


In celebration of International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting four women across Unity for this month’s Faces of Unity blog. Get to know Timoni West (Director of XR at Unity Labs, San Francisco), Nathalie Ndejuru (Workplace Experience Lead in the Americas, Montreal), Na’Tosha Bard (Technical Director of Core Research and Development, Copenhagen), and Shruti Verma (Head of Marketing in the Indian Subcontinent, Noida), and learn about their work and experiences at Unity!

为了庆祝国际妇女节,我们在本月的Faces of Unity博客中重点介绍了Unity上的四名妇女。 了解Timoni West(旧金山Unity Labs的XR主管),Nathalie Ndejuru(蒙特利尔的美洲工作场所经验主管),Na'Tosha Bard(哥本哈根核心研究与开发技术总监)和Shruti Verma(印度次大陆诺伊达(Noida)市场部负责人,并在Unity上了解他们的工作和经验!

您在Unity做什么? (What do you do at Unity?)

Timoni – I’m the Director of XR in Unity Labs. Labs creates prototypes, publishes papers, works on advanced product development, and explores how technologies relevant to games and content creation will evolve over the next decade. We have teams working in a variety of fields: AI and machine learning, graphics research, computer vision, XR, and UX.

Timoni –我是Unity Labs XR的主管。 实验室创建原型,发表论文,致力于高级产品开发,并探索与游戏和内容创作相关的技术在未来十年中将如何发展。 我们的团队在各个领域工作:人工智能和机器学习,图形研究,计算机视觉,XR和UX。

Nathalie – I’m the Workplace Experience Lead for the Americas, meaning I work with a team of amazing Workplace Experience (WE) ambassadors, coordinators, and managers in our various offices to ensure that we provide the best work environment for all of our lovely Unity peeps.

纳塔莉(Nathalie) –我是美洲工作场所经验负责人,这意味着我与我们各个办公室中令人惊叹的工作场所经验(WE)大使,协调员和经理团队合作,以确保我们为所有可爱的人提供最佳的工作环境团结窥视。

Na’Tosha – I’m a Technical Director in Core Research and Development. My main focus right now is on special projects related to data engineering, data-driven development, and information/knowledge sharing within our R&D team.

Na'Tosha –我是核心研发部门的技术总监。 我现在的主要重点是与我们的研发团队内部的数据工程,数据驱动的开发以及信息/知识共享相关的特殊项目。

Shruti – I’m the Head of Marketing for the Indian Subcontinent. My responsibilities include increasing awareness of Unity for industry adoption, partner marketing fulfilment for partner programs signed in the region, and media and communications.  

Shruti –我是印度次大陆的营销主管。 我的职责包括提高对Unity在行业中采用的认识,对在该地区签署的合作伙伴计划的合作伙伴营销成果以及媒体和传播的认识。

什么使您对Unity的未来以及公司的发展方向感到兴奋? (What excites you about the future of Unity and where the company is going?)

Timoni – We’re at an inflection point where we are able to take all of the features we’ve developed as a game engine and move that into real world interactivity—in fact, Unity itself can be used as world creation engine. And that’s tremendously exciting.

Timoni –我们正处在一个转折点,我们可以将我们作为游戏引擎开发的所有功能都带入到现实世界的交互性中—实际上,Unity本身可以用作世界创建引擎。 这非常令人兴奋。

Nathalie – Unity is the future – so many new verticals – the possibilities are endless.

纳塔莉(Nathalie) –团结就是未来–如此众多的垂直领域–无限的可能性。

Na’Tosha – Right now, I think I’m most excited about the Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) initiative. I believe it has a lot of potential to push all kinds of boundaries and change the default way we think about creating highly-performant games.

Na'Tosha –现在,我认为我对面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS)计划感到最兴奋。 我相信,它有很大的潜力来突破各种界限,并改变我们认为创建高性能游戏的默认方式。

Shruti – The future will be built on Unity! We will be the de facto platform for Industry 4.0 and beyond.

Shruti –未来将建立在Unity的基础上! 我们将成为工业4.0及更高版本的事实平台。

您从事过哪些很棒的项目/当前正在从事什么工作? (What cool projects have you worked/are you currently working on?)

Timoni – Project MARS, our new extension for creating mixed reality, is the big focus for this year. Our goal is to give developers the ability to make spatial computing work the way we imagine in our heads and see in movies—but in real life, on real hardware.

