redis ram模式_RAM的完整形式是什么?

redis ram模式

RAM:随机存取存储器 (RAM: Random Access Memory)

RAM is an abbreviation of Random Access Memory. RAM is the main memory of a computer or mobile phone. It is a memory that is volatile and shows that when the computer is switched off, data are disoriented in RAM. In RAM, a user can alter or remove his data. On a device at the present, data or applications being used are kept in reserve in RAM from the hard drives because data from the RAM are loaded much quicker than the hard drives. With the upsurge in the faculty of a user’s personal computer RAM, his computer speed will upsurge. Arbitrarily from any single byte, data can be read and write and this is the reason, it is known as "random access".

RAM是Random Access Memory的缩写RAM是计算机或手机的主内存。 它是易失性的内存,表明关闭计算机后,数据会在RAM中迷失方向。 在RAM中,用户可以更改或删除其数据。 在目前的设备上,正在使用的数据或应用程序从硬盘驱动器中保留在RAM中,因为从RAM加载数据的速度比硬盘驱动器快得多。 随着用户个人计算机RAM数量的增加,他的计算机速度也将提高。 可以从任何单个字节任意读取和写入数据,这就是原因,它被称为“随机访问”

redis ram模式_RAM的完整形式是什么?

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RAM类型 (Types of RAM)

RAM can be classified commonly into two types,


    Static RAM is much quicker and extra costly than DRAM. As cache memory, it frequently operates. In SRAM, Information is volatile. It keeps in reserve a bit of data by using six transistor memory cells.
    静态RAM比DRAM更快,成本更高。 作为缓存,它经常运行。 在SRAM中,信息是易失的。 通过使用六个晶体管存储单元,它可以保留一点数据。
  2. DRAM:内存
    Dynamic RAM is not that much quicker than SRAM. In DRAM also, information is volatile. It keeps in reserve a bit of data by using a couple of transistors and a capacitor. As it is less costly, almost all computers use DRAM.
    动态RAM并不比SRAM快多少。 同样在DRAM中,信息是易失的。 通过使用一对晶体管和一个电容器,它可以保留一些数据。 由于成本较低,几乎所有计算机都使用DRAM。

RAM规格 (Specifications of RAM)

  • RAM is a kind of storage device, which operates as the main memory.RAM是一种存储设备,它充当主内存。
  • RAM determines the computer speed.RAM确定计算机的速度。
  • RAM is very small in comparison to hard disk, both structurally as well as facility.RAM在结构和功能上都非常小。

RAM的优点 (Advantages of RAM)

  • This upsurge the speed of the computer system, the RAM will be more according to the greater speed of the system.

  • In comparison to hard disk, CD, DVD, FLOPPY DISK and USB, the CPU can read data quicker than RAM.

  • The use of power is in very less amount in which life of battery increases.

  • Not a single of its sections moves because there is no moving section in it.

  • RAM can write and remove actions of functioning.


RAM的缺点 (Disadvantages of RAM)

  • The cost of each bit of RAM is very high, as the RAM of the computer is less.

  • In RAM, the data cannot be kept in reserve perpetually because it is volatile.

  • It is highly costly and expensive to buy.

  • In comparison to the data access from registers and cache, CPU read the data slowly from RAM.



redis ram模式