

Nordic凭借着在无线技术的数十年深耕,推出第一个μBlue芯片-- nRF8001。其低功耗等特性在当时吸引了无数厂商的目光,并将这产品应用到多个领域,再之后,推出了超低功耗无线SoC nRF51系列,利用其高度整合、性能、灵活性和使用嵌入式协定堆叠在 SoC 上开发无线应用程序的易用性等优点将蓝牙无线应用简便性推前一大步。2015年6月,Nordic推出了其新一代的nRF52系列的超低功耗无线解决方案的首款产品nRF52832,nRF52832搭载  64MHz ARM Cortex-M4F处理器、具有512kB 闪存和64kB RAM、片上RF Balun、并加入NFC功能,更低的功耗更高的性能。


Key features

  • 2.4 GHz transceiver
    • -96 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth® low energy mode
    • 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps supported data rates
    • TX Power -20 to +4 dBm in 4 dB steps
    • Single pin antenna interface
    • 5.5 mA peak current in RX and TX (0 dBm)
    • RSSI (1 dB resolution)
  • ARM® Cortex™-M4 32-bit processor with FPU, 64 MHz
    • 52 μA/MHz running from flash memory
    • 48 μA/MHz running from RAM
    • Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT), Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM), and Instrumentation Trace Macro cell (ITM)
    • Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
    • Trace port
  • Flexible Power Management
    • Supply voltage range 1.7 V to 3.6 V
    • Fully automatic LDO and DC/DC regulator system
    • Fast wake-up using 64 MHz internal oscillator
    • 0.4 μA at 3 V in OFF mode
    • 0.7μA at 3 V in OFF mode with 32 kB RAM retention
    • 1.9 μA at 3 V in ON mode, 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and Real Time Counter running with 32 kB RAM retention
  • Memory
    • 512 kB flash/64 kB RAM
  • Nordic SoftDevice ready
  • Support for concurrent multi-protocol
  • Type 2 Near Field Communication (NFC-A) Tag with wakeup on field
  • 12-bit, 200 ksps ADC - 8 configurable channels with programmable gain
  • 64 level comparator
  • 15 level low power comparator with wakeup
  • Temperature sensor
  • 32 General Purpose I/O Pins
  • 3 x 4 channel Pulse Width Modulator units with EasyDMA
  • Digital microphone interface (PDM)
  • 5x 32-bit timers with counter mode
  • Up to 3x SPI Master/Slave with EasyDMA
  • 2x I2C compatible 2-Wire Master/Slave
  • UART (CTS/RTS) with EasyDMA
  • Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI)
  • Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)
  • AES HW encryption with EasyDMA
  • 3x Real Timer Counter (RTC)
  • Package variants
    • QFN48 package, 6 x 6 mm
    • WLCSP package, 3.0 x 3.2 mm