Timoni – MARS项目是我们创造混合现实的新扩展,是今年的重点。 我们的目标是使开发人员能够像头脑中想象的那样在电影中观看空间,而在现实生活中,在真实的硬件上进行空间计算。

Nathalie – Well I think WE has the best projects. The WE team creates beautiful office spaces for our employees so they can do their best work. In 2018, WE delivered two massive projects in the Americas: moving into our new Montreal and Bellevue offices – opening day was incredibly exciting and rewarding. Nothing beats seeing employee reactions when they see their new space for the first time. 2019 will have no shortage of real cool projects. We just delivered one of the coolest office space for our Colombia office in beautiful Pereira. The office has a new Unity look with a very Colombian flavor, very vibrant.

Nathalie –好吧,我认为我们有最好的项目。 WE团队为我们的员工创造了美丽的办公空间,使他们能够尽力而为。 2018年,我们在美洲交付了两个大型项目:搬入我们在蒙特利尔和贝尔维尤的新办事处–开幕日令人兴奋和收获匪夷所思。 当员工第一次看到自己的新空间时,没有什么比看到员工的React更好。 2019年将不乏真正的酷项目。 我们刚刚为美丽的Pereira的哥伦比亚办事处提供了最酷的办公空间之一。 该办公室具有新的Unity外观,充满哥伦比亚风味,充满活力。

Na’Tosha – I’ve worked on a lot of things in my time here. For several years I built up the area that has now become our internal developer services organization. It’s not such a “shiny” area, but I really enjoy working on internal tooling in general because my immediate “customers” are actually the other developers in R&D and I get to work with them every day. I also worked a fair amount on the Linux port of Unity (first the runtime, which we released I believe in 2012, and then the editor, which has been available in an “experimental beta” for a few years now, but I believe will be officially supported soon). Right now I’m focusing a lot on a few different initiatives around performance testing, which is really exciting.

Na'Tosha –在此期间,我从事很多工作。 几年来,我建立了这个区域,现已成为我们的内部开发人员服务组织。 这不是一个“闪亮”的领域,但是我真的很喜欢内部工具的总体开发,因为我的直接“客户”实际上是研发中的其他开发人员,我每天都与他们合作。 我还在Unity的Linux端口上进行了大量工作(首先是运行时,我相信该运行时是在2012年发布的,然后是编辑器,已经在“实验beta”中使用了几年,但我相信它将即将获得正式支持)。 现在,我将很多精力集中在围绕性能测试的一些不同举措上,这确实令人兴奋。

Shruti – I worked on the debut edition of Unite India in 2017 , the second edition in 2018, and last year I got to highlight women creators from the Indian Subcontinent on Women’s Day.

什鲁蒂(Shruti) –我参与了2017年印度统一版的首次亮相,2018年第二版的工作,去年我在妇女节上重点介绍了来自印度次大陆的女性创作者。

是什么让您决定加入Unity? (What made you decide to join Unity?)

Timoni – Three things: the people, the ability to work on a great product, and the knowledge that it was the best place I could possibly be to work on spatial computing tools.

Timoni –三件事:人员,开发出色产品的能力,以及认识到我可能是从事空间计算工具的最佳场所的知识。

Nathalie – I was hearing of people leaving my previous workplace to go work for Unity and it got me curious. I looked at what Unity was and got really excited and then an Office Manager role in Montreal opened up. I met with the team, loved them, and voilà! Almost 4 years later and we’ve grown from 18 to 150 people in Montreal, and we’re still growing. Loving it more each day!

纳塔莉(Nathalie) –我听说有人离开我以前的工作场所去为Unity工作,这让我感到好奇。 我看着Unity是什么,并感到非常兴奋,然后在蒙特利尔开设了Office Manager职位。 我遇见了团队,爱他们,并且瞧瞧! 将近4年后,我们在蒙特利尔的人口从18人增加到150人,并且仍在增长。 每天都喜欢它!

Na’Tosha – I joined Unity in 2010. I was really interested in how Unity was taking a different and more accessible approach to the creation of games and Unity as the “underdog” at the time appealed to me. Joining a smaller company that was still in the startup phase was also something I was sure would bring a lot of opportunities to do big and great things.

Na'Tosha –我于2010年加入Unity。我对Unity如何采用一种不同且更易于访问的方法来创建游戏非常感兴趣,而Unity作为当时的“弱者”吸引了我。 我确信,加入仍处于起步阶段的较小公司,这也将带来很多做大事的机会。

Shruti – I started engaging with Unity in my previous organization for the Indian Games Industry. The more I engaged with Unity, the more I realized how deeply committed Unity was to its community. Coming from the non-profit industry with 12 years of experience, I wanted to shift to the corporate world where I could learn more about the industry by being on the other side of the table, but with an organization which believed in the larger good for the developer community and was driving innovation.

