ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

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So your PC randomly shuts down or gives you the blue screen of death, but you can’t figure out what’s wrong. The problem could be bad memory or hardware related, and thankfully the Ubuntu Live CD has some tools to help you figure it out.

因此,您的PC会随机关闭,或出现蓝屏死机,但您无法找出问题所在。 问题可能出在内存不足或与硬件有关,幸运的是,Ubuntu Live CD提供了一些工具来帮助您解决问题。

Test your RAM with memtest86+

使用memtest86 +测试您的RAM

RAM problems are difficult to diagnose—they can range from annoying program crashes, or crippling reboot loops. Even if you’re not having problems, when you install new RAM it’s a good idea to thoroughly test it.

RAM问题很难诊断-它们的范围可能从令人讨厌的程序崩溃或严重的重新启动循环。 即使没有问题,安装新的RAM时也应进行全面测试。

The Ubuntu Live CD includes a tool called Memtest86+ that will do just that—test your computer’s RAM! Unlike many of the Live CD tools that we’ve looked at so far, Memtest86+ has to be run outside of a graphical Ubuntu session. Fortunately, it only takes a few keystrokes.

Ubuntu Live CD包含一个名为Memtest86 +的工具,可以完成此任务-测试计算机的RAM! 与到目前为止我们已经看过的许多Live CD工具不同,Memtest86 +必须在图形化Ubuntu会话之外运行。 幸运的是,只需几次按键即可。

Note: If you used UNetbootin to create an Ubuntu flash drive, then memtest86+ will not be available. We recommend using the Universal USB Installer from Pendrivelinux instead (persistence is possible with Universal USB Installer, but not mandatory).

注意:如果使用UNetbootin创建Ubuntu闪存驱动器,则memtest86 +将不可用。 我们建议改用Pendrivelinux的Universal USB Installer (Universal USB Installer可以实现持久性,但不是强制性的)。

Boot up your computer with a Ubuntu Live CD or USB drive. You will be greeted with this screen:

使用Ubuntu Live CD或USB驱动器启动计算机。 您将会看到以下屏幕:

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

Use the down arrow key to select the Test memory option and hit Enter. Memtest86+ will immediately start testing your RAM.

使用向下箭头键选择“测试内存”选项,然后按Enter。 Memtest86 +将立即开始测试您的RAM。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

If you suspect that a certain part of memory is the problem, you can select certain portions of memory by pressing “c” and changing that option. You can also select specific tests to run.

如果您怀疑内存的某个部分是问题所在,则可以通过按“ c”并更改该选项来选择内存的某些部分。 您还可以选择要运行的特定测试。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

However, the default settings of Memtest86+ will exhaustively test your memory, so we recommend leaving the settings alone. Memtest86+ will run a variety of tests that can take some time to complete, so start it running before you go to bed to give it adequate time.

但是,Memtest86 +的默认设置将全面测试您的内存,因此我们建议不要设置。 Memtest86 +将运行各种测试,这些测试可能需要花费一些时间才能完成,因此在上床睡觉之前给它足够的时间使其开始运行。

Test your CPU with cpuburn


Random shutdowns – especially when doing computationally intensive tasks – can be a sign of a faulty CPU, power supply, or cooling system. A utility called cpuburn can help you determine if one of these pieces of hardware is the problem.

随机关机(尤其是在执行计算密集型任务时)可能是CPU,电源或冷却系统出现故障的迹象。 名为cpuburn的实用程序可以帮助您确定这些硬件之一是否是问题所在。

Note: cpuburn is designed to stress test your computer – it will run it fast and cause the CPU to heat up, which may exacerbate small problems that otherwise would be minor. It is a powerful diagnostic tool, but should be used with caution.

注意:cpuburn旨在对您的计算机进行压力测试–它会快速运行计算机并导致CPU发热,这可能会加剧一些小问题,否则这些小问题就不大了。 它是一个功能强大的诊断工具,但应谨慎使用。

Boot up your computer with a Ubuntu Live CD or USB drive, and choose to run Ubuntu from the CD or USB drive. When the desktop environment loads up, open the Synaptic Package Manager by clicking on the System menu in the top-left of the screen, then selecting Administration, and then Synaptic Package Manager.

