小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)


小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

As expected, Epic Games has released Fortnite for Android—but it’s not available in the Google Play Store. You’ll have to install it manually. Here’s how to do it.

正如预期的那样,Epic Games已发布了Android版Fortnite,但Google Play商店中没有该版本。 您必须手动安装。 这是操作方法。

Update: Fortnite was made available on the Google Play Store… and then it was removed on August 13, 2020. You can still sideload Fortnite onto any Android device and skip the Play Store—or, if you have a Samsung device, you can install it from Samsung’s app store.

更新 :Fortnite已在Google Play商店中提供 ……然后于2020年8月13日被删除 。 您仍然可以将Fortnite加载到任何Android设备上,并跳过Play商店-或者,如果您有Samsung设备,则可以从Samsung的应用程序商店安装它。

One of the nice things about Android is the ability to install APKs—Android Package Kits—that aren’t included in the Play Store. This allows developers to let users test apps out without going through the official channels and gives users the freedom to install specific apps they may not be able to get elsewhere. This, of course, comes with the risk of compromised security.

Android的优点之一就是可以安装Play商店中未包含的APK(Android套件)。 这使开发人员可以让用户无需通过官方渠道即可测试应用程序,并为用户提供安装可能无法在其他地方获得的特定应用程序的*。 当然, 这会带来安全性受损的风险

Alas, this is the route Epic decided to go with Fortnite for various reasons that we won’t get into here. While it makes it a little more of a hassle for you to get started, it’s still really not difficult to do—depending on your phone model, however, the process can be a little bit different.

las,这是Epic出于各种原因决定与Fortnite一起使用的路线,我们不会在这里讨论。 虽然它使您入门变得有些麻烦,但实际上仍然不难-根据您的手机型号,此过程可能会有所不同。

如何在任何Android设备上安装Fortnite (How to Install Fortnite on Any Android Device)

You can install Fortnite for Android on any Android phone it supports via Epic’s official website. To do this, you’ll need to sideload the Fortnite Launcher. Here’s the skinny.

您可以通过Epic的官方网站在其支持的任何Android手机上安装Fortnite for Android。 为此,您需要侧面加载Fortnite Launcher。 这是骨感。

First things first, you’ll need to download the launcher. To get it, head over to www.fortnite.com/android and tap the Epic button. This will download the Epic Games App—it’s a pretty small download, so it shouldn’t take long. Pull down the notification panel and tap the download notification when it’s finished.

首先,您需要下载启动器。 要获取它,请转到www.fortnite.com/android并点击Epic按钮。 这将下载Epic Games App,这是一个很小的下载,因此它不会花很长时间。 下拉通知面板,然后在完成时点按下载通知。

(The current website looks a little different, but the process is the same—tap the “Epic Games App” button and install the APK it downloads.)

(当前网站看起来有些不同,但过程相同–点击“ Epic Games App”按钮并安装它下载的APK。)

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

But here’s where the process starts to get a little more fuzzy—especially depending on what version of Android your phone is running. When the installation launches, it will likely be blocked by default. You’ll need to allow it to be installed.

但是,此处的过程开始变得更加模糊-特别是取决于您的手机运行的是哪个版本的Android。 启动安装时,默认情况下它可能会被阻止。 您需要允许其安装。

If a warning dialog pops up, cap the Settings button. This will move you into the menu to allow apps to be installed from unknown sources (aka “sideloading”). One Android 8.0 (Oreo) and above, this is done on a per-app basis, so you’ll need to allow it for whatever browser you’re using to download the app (in our case, that’s Chrome beta). Just slide to toggle to the on position.

如果弹出警告对话框,请单击“设置”按钮。 这将使您进入菜单,以允许从未知来源安装应用(也称为“侧载”)。 一个Android 8.0(Oreo)或更高版本,是在每个应用程序的基础上完成的,因此您需要在用于下载该应用程序的任何浏览器中都允许它(在我们的示例中是Chrome beta)。 只需滑动即可切换到开启位置。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

On Android 7.0 (Nougat) and below, the process is basically the same (though fundamentally different—you can read more about that here). When you tap the Settings button, it will take you to the Security menu, where you’ll slide the Unknown Sources toggle to the On position. A separate warning will appear—just tap OK on that.