Shruti –我开始在以前的印度游戏产业组织中与Unity合作。 我与Unity投入的越多,我就越意识到Unity对社区的忠诚度。 我来自非营利性行业,拥有12年的经验,我想转到公司世界,在那里我可以站在桌子的​​另一端,从而了解更多关于该行业的信息,但我的组织相信这样做有更大的好处开发者社区并推动创新。

您在这里遇到过任何专业里程碑吗? (Have you met any professional milestones here?)

Timoni – Having a fantastic mentor as my boss, and so many inspiring leaders across the company to work with. They have been the support I needed to do many things I’m proud of at Unity. I was promoted to a directorship, I’ve been given the opportunity to manage an insanely talented team, and I’ve helped to release projects that are solid gifts to the immersive community, like EditorXR.

蒂莫尼(Timoni) –作为我老板的出色导师,以及公司中许多鼓舞人心的领导者与之一起工作。 他们一直是我在Unity上引以为傲的事情所需的支持。 我被提升为董事职位,我有机会管理一个疯狂的才华横溢的团队,而且我还帮助发布了一些项目,这些项目对沉浸式社区来说是 一份天赋 ,例如 EditorXR

Nathalie – Yep! I raised my hand and got promoted to Lead for the Americas Workplace Experience team last year. I am very grateful for this opportunity –  I learn every day, I want to give my best to the team at all times. Plus I get to travel quite a bit which I love.

娜塔莉 –是的! 去年,我举起了手,并升职为“美洲工作场所经验”团队负责人。 我非常感谢这次机会–我每天都在学习,我希望在任何时候都尽我所能。 另外,我也很喜欢旅行。

Na’Tosha – I’ve accomplished a lot of things at Unity, though I’m not sure what is defined as a “milestone”. I’ve definitely gotten to travel a lot, build up a solid network of people, and take on as much responsibility as I was ready for. I’ve built an entire department from scratch and my shift a few years ago into a Technical Director role also came with a lot of opportunities to have a great impact.

Na'Tosha –尽管我不确定将什么定义为“里程碑”,但我在Unity上已经完成了很多工作。 我肯定已经旅行了很多,建立了坚实的人员网络,并承担了我准备承担的全部责任。 我从头开始建立了整个部门,几年前我转任技术总监一职也带来了很多产生巨大影响的机会。

Shruti – As Indian Subcontinent is new territory, I’ve accomplished a lot of things at Unity. What remains close to my heart is that I launched the first Unite for the region, attended by 1200 delegates and the second edition of Unite India 2018, was attended by 1500 delegates.

什鲁蒂(Shruti) –印度次大陆是新的领域,我在Unity取得了很多成就。 令我心动的是,我发起了该地区的第一届Unite大会,有1200名代表参加,第二版的Unite India 2018,有1500名代表参加了。

对考虑加入Unity的人的建议? (Advice to someone considering joining Unity?)

Timoni – You won’t regret it. You’ll have fun.

蒂莫尼 –你不会后悔的。 你会很开心的。

Nathalie – I think being a good fit with the Unity Values is important: we do put the users first, we’re in it together, you have to not be afraid to go bold and share your ideas because it is true that the best ideas win.  

Nathalie –我认为与Unity价值观保持良好的联系非常重要:我们确实将用户放在首位,我们团结在一起,您不必害怕大胆地分享您的想法,因为最好的想法是对的赢得。

Na’Tosha – I know it might be daunting because Unity is “big”, but we’ve managed to retain a lot of the culture and feeling we had when we were small and that’s really valuable.

Na'Tosha –我知道这可能会令人生畏,因为Unity是“大公司”,但是我们设法保留了我们小时候的文化和感觉,这确实很有价值。

Shruti – If you are passionate about innovating, and helping companies and developers succeed, then Unity is the place for you.

Shruti –如果您热衷于创新并帮助公司和开发人员取得成功,那么Unity是适合您的地方。

对公司文化有何想法? (Thoughts on company culture?)

Timoni – Our level of healthy communication is off the charts. You don’t need to be afraid to speak your mind, and your opinions will be respected.

蒂莫尼(Timoni) –我们健康的沟通水平 令人难以置信 。 您无需害怕发表意见,您的意见将受到尊重。

Nathalie – Openness. I feel like it is an environment where you can be yourself. You can share ideas and be heard.