使用Ubuntu Live CD或USB驱动器启动计算机,然后选择从CD或USB驱动器运行Ubuntu。 加载桌面环境后,通过单击屏幕左上方的“系统”菜单打开Synaptic软件包管理器,然后依次选择“管理”和“ Synaptic软件包管理器”。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

Cpuburn is in the universe repository. To enable the universe repository, click on Settings in the menu at the top, and then Repositories. Add a checkmark in the box labeled “Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)”.

Cpuburn在Universe库中。 要启用Universe资源库,请单击顶部菜单中的“设置”,然后单击“资源库”。 在标有“社区维护的开源软件(Universe)”的框中添加对勾标记。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

Click close. In the main Synaptic window, click the Reload button. After the package list has reloaded and the search index has been rebuilt, enter “cpuburn” in the Quick search text box.

单击关闭。 在Synaptic主窗口中,单击Reload按钮。 重新加载软件包列表并重建搜索索引后,在“快速搜索”文本框中输入“ cpuburn”。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

Click the checkbox in the left column, and select Mark for Installation. Click the Apply button near the top of the window. As cpuburn installs, it will caution you about the possible dangers of its use.

单击左列中的复选框,然后选择“标记为安装”。 单击窗口顶部附近的“应用”按钮。 在安装cpuburn时,它将警告您使用它的潜在危险。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

Assuming you wish to take the risk (and if your computer is randomly restarting constantly, it’s probably worth it), open a terminal window by clicking on the Applications menu in the top-left of the screen and then selection Applications > Terminal.


Cpuburn includes a number of tools to test different types of CPUs. If your CPU is more than six years old, see the full list; for modern AMD CPUs, use the terminal command

Cpuburn包含许多工具来测试不同类型的CPU。 如果您的CPU已使用6年以上,请参阅完整列表 ; 对于现代AMD CPU,请使用terminal命令



and for modern Intel processors, use the terminal command




Our processor is an Intel, so we ran burnP6. Once it started up, it immediately pushed the CPU up to 99.7% total usage, according to the Linux utility “top”.

我们的处理器是Intel,因此我们运行burnP6。 根据Linux实用程序“ top”的说法,一旦启动,它立即将CPU的总使用率提高到99.7%。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题

If your computer is having a CPU, power supply, or cooling problem, then your computer is likely to shutdown within ten or fifteen minutes. Because of the strain this program puts on your computer, we don’t recommend leaving it running overnight – if there’s a problem, it should crop up relatively quickly.

如果您的计算机出现CPU,电源或冷却问题,则很可能会在十到十五分钟内关闭计算机。 由于该程序给您的计算机带来压力,我们不建议您隔夜运行它-如果有问题,它应该会相对较快地出现。

Cpuburn’s tools, including burnP6, have no interface; once they start running, they will start driving your CPU until you stop them. To stop a program like burnP6, press Ctrl+C in the terminal window that is running the program.

Cpuburn的工具(包括burnP6)没有接口; 一旦它们开始运行,它们将开始驱动您的CPU,直到您停止它们为止。 要停止诸如burnP6之类的程序,请在运行该程序的终端窗口中按Ctrl + C。

ubuntu live_使用Ubuntu Live CD诊断PC硬件问题



The Ubuntu Live CD provides two great testing tools to diagnose a tricky computer problem, or to stress test a new computer. While they are advanced tools that should be used with caution, they’re extremely useful and easy enough that anyone can use them.

Ubuntu Live CD提供了两种出色的测试工具来诊断棘手的计算机问题或对新计算机进行压力测试。 尽管它们是应谨慎使用的高级工具,但它们非常有用且非常容易,任何人都可以使用它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16666/diagnose-hardware-problems-with-an-ubuntu-live-cd/

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