unity开发bim_Unity Reflect:一键式将BIM转换为实时3D,以做出更好的设计决策

unity开发bim_Unity Reflect:一键式将BIM转换为实时3D,以做出更好的设计决策


Announcing Unity Reflect, a new product for architects, building designers, and engineers to transfer multiple BIM models into real-time 3D in one click. Unity Reflect improves design review and construction planning processes by seamlessly syncing changes made in Autodesk Revit to any Unity Reflect-supported platform, from mobile and desktop to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). With Unity Reflect, create real-time 3D experiences…in real-time.

宣布推出Unity Reflect,这是一款适用于建筑师,建筑设计师和工程师的新产品,可通过一次单击将多个BIM模型转换为实时3D。 Unity Reflect通过将Autodesk Revit中所做的更改无缝同步到Unity Reflect支持的任何平台(从移动和桌面到虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)),从而改善了设计审查和施工计划流程。 借助Unity Reflect,可以实时创建实时3D体验。

It takes multiple teams to turn buildings from vision to reality. But as clients’ timelines become tighter and project requirements get more complex, it is imperative for stakeholders across the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry to quickly iterate and make the right design decisions.

需要多个团队将建筑物从视觉变为现实。 但是,随着客户的时间越来越紧,项目要求变得越来越复杂,建筑,工程和建设(AEC)行业的利益相关者必须快速迭代并做出正确的设计决策。

Today, we unveiled Unity Reflect: a new product designed to make it easy to create immersive and interactive experiences. With Unity Reflect, BIM/CAD models from multiple designers are live-linked to a federated real-time 3D view, enabling your project stakeholders to review and make smart design decisions in real-time. See how:

今天,我们推出了Unity Reflect:一种旨在简化创建沉浸式和互动式体验的新产品。 借助Unity Reflect,来自多个设计师的BIM / CAD模型可以实时链接到联合的实时3D视图,使您的项目涉众可以实时查看并做出明智的设计决策。 怎么看:


Unity Reflect accelerates the project lifecycle for buildings and infrastructure by bringing real-time 3D to anyone. Being able to visualize projects clearly (both during design and in the field), identify mistakes before they become downstream problems, and drive consensus keeps projects on track and on budget.

通过将实时3D带给任何人,Unity Reflect可以加快建筑物和基础设施的项目生命周期。 能够清晰地可视化项目(在设计期间和在现场),能够在错误成为下游问题之前发现错误,并达成共识,从而使项目保持在预期的预算范围内。

Unity Reflect is accessible to all project stakeholders, regardless of their level of technical expertise. In fact, to use the product, you don’t need to be a Unity developer or know how to write a single line of code. But if you are a developer, you can customize and build upon Unity Reflect to create the best experience for your end users.

所有项目涉众,无论他们的技术专业水平如何,都可以使用Unity Reflect。 实际上,要使用该产品,您无需成为Unity开发人员,也不需要知道如何编写一行代码。 但是,如果您是开发人员,则可以自定义并基于Unity Reflect建立基础,以为最终用户创造最佳体验。

Try Unity Reflect

尝试Unity Reflect

Unity对AEC的承诺 (Unity’s commitment to AEC)

Unity Reflect underscores our commitment to and continued investment in the AEC industry.

Unity Reflect强调了我们对AEC行业的承诺和持续的投资。

Our collaboration with Autodesk is pivotal to streamlining AEC workflows. With Autodesk, we’re making it easier to turn 3D data into immersive, interactive experiences on any platform.

我们与Autodesk的合作对于简化AEC工作流程至关重要。 借助Autodesk,我们可以更轻松地将3D数据转换为任何平台上的身临其境的交互式体验。

Unity Reflect’s native integration with Revit is part of our ongoing collaboration to provide seamless integrations and full data interoperability between our platform and Autodesk’s design tools.

Unity Reflect与Revit的本机集成是我们正在进行的合作的一部分,旨在在我们的平台与Autodesk设计工具之间提供无缝集成以及完全的数据互操作性。

“Our collaboration with Unity is important because visualization has become a vital part of the design process, particularly in the AEC industry where time is money,” said Andrew Anagnost, Autodesk president and CEO. “Real-time, immersive experiences are becoming the norm, and this integration with Autodesk Revit cuts down on dead time between revisions and meetings, which is critical to giving our shared customers a competitive edge.”

Autodesk总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Anagnost说:“我们与Unity的合作非常重要,因为可视化已成为设计过程中至关重要的部分,尤其是在时间就是金钱的AEC行业中。” “实时,身临其境的体验已成为规范,与Autodesk Revit的这种集成减少了修订和会议之间的停工时间,这对于使我们共享的客户具有竞争优势至关重要。”

Unity Reflect如何工作 (How Unity Reflect works)

First, Revit users install the Unity Reflect plugin, enabling them to easily transfer and prepare data for real-time 3D experiences without leaving their design tools.

首先,Revit用户安装了Unity Reflect插件 ,使他们能够轻松地为实时3D体验传输和准备数据,而无需离开设计工具。

Then, with one click, Revit users start the sync of BIM/CAD data to Unity Reflect and create a real-time 3D experience. Every time you make a change in Revit, it is displayed in Unity Reflect. It’s that simple.

