条拖拽
  sliderChange(e) {
    var that = this
    var offset = parseInt(e.detail.value);
      isOpen: true,
  // 页面卸载时停止播放
  // onUnload() {
  //   var that = this
  //   that.listenerButtonStop() //停止播放
  //   console.log("离开")
  // },