在Android 7.0(牛轧糖)及更低版本上,该过程基本相同(尽管本质上有所不同,您可以在此处了解更多信息 )。 当您点击“设置”按钮时,它将带您进入“安全性”菜单,在该菜单中,您会将“未知来源”开关滑动到“打开”位置。 将出现一个单独的警告-只需点击OK。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

From there, tap the back button to jump back into the Fortnite installer, then tap the Install button. It’ll take a few seconds for the Fortnite Launcher to install. Once it does, you’ll need to download the 90MB game file by tapping the Install button.

从那里,点击“后退”按钮以跳回到Fortnite安装程序,然后点击“安装”按钮。 Fortnite Launcher的安装将花费几秒钟。 完成后,您需要点击“安装”按钮来下载90MB游戏文件。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

You’re not finished yet—once the game installs, it will have a much larger asset file to download on the first launch. Let it do its thing, and you’ll be ready to play.

您尚未完成-安装游戏后,首次启动时将下载更大的资产文件。 让它发挥作用,您就可以开始比赛了。

如何在三星设备上为Android安装Fortnite (How to Install Fortnite for Android on Samsung Devices)

Since Samsung had a brief exclusivity period for Fortnite, it’s also easier to install on its devices using the Galaxy Apps store. To get started, head over to www.fortnite.com/android from your Samsung phone or visit the Epic Games app page on the Samsung app store.

由于三星对Fortnite的特许经营期很短,因此使用Galaxy Apps商店在其设备上进行安装也更加容易。 要开始使用,请从您的三星手机转到www.fortnite.com/android或访问三星应用商店上的Epic Games应用页面。

From there, tap the Samsung button—this will redirect you to the Fortnite page in the Galaxy Apps store. Tap the Install button to download the installer.

在此处,点击Samsung按钮,这会将您重定向到Galaxy Apps商店中的Fortnite页面 。 点击安装按钮以下载安装程序。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

Once downloaded, the installer will launch. Tap the Install button here to download the full Fortnite game—it will require storage permissions, so just grant that when requested. Once the installation is finished, tap the Launch button.

下载完成后,安装程序将启动。 点击此处的“安装”按钮以下载完整的Fortnite游戏-这将需要存储权限,因此只需在请求时授予该权限即可。 安装完成后,点击启动按钮。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)
小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

The game will launch, but you’re not finished yet—it has another gigabyte to download. Once that’s finished, however, you’ll be ready to rock and roll.

游戏将启动,但您尚未完成-还要下载另一GB数据。 但是,一旦完成,就可以摇滚了。

小米fortnite_如何为Android安装Fortnite(无Google Play)

如果在安装Fortnite时遇到问题该怎么办 (What to Do if You Have Issues Installing Fortnite)

Sideloading is a fairly straightforward process, but if you have happened to hit any issues, we have a full primer on how to sideload apps on Android, which covers the process in detail. This varies between versions of Android, with Google taking a much more secure approach starting with Android 8.0 (Oreo).

侧载是一个非常简单的过程,但是如果您碰巧遇到任何问题,我们将为您提供有关如何在Android侧载应用的完整入门,其中详细介绍了该过程。 这在Android版本之间有所不同,从Android 8.0(Oreo)开始,Google采取了更为安全的方法。

In the case of Oreo, you have to enable Unknown Sources for each app that you plan on downloading and installing APKs from. It can be a little confusing—we have a much deeper explanation here—but this prevents unauthorized apps from installing APK files, which leads to a more secure system.

对于Oreo,您必须为计划从中下载和安装APK的每个应用程序启用“未知来源”。 这可能有点令人困惑-我们在这里更深入的解释 -但这可以防止未经授权的应用安装APK文件,从而导致系统更加安全。

If you hit any snags trying to install Fortnite, I suggest checking both of those posts for more details.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361060/how-to-install-fortnite-for-android/
