如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时

如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时

I've got GAFYD (Google Apps for your Domain) running mail for hanselman.com and managing Google logins for the family. (There's 14 of us.)

我有GAFYD(适用于您域的Google Apps)为hanselman.com运行邮件并管理该家庭的Google登录。 (我们有14个人。)

Google Now (that's the fancy cards and predictive assistant) for iOS was just released (you can download Google Now here) and integrated into the Google Search app for iPhone and iPad.


If you install it and log in with your Google Apps account, you'll get an error that "your administrator hasn't enabled Google Now for your domain."

如果安装并使用您的Google Apps帐户登录,则会收到错误消息,“您的管理员尚未为您的域启用Google即时。”

You'll need to (or your admin will need to) turn it on for your Google Apps Domain. It just takes a moment.

您需要(或管理员需要)为您的Google Apps域打开它。 只需要一点时间。

Note that you're changing this setting under Android but it affects iOS as well, which is why it's so unintuitive.


Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government: Google Now needs to be turned on by an administrator before it can be used.

Google Apps for Business,教育和*机构:必须先由管理员打开Goog​​le即时,然后才能使用。

If you are an administrator, you can enable Google Now for users in your organization by following these steps:


  1. Sign in to your Google Apps control panel.

    登录到您的Google Apps控制面板

  2. Go to Settings > Mobile > Org Settings > Android settings.

    依次转到设置>手机>组织设置> Android设置

  3. Click the checkbox next to Enable Google Now to turn on Google Now.


  4. Click Save.


Here's a screenshot describing the flow, as it's not obvious.


如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时

It took about 10 minutes for the setting to propagate. You may also need to force-quit the Google app for it to pick up the new setting. Your mileage may vary, but this IS how you enable Google Now, regardless of device.

设置花费了大约10分钟的时间传播。 您可能还需要强制退出Google应用程序才能使用新设置。 您的里程可能会有所不同,但这就是您启用Google即时的方式,无论使用哪种设备。

I hope this saves you time and frustration. Pass it on.

我希望这可以节省您的时间和沮丧感。 传下去。

UPDATE: If you've updated to the new console, the location in the new console is: https://admin.google.com/AdminHome#ServiceSettings/notab=1&service=mobile&subtab=org

更新:如果您已更新到新控制台,则新控制台中的位置为: https : //admin.google.com/AdminHome#ServiceSettings/notab=1&service=mobile&subtab=org

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时
如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时
如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时
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如何使用Google Apps for Business帐户为iOS设备(iPhone,iPad)启用Google即时

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-to-enable-google-now-for-ios-devices-iphone-ipad-with-google-apps-for-business-accounts