谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

谷歌学术 rss

I have a blog with RSS feeds. Feeding to twitter and facebook is supported by many tools. But for the Google plus page, it seems not straightforward. How to automatically post blog RSS feed to Google plus pages?

我有一个RSS提要的博客。 许多工具都支持向Twitter和Facebook馈送。 但是对于Google plus页面,这似乎并不简单。 如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

You can use Hootsuite to post blogs through RSS feeds to your Google plus pages.

您可以使用Hootsuite通过RSS feed将博客发布到您的Google plus页面。

First, register a Hootsuite Free account:

首先,注册一个Hootsuite Free帐户

谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

It will ask you to connect to a social network. You can connect and added you Google plus pages.

它将要求您连接到社交网络 。 您可以连接并添加Google+页面。

After registration, you can log in the dashboard of Hootsuite. In the “Settings” menu on the left, select the “RSS/Atom” menu.

注册后,您可以登录Hootsuite的仪表板。 在左侧的“设置”菜单中,选择“ RSS / Atom”菜单。

谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

In the settings, you can add new feed.


谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

In the dialog, you can add the RSS feed URL you would like to sync and your Google plus page.

在对话框中,您可以添加要同步的RSS feed URL和Google plus页面。

谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

Here is an example you may refer to:


谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?

After successfully adding your RSS feed, you are ready to have new blog posts synced to your Google plus pages.

成功添加RSS feed后,您就可以将新博客帖子同步到您的Google plus页面。

谷歌学术 rss_如何自动将博客RSS供稿发布到Google plus页面?
Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃里克·马(Eric Z Ma)回答。


谷歌学术 rss