



Minecraft is favorite game of many geeks, but not everyone has heard of it. Here’s what it is, why geeks love it so much, and how to get started for yourself.

《我的世界》是许多怪胎最喜欢的游戏,但并不是每个人都听说过。 这就是它的原因,极客为什么如此喜欢它,以及如何开始自己。

If you’d rather see the game for yourself, scroll down to the bottom for a How-To Geek video tutorial.

如果您想亲自观看游戏,请向下滚动至底部以获取How-To Geek****。

它是什么? (What Is It?)


Minecraft is a game created by Markus Persson, AKA “Notch,” and the Mojang development team. It’s a free-form sandbox creation game; you can think of it like a virtual Lego world with aspects of Doodle God/Alchemy. Upon starting a game, a vast and intricate world is created, which includes mountains, hill, oceans, natural mines, underground rivers, and so forth.

Minecraft是由Markus Persson,AKA“ Notch”和Mojang开发团队共同开发的一款游戏。 这是一个*格式的沙箱创建游戏; 您可以将其视为一个虚拟的乐高世界,其中包含Doodle God / Alchemy。 开始游戏时,会创建一个广阔而复杂的世界,其中包括山脉,丘陵,海洋,天然矿山,地下河流等。


You’ll find cows and pigs and chickens roaming around, and at night (there’s a day-night cycle in place) you’ll see some monsters spawn and hunt you down. You can even domesticate wolves, a feature that was recently added to the mix. Everything is based on roughly one-cubic-meter-sized blocks, giving it that pixelated boxy feel, but make no mistake; this game is beautiful.

您会发现牛,猪和鸡在四处游荡,到了晚上(有一个昼夜循环),您会看到一些怪物生出并追捕您。 您甚至可以驯化狼,最近已将其添加到该功能中。 一切都基于大约1立方米大小的块,给人以像素化的四方形感觉,但没有犯错。 这个游戏很漂亮。


The controls are pretty easy to manage. It uses WASD for movement (replicating the arrow keys) and the mouse is for turning/looking. The Inventory key is E, which brings up all of the stuff you have collected on your person and you equip items for use here, too. You’ll also see a 2×2 grid which you can use for “crafting” tools.

这些控件非常易于管理。 它使用WASD进行移动(复制箭头键),而鼠标则用于旋转/查找。 库存键是E,它会调出您收集到的所有物品,并在这里装备要使用的物品。 您还将看到一个2×2网格,可用于“制作”工具。


You use the mouse wheel or the number keys to cycle through equipped items. Left-clicking will use an item and clicking and holding will continuously use it. The right mouse button is an “alternative” use; it lets you place objects or fire arrows from a bow. You jump with the Space bar and Left Shift lets you “sneak,” which puts you in a crouching position and prevents you from falling off of edges. All in all, pretty standard FPS controls, which you can change if you like.

您可以使用鼠标滚轮或数字键在装备好的项目之间循环。 左键单击将使用一个项目,单击并按住将持续使用它。 鼠标右键是“替代”用途; 它可以让您放置物体或从弓射箭。 您可以使用空格键跳转,并且“左移”使您可以“潜行”,这使您处于蹲伏位置并防止您掉落边缘。 总而言之,漂亮的标准FPS控件,您可以根据需要进行更改。

There are three major aspects to the game: crafting, mining, and surviving.


手工制作 (Crafting)

There’s no real goal in Minecraft, per se. You go around and build fantastic things in the world using things you can get from the environment. You can chop down trees, dig up dirt, and mine stone, for example. Certain types of blocks you can just place as-is, so you can make a wood house. The important mechanic, however, is crafting. You can put different materials together in different configurations to form different tools and objects. Your inventory screen lets you craft in a 2×2 grid, but you can build a workbench which allows you a 3×3 grid. In general, you put materials in configurations that look like what you want to make. Here’s the configuration for a stone pickaxe:

本质上,Minecraft没有真正的目标。 您可以利用从环境中获得的东西来四处建设世界上奇妙的事物。 例如,您可以砍树,挖土和挖石头。 您可以按原样放置某些类型的砖块,因此可以建造木屋。 但是,重要的技工是制作Craft.io。 您可以将不同的材料以不同的配置放在一起以形成不同的工具和对象。 您的清单屏幕可让您在2×2的网格中进行手工制作,但是您可以构建一个工作台,使您的3×3的网格成为可能。 通常,您将材料放在看起来像您想要制造的配置中。 这是石镐的配置:


This is for a furnace, which you can use to smelt iron ore into iron, or make sand into glass:



This is for torches:



You can make chests where you can store stuff, too. Between being able to place objects and blocks and being able to create new ones, you make some pretty majestic things. Here’s just a small taste of what you can build:

您也可以在箱子里存放东西。 在能够放置对象和块与能够创建新对象之间,您做了一些非常雄伟的事情。 这只是您可以构建的内容的一小部分:


矿业 (Mining)


While you can make useful tools out of wood, it’s not going to be enough for more advanced objects. Iron ore, as well as more durable materials, are found deep underground and to get to them you need to mine. The deeper you go, the more interesting things you’ll come across.

尽管您可以用木头制作有用的工具,但对于更高级的对象而言,这还远远不够。 在地下深处发现了铁矿石以及更耐用的材料,要开采它们,您需要进行开采。 您越深入,就会遇到更多有趣的事情。


As you can see, mining isn’t just about gathering materials, it’s about exploring the world. That’s as big a part of the allure of Minecraft as building and crafting. And the more you explore, the more likely you are to find rarer materials.

如您所见,采矿不仅仅是收集材料,还涉及探索世界。 这与Minecraft的魅力和建筑与手Craft.io一样重要。 您探索的越多,就越有可能找到稀有材料。


幸存 (Surviving)

To add to the challenge of the game, you have to survive. Dying doesn’t get rid of your saved game, but you lose everything you were carrying on your person, which can get destroyed before you get back to pick them up. Aside from falling from too high a height, jumping into a pit of lava, or drowning, there are plenty of other ways to die. Let’s take a look at the various baddies that spawn in the Minecraft world.

要增加游戏的挑战性,您必须生存。 垂死并不会消除您保存的游戏,但是您会丢失自己所携带的所有东西,在您重新拾起它们之前,它们可能会被摧毁。 除了从高处坠落,跳入熔岩坑或溺水之外,还有许多其他死亡方法。 让我们看看在《我的世界》世界中产生的各种坏处。




These guys are pretty easy. They’ll find you and come at you, but they just move in straight lines. You know one’s nearby when you hear a low grunting noise, something you’d expect from a zombie. Upon being exposed to bright light, like sunlight, they’ll burst into flame and die.

这些家伙很容易。 他们会找到你并向你袭来,但他们只是直线运动。 当您听到低声的咕noise声时,您便知道附近有人,这是僵尸所期望的。 暴露于阳光等明亮的光线下,它们会突然燃烧并死亡。




Spiders are neutral in the light; they won’t bother you unless you bother them, but they don’t burst into flame either. At night, however, they will attack on sight. They can jump and climb, which means they’re harder to avoid.

蜘蛛在光线中是中性的。 除非您打扰他们,否则他们不会打扰您,但它们也不会燃烧。 但是,到了晚上,他们会视线攻击。 它们可以跳跃和爬升,这意味着它们很难避免。




Skeletons will look for you and shoot arrows at you. Their ability to attack from a sizeable distance makes them really dangerous, and sometimes you’ll even find them mounted on spiders. Thankfully, Skeletons die in the sunlight, like Zombies.

骷髅会寻找你并向你射箭。 它们从很远的距离进行攻击的能力使它们确实很危险,有时您甚至会发现它们安装在蜘蛛上。 值得庆幸的是,骷髅像僵尸一样在阳光下死亡。




These things will be the bane of your existence. Upon getting close to you, you’ll hear them sizzle. Another second at close range and they’ll explode, doing massive damage to anything around them and destroying raw materials. Not only do they not die in the sunlight, they can can climb ladders. Tread carefully.

