google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

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google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

After Alexa gave users the ability to call other Echo owners, Google upped the ante with true phone calls. If you live in the U.S. or Canada, you can use your Google Home to place a call to anyone’s phone. You don’t need to limit yourself to other people who have a Google Home. Here’s how to get started making phone calls.

在Alexa赋予用户呼叫其他Echo所有者的能力之后,Google通过真正的电话提升了赌注。 如果您居住在美国或加拿大,则可以使用Google Home拨打任何人的电话。 您无需将自己局限于拥有Google Home的其他人。 这是开始拨打电话的方法。

If you already have a Google Home, you don’t need to do any setup. Just use one of the following voice commands to place a phone call:

如果您已经拥有Google Home,则无需进行任何设置。 只需使用以下语音命令之一来拨打电话:

  • “Ok Google, call Cameron.” This will place a call to the person in your Contacts that matches the name you say. If you have multiple people with that name (looking at you, Amanda), Google will ask you which one you want to call.

    “好吧Google,请致电Cameron。” 这将向您的“联系人”中与您说的名字匹配的人发出呼叫。 如果您有多个同名的人(看着您,Amanda),则Google会询问您您要呼叫哪一个。

  • “Ok Google, redial.” This command will redial the last number you called.

    “好吧,谷歌,重拨。” 此命令将重拨您最后拨打的号码。

  • “Ok Google, call them.” You can use this command after you search for a business. For example, say “Ok Google, find a pizza place nearby,” and listen to the results. After you find the one you want, you can use this command to call that pizza joint. Which is much better than Alexa’s pizza integration.

    “好吧Google,给他们打电话。” 搜索企业后,可以使用此命令。 例如,说“ Ok Google,在附近找到一个披萨店”,然后听结果。 找到所需的披萨后,可以使用此命令调用该披萨店。 这比Alexa的披萨整合要好得多

Google Home can only call non-premium rate numbers within the U.S. and Canada. All these calls are free. You can also link your phone number to Home and then you can make international or premium calls, and your account will be charged the normal fees you would pay if you used your phone.

Google Home只能拨打美国和加拿大境内的非高级费率号码 。 所有这些电话都是免费的。 您还可以将电话号码链接到家庭,然后拨打国际电话或付费电话,并且将向您的帐户收取您使用电话时应支付的正常费用。

By default, Home will generate a randomized number when you use it to make a call. To keep this from happening, you’ll want to link your phone number to Google Home—it’s super easy for Project Fi or Google Voice customers, but you can also link a non-Fi/Voice number too.

默认情况下,使用Home拨打电话时,Home会生成一个随机号码。 为了避免这种情况的发生,您需要将电话号码链接到Google Home,这对于Project Fi或Google语音客户来说非常容易,但您也可以链接非Fi /语音号码。

在Google Home中连接Project Fi或Google语音号码 (Connecting Project Fi or Google Voice numbers in Google Home)

First open the Google Home app on your phone and tap on the menu button in the top right corner, then choose “More settings.”

首先,在手机上打开Goog​​le Home应用,然后点击右上角的菜单按钮,然后选择“更多设置”。

google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话
google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Under Services, tap Call on Speakers.


google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Here, you can choose which account to use for outgoing calls. Tap either Project Fi or Google Voice.

在这里,您可以选择用于拨出电话的帐户。 点按Project Fi或Google语音。

google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

From now on, when you make a call with Google Home, the recipient will see your number on their caller ID.

从现在开始,当您使用Google Home拨打电话时,收件人将在其来电显示中看到您的电话号码。

将另一个电话号码链接到Google Home (Linking Another Phone Number to Google Home)

If you don’t have Project Fi or Google Voice (or would prefer not to use either number for Home calls), then you can also link another phone number. To do this, open the Home app, then slide open the menu. Find “More Settings” and tap on it.

如果您没有Project Fi或Google语音服务(或不希望使用任何一个号码拨打家庭电话),那么您还可以链接其他电话号码。 为此,请打开“主页”应用,然后滑动打开菜单。 找到“更多设置”,然后点击它。

google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Scroll to the bottom and choose Calls on Speakers.


google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Tap on Edit under the “Your own number” entry.


google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Choose “Add or change phone number,” then enter your phone number.


google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话
google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Once entered, tap the Add button. It will send a text code to the number you entered—input that here to verify your number.

输入后,点击添加按钮。 它将向您输入的号码发送文本代码-在此处输入以验证您的号码。

google home键_如何使用您的Google Home拨打电话

Boom, that’s it. From now on, any call you make with Google Home will come from that number. That way, when you call people, they’ll see your number on the called ID instead of something random.

繁荣,就是这样。 从现在开始,您使用Google Home拨打的电话都将来自该号码。 这样,当您打电话给别人时,他们会在被叫ID上看到您的号码,而不是随机的东西。

It’s also worth mentioning that since Home works with multiple accounts, every member of the house can set their own phone number. Home does an excellent job of getting the voices correct every time.  That’s cool.

还值得一提的是,由于家庭使用多个帐户,因此房屋的每个成员都可以设置自己的电话号码。 Home每次都能使声音正确无误, 表现出色 。 这很酷。


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