然后,一键单击,Revit用户即可开始将BIM / CAD数据同步到Unity Reflect,并创建实时3D体验。 每次在Revit中进行更改时,它都会显示在Unity Reflect中。 就这么简单。

There’s a lot of complexity behind the scenes though. Through a seamless data federation process hosted on a local machine or a network server, Unity Reflect brings together BIM and/or CAD data from multiple designers and engineers working on different systems in one model. It automatically optimizes this data for real-time 3D, including preserving BIM metadata.

虽然幕后有很多复杂性。 通过托管在本地计算机或网络服务器上的无缝数据联合过程,Unity Reflect 来自在一个模型中的不同系统上工作的多个设计师和工程师的BIM和/或CAD数据汇总在一起 。 它会针对实时3D自动优化此数据,包括保留BIM元数据。

Preparing and optimizing data from design tools for real-time 3D has historically been a painful, time-consuming process. Not with Unity Reflect.

从设计工具为实时3D准备和优化数据一直以来都是一个痛苦而费时的过程。 不支持Unity Reflect。

“The transfer of information and flexibility of linking into other programs has been impressive, and we’re excited to see how this can augment our existing capabilities,” said Kai Duebbert, managing director at Murphy Surveys.

“信息传递和链接到其他程序的灵活性令人印象深刻,我们很高兴看到它可以增强我们现有的功能,” Murphy Surveys的常务董事Kai Duebbert说。

Once all models are federated, Unity Reflect creates an interactive 3D experience that 1) can be distributed to any platform supported by Unity and 2) is live-linked to the original design applications, allowing simple customization and multiple reviewers.

联合所有模型后,Unity Reflect将创建一种交互式3D体验,该体验1)可以分发到Unity支持的任何平台,2)实时链接到原始设计应用程序,从而允许简单的自定义和多个审阅者。

Stakeholders can review the rendering on the platform of their choice: iOS, Android, Mac, PC, AR/VR devices, and more. That means you don’t need to be in the same room — or on the same device – to get on the same page. For instance, one participant can review on a VR headset, another can use a tablet to create an AR tabletop experience, and others can access the real-time 3D experience on their laptops.

利益相关者可以在他们选择的平台上查看渲染:iOS,Android,Mac,PC,AR / VR设备等。 这意味着您不必在同一房间或同一设备上即可进入同一页面。 例如,一个参与者可以在VR头戴式耳机上进行查看,另一个参与者可以使用平板电脑来创建AR桌面体验,而其他参与者可以在其笔记本电脑*问实时3D体验。

Unity Reflect supports multiple concurrent viewers, allowing various project stakeholders, from clients to field construction teams, to access this unified view simultaneously. This unlocks the ability for teams to collaborate in real-time and for decision-makers to review and approve a project without requiring access to design applications. Unity Reflect even has BIM/CAD filtering capabilities, allowing you to isolate ceilings, structural columns, walls, and other data in real-time 3D.

Unity Reflect支持多个并发查看器,使从客户到现场施工团队的各个项目涉众可以同时访问此统一视图。 这使团队可以进行实时协作,而决策者无需访问设计应用程序即可查看和批准项目。 Unity Reflect甚至还具有BIM / CAD过滤功能,使您可以实时3D隔离天花板,结构柱,墙壁和其他数据。

The live link means that as stakeholders share ideas and provide instant feedback, designers can make changes in their design applications (e.g., relocating doors, adding windows, and adjusting lighting, materials, and textures) and Unity Reflect will update the rendering in real-time for all viewers.

实时链接意味着,当利益相关者共享想法并提供即时反馈时,设计师可以在其设计应用程序中进行更改(例如,重新定位门,添加窗户以及调整照明,材质和纹理),并且Unity Reflect将实时更新渲染。所有观众的时间。

“Visualizing projects in the HoloLens and other augmented reality platforms is becoming increasingly important in our industry,” said Adam Chernick, associate, interactive visualization at SHoP Architects. “Unity Reflect is great because it gives design teams the ability to make changes and see those reflected instantly onsite in AR.”

“对HoloLens和其他增强现实平台中的项目进行可视化在我们行业中变得越来越重要,” SHoP Architects交互式可视化助理亚当·切尔尼克(Adam Chernick)说。 “ Unity Reflect很棒,因为它使设计团队能够进行更改,并在AR中立即看到更改。”

了解有关Unity Reflect的更多信息 (Learn more about Unity Reflect)

Unity Reflect is currently available in limited private release and will be generally available in fall 2019.


You can check out an instructional demo of the product at two upcoming events: the AIA Conference on Architecture 2019 in Las Vegas, June 6–8, and AU London 2019, June 17–19. If you’ll be there, book an appointment with our onsite AEC teams at A’19 and AU London.

您可以在即将举行的两个活动中查看该产品的说明性演示:6月6日至8日在拉斯维加斯举行的AIA 2019年建筑大会 ,以及6月17日至19日在AU伦敦举行 。 如果您要在那里,请与我们在A'19和AU伦敦的现场AEC团队预约。

Try Reflect for Free


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/06/05/unity-reflect-bim-to-real-time-3d-in-one-click-for-better-design-decisions/