这些事情将成为你生存的祸根。 靠近您后,您会听到它们发出嘶嘶声。 在近距离再发射一秒,它们就会爆炸,对周围的物体造成巨大破坏,并破坏原材料。 它们不仅不会在阳光下死亡,还可以爬*。 小心踩一下。

Most monsters need a certain amount of darkness to spawn, so you’ll see them more at night and in underground caverns.


Whether by monsters or by falls, you’re bound to take damage. You can kill pigs to get raw pork, which you can cook in a furnace and eat to regain some health. You can farm to get wheat to make bread, cookies, and cake. You’re also able to change the difficulty so if things are too much for you, set it to “Peaceful” and almost all of the dangerous creatures won’t bother you anymore.

无论是怪物还是跌倒,您都必定会受到伤害。 您可以杀死猪以获得生猪肉,然后将其在炉子中烹饪并食用以恢复健康。 您可以种麦来做面包,饼干和蛋糕。 您还可以更改难度,因此,如果事情对您来说太多了,请将其设置为“和平”,几乎所有危险生物都不会再打扰您了。

为什么怪胎喜欢它 (Why Geeks Love It)


By now, you’ve got an idea of how Minecraft works, but to see it as a geek sees it, you also have to consider the following:


  1. Creativity is required: It’s no secret that creative pastimes can help you be more creative in other areas of life, and Minecraft’s vast world-building potential is the perfect place to unleash it. The possibilities truly are endless.

    创造力是必须的:创造力的消遣可以帮助您在生活的其他领域变得更有创造力,这不是什么秘密,而《我的世界》具有巨大的世界创造潜力是释放它的理想场所。 真正的可能性是无限的。
  2. Cross-platform: Since it’s written in Java, you can play it on whatever operating system you happen to be running at the moment. And, with some Dropbox-magic and know-how, you can take your save files with you wherever you go!

    跨平台:由于它是用Java编写的,因此您可以在当前碰巧正在运行的任何操作系统上进行播放。 并且,借助一些Dropbox的魔术知识和专有技术,您可以随身携带保存的文件!
  3. Servers: What’s a good game without online play? Not only can you find and join others’ communities, you can run your own server. There are numerous mods and third-party servers available, too.

    服务器:没有在线游戏,什么是好游戏? 您不仅可以找到并加入其他人的社区,还可以运行自己的服务器。 也有大量的mod和第三方服务器。

第一天的**** (Video Tutorial of Your First Day)

Getting through your first day in Minecraft can be difficult for beginners, so here’s a video tutorial complete with audio commentary. It’ll show you the basics of how the game works and what to do to survive.

对于初学者来说,在Minecraft中度过第一天可能会很困难,因此,这里有一个****,其中包含音频评论。 它将向您展示游戏如何运作以及如何生存。

How to survive your first day in Minecraft, Part 1
How to survive your first day in Minecraft, Part 2

Minecraft is currently in beta, which means it’s got some bugs, may be unpolished in places, and things are constantly changing. It’s at a reduced price while it’s in beta – currently €14.95 – and you get access to updates through the final version. There’s also no DRM involved! It’s a good idea to take a look through the copyright notice before you pull the trigger so you know exactly what you’re getting. You can find out all the necessary information at Minecraft.net.

Minecraft目前处于测试阶段,这意味着它存在一些错误,可能在某些地方未打磨,并且情况在不断变化。 它处于beta版时的价格有所降低-当前为14.95欧元-您可以通过最终版本访问更新。 也没有涉及DRM! 在拉动扳机之前,请仔细阅读版权声明,这是个好主意,这样您就可以确切了解要获得的内容。 您可以在Minecraft.net上找到所有必要的信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/58203/how-to-get-started-with-minecraft-a-game-geeks-love/
