cent os 火狐_Firefox OS模拟器

cent os 火狐

cent os 火狐_Firefox OS模拟器

If you haven't heard yet, Mozilla is working on an awesome new phone OS called Firefox OS.  From a developer's perspective, highlights include:

如果您还没有听说过,Mozilla会在开发一款名为Firefox OS的出色手机操作系统 。 从开发人员的角度来看,重点包括:

  • all apps are and will be created from CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

  • the OS is open source

  • each app runs as its own virtual Firefox/browser process

    每个应用程序均以其自己的虚拟Firefox /浏览器进程运行
  • installing apps from Firefox Marketplace is incredibly easy

    从Firefox Marketplace安装应用程序非常简单
  • support for mobile will push Firefox to keep improving performance

  • more!


While it's now possible to create your own FirefoxOS build, many of you probably don't want to take the time quite yet.  No problem -- there's a faster solution for getting a sneak peak at Firefox OS:  Firefox OS Simulator (formerly R2D2B2G). Firefox OS Simulator is installed into Firefox like any other plugin, and once activated, is activated by selecting Tools > Web Developer > FirefoxOS Simulator.

尽管现在可以创建自己的FirefoxOS构建,但是许多人可能还不想花时间。 没问题-有一个更快的解决方案可以在Firefox OS上达到一个潜行高峰: Firefox OS Simulator (以前称为R2D2B2G)。 Firefox OS Simulator和其他任何插件一样都安装在Firefox中,一旦**,就可以通过选择Tools > Web Developer > FirefoxOS Simulator来**Tools > Web Developer > FirefoxOS Simulator

Once installed, Firefox OS Simulator allows you to move from screen to screen, open any app (though some APIs like Camera don't work within the simulator yet), install apps from the Firefox Marketplace or any other domain, and just about anything else. FirefoxOS Simulator is great for developers looking to do heavy Firefox OS app development or simply get a preview of what's to come from Firefox OS.  Grab Firefox OS Simulator and get excited about Mozilla's upcoming platform!

安装完成后,Firefox OS Simulator允许您在屏幕之间切换,打开任何应用程序(尽管某些相机之类的API尚无法在模拟器中使用),从Firefox Marketplace或任何其他域中安装应用程序,以及几乎所有其他内容。 FirefoxOS Simulator非常适合希望进行繁重的Firefox OS应用程序开发或只是预览Firefox OS内容的开发人员。 获取Firefox OS Simulator,并对Mozilla即将推出的平台感到兴奋!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/firefoxos-simulator

cent os 火狐