



Do you have an external drive connected to your Windows computer and would like to access it from the Taskbar? Here we show you a workaround that will allow you to pin it to Taskbar.

您是否将外部驱动器连接到Windows计算机,并想从任务栏访问它? 在这里,我们向您展示了一种解决方法,可以将其固定到任务栏。

We’ll show you how to add an external drive icon to the Taskbar in Windows 10, but this trick will also work in Windows 7 and 8.

我们将向您展示如何在Windows 10中将外部驱动器图标添加到任务栏,但是此技巧也将在Windows 7和8中起作用。

You would think the process would be as easy as dragging the external drive icon to the Taskbar. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. If you try to drag the external drive icon to the Taskbar, it just adds it to File Explorer.

您会认为该过程就像将外部驱动器图标拖到任务栏一样容易。 不幸的是,事实并非如此。 如果您尝试将外部驱动器图标拖到任务栏,它只会将其添加到文件资源管理器。


Then, if you right-click on the File Explorer icon, you’ll be able to access it from there. This might be enough for some users, but we want to add it to the Taskbar as an icon.

然后,如果右键单击“文件资源管理器”图标,则可以从那里访问它。 对于某些用户来说,这可能就足够了,但是我们希望将其作为图标添加到任务栏。


With a quick workaround, we can add the drive as an icon to the Taskbar. However, before doing this, we need to assign a persistent drive letter to our external drive. We’re going to add a drive letter to the external drive’s icon on the Taskbar, so that drive letter needs to stay the same every time you connect the drive to your PC.

通过快速解决方法,我们可以将驱动器作为图标添加到任务栏。 但是,在执行此操作之前,我们需要为外部驱动器分配一个持久驱动器号 。 我们将在任务栏上的外部驱动器图标上添加一个驱动器号,以便每次将驱动器连接到PC时,驱动器号都必须保持不变。

Once you’ve assigned the drive letter to your external drive, right-click on an empty area on your desktop and go to New > Text Document.



Then, name the text file whatever you want and change the .txt extension to .exe . In our example, we’re adding the external N:\ drive, so we named it Drive N.exe . Press Enter.

然后,根据需要命名文本文件,并将.txt扩展名更改为.exe 。 在我们的示例中,我们添加了外部N:\驱动器,因此我们将其命名为Drive N.exe 。 按Enter键。


After pressing Enter, you will see a dialog box asking if you’re sure you want to change the extension. Click the “Yes” button to finish changing the name on the file.

按Enter键后,您将看到一个对话框,询问您是否确定要更改扩展名。 单击“是”按钮以完成文件名的更改。


Now we have a “dummy” executable (.exe) file on the desktop. Right-click on the file and select “Pin to taskbar” from the popup menu.

现在,我们在桌面上有一个“虚拟”可执行文件(.exe)。 右键单击该文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“固定到任务栏”。


The file’s icon is added to the Taskbar. Now, we’ll add the persistent drive letter you assigned to your external drive to the properties of the icon. Right-click on the file’s icon, right-click on the name of the file on the popup menu, and then select “Properties” from the second popup menu.

文件的图标将添加到任务栏。 现在,我们将您分配给外部驱动器的永久驱动器号添加到图标的属性中。 右键单击文件图标,在弹出菜单上右键单击文件名,然后从第二个弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


On the Shortcut tab on the Properties dialog box, change the “Target” to the drive letter of your external drive, such as N:\, and change the “Start in” to the same drive letter as well, as shown in the image below.

在“属性”对话框的“快捷方式”选项卡上,将“目标”更改为外部驱动器的驱动器号,例如N:\ ,还将“开始于”更改为相同的驱动器号,如图所示下面。

If you want to open a specific folder on your external drive using this icon, enter the path to the folder in the Target and Start in boxes, for example N:\My Work . You can actually use this technique to add any folder to the Taskbar too. The main thing to remember is changing the Target and Start in to the correct path.

如果要使用此图标打开外部驱动器上的特定文件夹,请在“目标”和“开始于”框中输入文件夹的路径,例如N:\My Work 。 您实际上也可以使用此技术将任何文件夹添加到任务栏。 要记住的主要事情是更改目标并从正确的路径开始。

Don’t close the Properties dialog box quite yet. While we’re on this dialog box, we want to change the icon to something more appropriate like a hard drive icon, so click the “Change Icon” button on the Shortcut tab.

暂时不要关闭“属性”对话框。 在此对话框中时,我们希望将图标更改为更合适的名称,例如硬盘图标,因此请单击“快捷方式”选项卡上的“更改图标”按钮。


You might see a warning dialog box telling you that the file has no icons. That’s fine. Click the “OK” button to close that dialog box. If the file has no icons, Windows automatically opens the shell32.dll file in the %SystemRoot%\System32\ folder, which contains a lot of icon from which you can choose. Click on an icon in the “Select an icon from the list below” box and click OK.

您可能会看到一个警告对话框,告诉您该文件没有图标。 没关系。 单击“确定”按钮以关闭该对话框。 如果该文件没有图标,则Windows将自动在%SystemRoot%\System32\文件夹中打开shell32.dll文件,其中包含很多图标供您选择。 单击“从下面的列表中选择图标”框中的图标,然后单击确定。

If you want to change the icon to something not included in Windows, check out our guide, How to Customize Your Icons in Windows.

如果您想将图标更改为Windows中未包含的内容,请查看我们的指南“ 如何在Windows中自定义图标”


The icon on the Taskbar does not change immediately. You need to restart explorer.exe for the selected icon to display.

任务栏上的图标不会立即更改。 您需要重新启动explorer.exe ,才能显示选定的图标。


Now we have a more appropriate looking hard drive icon and a quick method of accessing our external drive.



Although it might seem like a goofy method for simply pinning a drive or other folder to the Taskbar, the work around is effective. This will allow you to access the external drive with only one click and save a few steps in navigating to it.

尽管将驱动器或其他文件夹简单固定到任务栏似乎是一种愚蠢的方法,但是解决方法是有效的。 这样一来,您只需单击一下即可访问外置驱动器,并保存一些导航步骤。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27903/how-to-pin-an-external-drive-to-the-windows-7-taskbar/
