谷歌play更新_将来满足Google Play要求

谷歌play更新_将来满足Google Play要求


Earlier this week Google announced important changes to the Google Play requirements: target API level 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo) or higher will be required for new submissions starting August 2018, and all submissions starting November 2018. 64-bit support becomes mandatory for submissions in August 2019. In this blog post we would like to help you prepare for these changes and cover our plans to support the requirements.

Google在本周早些时候宣布了对Google Play要求的重要更改 :从2018年8月开始的新提交以及从2018年11月开始的所有提交都将要求目标API级别为26(Android 8.0 Oreo)或更高。对64位的提交,必须提供64位支持2019年8月。在此博客文章中,我们将帮助您为这些更改做准备,并涵盖支持需求的计划。

We suggest you set Target API Level in the Player Settings to “Automatic”. This means the build process will set targetSdkVersion in your manifest to the latest SDK Platform you have installed within your Android SDK. Given that you have SDK Platform 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo) installed, you will fulfil the new requirements. To make it even easier for you, we will show you an SDK update prompt in the Editor if it’s missing, and you can let Unity update the Android SDK for you. After that you’re fully prepared for the new requirements.

我们建议您在播放器设置中将目标API级别设置为“自动”。 这意味着构建过程会将清单中的targetSdkVersion设置为您在Android SDK中安装的最新SDK平台。 假设您已安装SDK Platform 26(Android 8.0 Oreo),则将满足新要求。 为了让您更轻松,如果缺少,我们将在编辑器中向您显示SDK更新提示,您可以让Unity为您更新Android SDK。 之后,您已经为新要求做好了充分的准备。

If you want to control the target API level yourself, you can select the desired value in the Target API Level dropdown. We will be adding the latest API levels to the list for all currently supported Unity versions shortly. In any case, please make sure to thoroughly test your application after updating the target API level.

如果要自己控制目标API级别,则可以在“目标API级别”下拉列表中选择所需的值。 我们不久将为所有当前支持的Unity版本将最新的API级别添加到列表中。 无论如何,请确保在更新目标API级别后彻底测试您的应用程序。

We are also happy to share that our native 64-bit support for Android is in its final development stage and is being tested internally. We aim to make it public in Unity 2018.2 as a preview and expecting it to mature in time for full release in 2018.3 (which is expected to ship in Q4 2018), well before the requirement is enforced by Google Play.

我们也很高兴分享我们对Android的原生64位支持正处于最终开发阶段,并且正在内部进行测试。 我们的目标是在Unity 2018.2中作为预览发布,并希望它能在2018.3全面发布之前成熟(预计将于2018年第四季度发布),早于Google Play强制执行该要求。

Initially, Unity Android ARM 64-bit support will only support IL2CPP scripting backend. IL2CPP technology offers C++ class performance for your scripts and can make your applications start-up time twice as fast. If you are publishing your games to Google Play and still using Mono scripting backend, we strongly recommend you consider moving to IL2CPP instead.

最初,Unity Android ARM 64位支持仅支持IL2CPP脚本后端。 IL2CPP技术可为您的脚本提供C ++类性能,并使您的应用程序启动时间快两倍。 如果您将游戏发布到Google Play并仍使用Mono脚本后端,我们强烈建议您考虑改用IL2CPP。

Mono on Android is based on Just In Time (JIT) compilation, which means code gets converted from .NET IL code to machine code right on the Android device, while IL2CPP is based on Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation, when all the code is converted to machine code (through intermediate form of C++ code) on developer’s machine. AOT allows you to have faster startup times and better overall performance, because most of the expensive optimizations are done on a desktop machine, rather than on a mobile device. More information on IL2CPP can be found on the dedicated Unity Manual page.

Android上的Mono基于即时(JIT)编译,这意味着代码可以直接在Android设备上从.NET IL代码转换为机器代码,而IL2CPP基于提前(AOT)编译,所有代码在开发人员的机器上被转换为机器代码(通过C ++代码的中间形式)。 由于大多数昂贵的优化都是在台式机而不是移动设备上完成的,因此AOT可以使您缩短启动时间并提高整体性能。 有关IL2CPP的更多信息,请参见专用的Unity手册页

If you’re using custom native plugins, you should modify your build scripts to include ARM64 architecture. If you rely on third party native plugins, reach out to your plugin provider for ARM64 support.

如果使用自定义本机插件,则应修改构建脚本以包括ARM64体系结构。 如果您依赖第三方本机插件,请与您的插件提供商联系以获得ARM64支持。

We’re happy to discuss this news on our dedicated forum thread.

我们很高兴 在我们专用的论坛主题中 讨论此新闻

