authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机


authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

Using an authenticator app for two-factor authentication (2FA) is more secure than SMS messages, but what if you switch phones? Here’s how to move your 2FA accounts if you use Microsoft Authenticator.

使用身份验证器应用程序进行两步验证(2FA)比SMS消息更安全,但是如果您切换电话怎么办? 如果您使用Microsoft Authenticator,这是移动2FA帐户的方法。

Previously, we looked at moving 2FA accounts in Google Authenticator to a new phone. We found that there’s no way to export all your accounts, and then import them onto a new phone. You have to re-create your 2FA accounts on your new phone manually.

以前,我们研究过将Google Authenticator中的2FA帐户转移到新手机上。 我们发现,无法导出所有帐户,然后将其导入到新手机中。 您必须在新手机上手动重新创建2FA帐户。

Fortunately, Microsoft Authenticator provides a backup and recovery option. Note that 2FA is designed to make it extremely hard to access an account unless you have the 2FA code. Most accounts provide backup codes you can use if you’ve lost or damaged your phone.

幸运的是,Microsoft Authenticator提供了备份和恢复选项。 请注意,除非您具有2FA代码,否则2FA的设计将使其很难访问帐户。 大多数帐户都会提供备用码,如果您丢失或损坏了手机,可以使用该备用码。

Make sure you have a copy of the backup codes for each account before you attempt to change your authenticator device. You’ll then be able to use those if you experience any issues when trying to recover your accounts.

在尝试更改身份验证器设备之前,请确保您拥有每个帐户的备份代码副本。 然后,如果您在尝试恢复帐户时遇到任何问题,便可以使用它们。

打开旧手机上的备份选项 (Turn on the Backup Option on Your Old Phone)

If you need to recover your accounts on a new phone, you’ll have to turn on the backup option on your old one. To do this, open Microsoft Authenticator. Tap the three vertical dots at the top right, and then tap “Settings.”

如果您需要在新手机上恢复帐户,则必须打开旧手机上的备份选项。 为此,请打开Microsoft Authenticator。 点击右上角的三个垂直点,然后点击“设置”。

authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

In the “Backup” section, toggle-On “Cloud Backup” on an Android phone, or “iCloud Backup” on an iPhone.

在“备份”部分中,在Android手机上启用“云备份”,在iPhone上启用“ iCloud备份”。

authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

Your accounts will then be backed up to the Microsoft account you used when you first set up Microsoft Authenticator. iPhones also require that you have an iCloud account.

然后,您的帐户将备份到您首次设置Microsoft Authenticator时使用的Microsoft帐户。 iPhone还要求您具有iCloud帐户。

If you’re concerned about what’s actually backed up, it’s pretty straightforward. Your account and usernames, verification code, and various metadata, such as the time at which the backup was created, will all be included.

如果您担心实际备份的内容,那很简单。 您的帐户和用户名,验证码以及各种元数据(例如创建备份的时间)都将包括在内。

Authenticator creates an encrypted JSON Web Encryption blob (JWE) file using AES-256. It then hashes the data using SHA-512, and adds it to the JWE before storing the whole file and Key ID in your account. A detailed explanation of the backup and storage process is available if you want to dive a little deeper.

Authenticator使用AES-256创建一个加密的JSON Web加密blob(JWE)文件。 然后,使用SHA-512对数据进行哈希处理,然后将其添加到JWE,然后再将整个文件和**ID存储在您的帐户中。 如果您想更深入地了解,可以对备份和存储过程进行详细说明

在新手机上使用恢复选项 (Using the Recovery Option on Your New Phone)

Next, you’ll need to install Microsoft Authenticator on your new phone. Download it from the Google Play for Android or the Apple App Store for iPhone. Don’t set up any accounts using Microsoft Authenticator until after you’ve used the Recovery tool because it will overwrite matching site accounts.

接下来,您需要在新手机上安装Microsoft Authenticator。 从Android版Google Play或iPhone版Apple App Store下载。 在使用恢复工具之前,请不要使用Microsoft Authenticator设置任何帐户,因为它会覆盖匹配的站点帐户。

For example, say you set up 2FA on the Gmail account [email protected] in Authenticator on your new phone. However, Authenticator on your old phone contains the Gmail account [email protected] The Recovery tool will overwrite the [email protected] account you added to Authenticator on your new phone with the [email protected] account that exists in your backup.

例如,假设您在新手机的Authenticator中的Gmail帐户[email protected]上设置了2FA。 但是,旧手机上的身份验证器包含Gmail帐户[email protected]。 恢复工具将使用备份中存在的[email protected]帐户覆盖您在新手机上添加到Authenticator的[email protected]帐户。

To use the Recovery tool, open Microsoft Authenticator on your new phone, and then click “Begin Recovery.”

要使用恢复工具,请在新手机上打开Microsoft Authenticator,然后单击“开始恢复”。

authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

You’ll be asked to sign in to the Microsoft account you used for the backup on your old phone. Your accounts will then automatically be added to Microsoft Authenticator on your new one.

系统会要求您登录旧手机上用于备份的Microsoft帐户。 然后,您的帐户将自动添加到新帐户中的Microsoft Authenticator。

重新验证新版本并从旧版本中删除 (Revalidate on the New and Remove From the Old)

Some accounts will require you to revalidate, either by signing in to those accounts or scanning a QR code. Microsoft Authenticator will display a message if you need to do this. It’s essentially the same process you went through when you set up the account originally.

某些帐户将要求您重新验证,方法是登录这些帐户或扫描QR码。 如果需要,Microsoft Authenticator将显示一条消息。 基本上与您最初设置帐户时所经历的过程相同。

It’s also important to remove the accounts from your old phone. However, don’t do this until you’ve tested and made sure you can access these accounts on your new phone via Microsoft Authenticator.

从旧手机中删除帐户也很重要。 但是,在进行测试并确保可以通过Microsoft Authenticator在新手机*问这些帐户之前,请勿执行此操作。

To remove an account from your old phone, open Microsoft Authenticator on it. Tap the account you want to remove, and then tap “Remove Account.”

要从旧手机中删除帐户,请在其上打开Microsoft Authenticator。 点击您要删除的帐户,然后点击“删除帐户”。

authenticator_如何将Microsoft Authenticator移至新手机

You should also open all your 2FA accounts and see if your old phone is still shown as a valid authentication device; if it is, remove it.

您还应该打开所有2FA帐户,并查看旧手机是否仍显示为有效的身份验证设备; 如果是的话,将其删除。

Once you’ve removed all the accounts from Authenticator on your old phone, you can remove the app, as well. From this point onward, only your new phone will provide 2FA codes for you.

从旧手机上的身份验证器中删除所有帐户后,您也可以删除该应用程序。 从现在开始,只有您的新手机会为您提供2FA代码。

