
If you are a new Ubuntu user coming from a Mac background, you might be disoriented by the placement of the minimize/maximize/close box on Ubuntu, which mimics Windows by default.


This setting is an easy one to change, thankfully, and combined with a nice OS X theme can really have a nice effect.

值得庆幸的是,此设置很容易更改,并且与不错的OS X主题结合使用确实可以产生很好的效果。


To change this setting, use Alt+F2 to bring up the Run Application dialog, and type in gconf-editor to launch the Gnome Configuration Editor.

要更改此设置,请使用Alt + F2弹出“运行应用程序”对话框,然后键入gconf-editor以启动Gnome配置编辑器。


Once in the editor, find the following key:


apps \ metacity \ general

应用程序\ metacity \常规

On the right hand side of the screen you should see an option called button_layout.



This option takes a string value separated by commas, as well as a colon that separates which side of the window the buttons will be on. To mimic the OS X setting, enter this string:

此选项采用以逗号分隔的字符串值,以及用于分隔按钮将位于窗口的哪一侧的冒号。 要模拟OS X设置,请输入以下字符串:



In this example, the close/maximize/minimize buttons are on the left, and the menu button is on the right. You can remove an item from this list if you’d like. For example, I don’t really use the menu button so I usually just remove it.

在此示例中,关闭/最大化/最小化按钮在左侧,菜单按钮在右侧。 您可以根据需要从此列表中删除一个项目。 例如,我并不真正使用菜单按钮,因此通常只将其删除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/put-closemaximi*imize-buttons-on-the-left-in-ubuntu/