
Ubuntu Linux includes a great Disk Usage Analyzer GUI tool that will let you figure out what files and folders are taking up all the space on your hard drive. This is one of those great little tools that should be bundled with every operating system.

Ubuntu Linux包括一个出色的Disk Usage Analyzer GUI工具,它可以让您确定哪些文件和文件夹占用了硬盘驱动器上的所有空间。 这是应该与每个操作系统捆绑在一起的很棒的小工具之一。

You’ll find the tool on your Accessories menu:



When you start the tool,  you have a choice of opening the filesystem or a particular folder. If you choose filesystem, you will have to wait for a while because it’s going through and checking all the files and folders on your system… but it’s worth the wait when you see the nice GUI in action:

启动该工具时,可以选择打开文件系统或特定文件夹。 如果选择文件系统,则必须等待一段时间,因为它正在检查系统中的所有文件和文件夹…但是当您看到运行中的漂亮GUI时,值得等待:


Right click on anything in the tree, and you will see a list of options:



Open will obviously open that folder with Gnome’s file browser. List all files in folder will show you the list right in the tool.

打开显然会使用Gnome的文件浏览器打开该文件夹。 列出文件夹中的所有文件将在工具中向您显示列表。

The folder graphical map seems like a nice idea, but as of this howto, doesn’t look like it tells you the name of the file/folder in the map. I’m sure that will be resolved soon.

文件夹图形化地图似乎是个不错的主意,但从本教程的使用情况来看,它似乎并不能告诉您地图中文件/文件夹的名称。 我相信这会很快解决。

You can also delete files from within the tool, which is an added plus.


Tested on: Ubuntu Edgy Eft. (Tool may not exist on prior versions)

经过测试:Ubuntu Edgy Eft。 (该工具可能在早期版本中不存在)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/check-your-disk-usage-on-ubuntu-with-disk-usage-analyzer/