



In photography, there are two types of lenses: zoom lenses and prime lenses. Zoom lenses cover a range of focal lengths. If you’ve just bought a new DSLR, the kit lens that comes with your camera is almost certainly a zoom lens; most come with an 18-55mm lens, which means that lens covers every focal length between 18mm and 55mm. A prime lens, on the other hand, covers just one focal length. A 50mm lens is just a 50mm lens.

在摄影中,有两种镜头:变焦镜头和定焦镜头。 变焦镜头可覆盖一定范围的焦距。 如果您刚刚购买了新的数码单反相机,则相机随附的套机镜头几乎可以肯定是变焦镜头。 大多数镜头都配有18-55mm镜头,这意味着镜头可覆盖18mm至55mm之间的每个焦距。 另一方面,定焦镜头仅覆盖一个焦距。 50mm的镜头就是50mm的镜头。

If, however, the 18-55mm lens that comes with your camera can be used as a 50mm lens, why on earth would you get a dedicated 50mm prime lens?


定焦镜头性能更好 (Prime Lenses Perform Better)

Focal length is just one of the characteristic of a lens; the other important one is aperture. Just knowing the focal length of a lens doesn’t tell us a whole lot about how it will perform in the real world.

焦距只是镜片的特性之一; 另一个重要的是光圈 。 仅仅知道镜头的焦距并不能告诉我们很多有关镜头在现实世界中的表现。

This image, like all the others in the article, was shot with a prime lens. For this photo, I used a $150 50mm prime. Even a $2000 zoom lens would have struggled to get this shot.
与本文中的所有其他图像一样,该图像也是用定焦镜头拍摄的。 对于这张照片,我使用了150美元的50毫米底漆。 即使是价值2000美元的变焦镜头,也很难获得这张照片。

Focal length determines the field of view and apparent magnification of the lens, while aperture determines the depth of field and low light performance. All 50mm lenses will share the same field of view and magnification, but they can have vastly different apertures.

焦距确定镜头的场和视在放大倍数 ,而光圈确定景深和低光性能。 所有50mm镜头将具有相同的视野和放大倍率,但它们可以具有截然不同的光圈。

Looking back at our 18-55mm kit lens, at 50mm it probably has a maximum aperture of f/5.6. This isn’t especially wide, and won’t make pleasing portraits or perform great in low light. The 50mm prime lens, however, will have an aperture of f/1.8 or even wider. That’s more than a three stop increase in aperture, which means the lens can let around ten times more light into the camera. That’s a serious amount more low light performance, and a much shallower depth of field.

回顾我们的18-55mm套装镜头,在50mm时,最大光圈可能为f / 5.6。 这不是特别宽,也不会使人像愉悦或在弱光下表现出色。 但是,50mm主镜的光圈为f / 1.8甚至更大。 光圈增加三级以上,这意味着镜头可以让更多的光线进入相机。 这是严重的低照度表现,并且景深要浅得多。

定焦镜头趋于实现更高的价值 (Prime Lens Tend to Be Better Value)

Prime lenses also tend to cost less than similar quality zoom lenses. A 50mm f/1.8 prime can be bought on Amazon for around $150. You can get plenty of incredible prime lenses with wide apertures for under $1000. Good zoom lenses, however, cost a lot more.

定焦镜头的价格也往往低于同类质量的变焦镜头。 可以在亚马逊上以150美元左右的价格购买 50mm f / 1.8 Prime 相机 。 您可以不到1000美元的价格买到很多令人难以置信的广角定焦镜头。 但是,好的变焦镜头要花很多钱。


A Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 zoom lens—which is a workhorse for many professionals—costs about $1700. The $150 50mm prime won’t have quite the same build quality, but it will perform a lot better at night. The Canon 50mm f/1.4 costs just $360, is a lot better built than the f/1.8 and performs even better in low light. As you can see, with prime lenses there are very affordable, very good options.

佳能24-70mm f / 2.8变焦镜头对许多专业人士来说是主力,价格约为1700美元。 150美元的50毫米Prime不会具有完全相同的制造质量,但在夜间性能会好得多。 佳能50mm f / 1.4仅售360美元,比f / 1.8更好,并且在弱光下性能更好。 如您所见,定焦镜头有很多价格适中的好选择。

This isn’t to say all primes are cheap—some of the most expensive lenses in Canon’s lineup are their fast telephoto primes—but, for a photographer on a budget, you can get a lot more bang for your buck with prime lenses.


极限帮助您的摄影 (Limits Help Your Photography)

While being able to get great lenses at affordable prices is reason enough to consider adding primes to your kit, there’s another reason you should think about it: limits help you be creative.



When you can only use a single focal length, you have to think about everything you do. With a zoom lens, you’ve got a lot more flexibility. You don’t need to stand in the exact right spot; you can always adjust things with the lens. With a prime, you have to think about where you need to stand before lining up the shot. If you stand in the wrong spot, you’re going to need to move or, possibly, miss your shot. Yes, you’re more limited, but these limits force you to think and be deliberate.

当您只能使用单个焦距时,您必须考虑所做的一切。 有了变焦镜头,您将获得更大的灵活性。 您无需站在正确的位置; 您可以随时用镜头调整物体。 有了素数,您必须在排队之前考虑一下需要站立的地方。 如果您站在错误的位置,您将需要移动,或者可能错过射击机会。 是的,您的局限性更大,但是这些局限性迫使您进行思考和思考。

Thinking more leads to greater creativity and greater creativity leads to better photos.


The flexibility of a zoom lens is great in certain circumstances but you are paying a huge premium, both in terms of price and performance. A prime lens might require more thought to use, but you get a lot more lens for your buck. Both lenses have their place, but don’t dismiss primes out of hand, just because they only cover one focal length.

在某些情况下,变焦镜头的灵活性很好,但无论从价格还是性能上来说,您都要付出巨大的代价。 定焦镜头可能需要更多的考虑来使用,但是您可以得到更多的镜头。 两款镜头都有其位置,但不要单射,因为它们仅覆盖一个焦距。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310004/what-are-prime-camera-lenses-and-why-would-you-use-them/
