ROS MoveIt motion_planning_api_tutorial运行错误

MoveIt motion_planning_api_tutorial运行错误


Ubuntu16.04 +ROS kinetic 环境下根据Moveit官网教程安装Moveit并执行教学Demo,其中motion planning api教程,执行

roslaunch moveit_tutorials motion_planning_api_tutorial.launch


[ INFO] [1542094534.982780604]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1542094535.034559684]: rviz version 1.12.16
[ INFO] [1542094535.034772607]: compiled against Qt version 5.5.1
[ INFO] [1542094535.034821834]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon)
[ INFO] [1542094535.074079088]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1542094535.162254147]: Initializing OMPL interface using ROS parameters
[ INFO] [1542094535.182060369]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1542094535.182157262]: OpenGl version: 3 (GLSL 1.3).
[ INFO] [1542094535.247378432]: Using planning interface 'OMPL'
[ INFO] [1542094535.262996856]: RemoteControl Ready.
[ INFO] [1542094535.466988253]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ERROR] [1542094535.481714714]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "100" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of an invalid quaternion in the transform (0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000)
[ INFO] [1542094535.939800520]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1542094536.002095107]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ INFO] [1542094536.056537778]: Starting scene monitor
[ INFO] [1542094536.059636542]: Listening to '/move_group/monitored_planning_scene'
[ INFO] [1542094536.061016046]: waitForService: Service [/get_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1542094541.067191576]: Failed to call service get_planning_scene, have you launched move_group? at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-planning-0.9.15/planning_scene_monitor/src/planning_scene_monitor.cpp:498

ROS MoveIt motion_planning_api_tutorial运行错误

[ WARN] [1542094584.362594239]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1542094584.362725271]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ INFO] [1542094584.362798699]: No solution found after 0.000639 seconds


这个问题已在今年一月得到解决,但目前只在ROS melodic中得到更新,为了避免其他错误,建议直接下载新的motion_planning_api_tutorial包 进行替换并编译,问题即得到解决。