纳塔莉 -开放性。 我觉得这是一个可以成为自己的环境。 您可以分享想法并被别人听到。

Na’Tosha – I enjoy the freedom we generally have to speak our minds and involve ourselves in what we believe in.

Na'Tosha –我享受*,通常我们必须发表言论并让自己参与到我们的信仰中来。

Shruti – I enjoy the frank and warm culture of Unity. You can always reach out to anyone across the board for any help and inputs without hesitation. Everyone is ready to help you with a smile and welcome your inputs.

什鲁蒂(Shruti) –我喜欢团结的坦率和热情的文化。 您随时可以毫不犹豫地与任何人联系,寻求帮助和意见。 每个人都准备好帮助您微笑并欢迎您的投入。

最喜欢的电子游戏? (Favorite video game?)

Timoni – All time, Ocarina of Time and Skyrim, but man I have a soft spot for Night in the Woods right now. It’s just so freaking funny.

蒂莫尼(Timoni) -一直以来 都是《时空陶笛》 和《 天际》的 代言人 ,但是我 现在 对树林之夜 情有独钟 。 真是太好笑了。

Nathalie – I am not really a gamer, though I did spend some time chasing Pokemon and playing with Angry Birds. Oh and I have Monument Valley just for the art!

纳塔莉(Nathalie) –我并不是真正的游戏玩家,尽管我确实花了一些时间追逐 神奇宝贝(Pokemon) 和《 愤怒的小鸟》 ( Angry Birds) 玩 。 哦,我有 纪念碑谷, 只是为了艺术!

Na’Tosha – For a long time it was Diablo II and then Neverwinter Nights. From more recent games, probably Deus-Ex: Human Revolution. I also really enjoyed both Dragon Quest Builders and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch.

Na'Tosha –很长一段时间是 暗黑破坏神II ,然后是 无冬之夜 。 在较新的游戏中,可能是《 Deus-Ex:人类革命》。 我也非常喜欢 《勇者斗恶龙》的建造者《塞尔达传说: 任天堂开关上的 狂野呼吸》



在Unity工作最喜欢的是什么? (What’s your favorite thing about working at Unity?)

Timoni – The international mix. Working alongside colleagues from many countries and walks of life means that my own perspective has broadened substantially since joining Unity. Also people love Unity, and it’s so validating to meet users who are genuinely excited about the product.

Timoni –国际组合。 与许多国家和各行各业的同事一起工作意味着,自加入Unity以来,我的见解已大大扩展。 人们也 喜欢 Unity,因此满足真正对产品感到兴奋的用户非常有帮助。

Nathalie – Everything! I love the people, the culture, the projects, everything!

娜塔莉 –一切! 我爱人民,文化,项目,一切!

Na’Tosha – The freedom and opportunity that I personally have makes my workday fulfilling and I enjoy knowing that I’ve had a big role in helping Unity grow from what it was in 2010 to what it is now. On a personal note, the flexibility we have in our workday and schedules is extremely valuable to me as a mother with a young child at home.

Na'Tosha –我个人的*和机会使我的工作充实,我很高兴知道我在帮助Unity从2010年发展到现在的过程中发挥了重要作用。 就个人而言,我作为一个有小孩子的母亲,对我的工作和日程安排具有极大的灵活性。

Shruti – Flexibility, autonomy, and freedom to pursue the goals of the organization and the team.

Shruti –追求组织和团队目标的灵活性,自主权和*。

您会告诉某人考虑您所在领域的职业吗? (What would you tell someone considering a career in your field?)

Timoni – Learn as much and prototype as much as you possibly can. Beg, borrow, or steal the hardware.

蒂莫尼(Timoni) –尽可能多地学习和制作原型。 乞求,借用或窃取硬件。

Nathalie – You have to love multi-tasking, be flexible, be a good listener, and know how to say no with a smile

纳塔莉(Nathalie) –您必须热爱多任务处理,保持灵活,成为一个好的倾听者,并且懂得笑着说不

Na’Tosha – Go for it! Technology is our future and making technology is a great way to have an impact on the world.

Na'Tosha加油 ! 技术是我们的未来,而制造技术是对世界产生影响的好方法。

Shruti – Keep an open mind and be a good listener.

Shruti –保持开放的胸怀,并成为一个好听众。


If you’re interested in learning more about Unity Technologies and opportunities to work with Timoni, Nathalie, Na’Tosha, or Shruti, check out our careers page!

如果您想了解有关Unity技术的更多信息,并希望与Timoni,Nathalie,Na'Tosha或Shruti合作,请查看我们的 职业页面!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/03/08/faces-of-unity-international-womens-day/
