


With the growing trend of digitalization, most enterprises have transformed their communication methodology from mainstream to digital. In order to keep up with competitors, companies regularly upgrade their services, specially the way they relay information to their customers as well as their employees. Today, seamless real-time networking plays a critical role in engaging with individuals and enterprises, and the best way to implement such a feat is onboarding a Real-Time Chat, Voice & Video Calling SDK/API providers.

随着数字化趋势的发展,大多数企业已将其通信方法从主流转换为数字。 为了与竞争对手保持同步,公司会定期升级服务,特别是将信息传递给客户和员工的方式。 如今,无缝实时网络在与个人和企业互动中扮演着至关重要的角色,而实现这种壮举的最佳方法是加入实时聊天,语音和视频呼叫SDK / API提供程序。

什么是SDK和API? (What are SDKs and APIs?)

In essence, a Software Development Kit, or SDK, is a kit that contains the tools and instructions that allow developers to create applications. An application in itself can have all the functionality required to perform the intended tasks, but in order for it to be scalable, it needs to interact with other applications as well. This is where APIs enter.

本质上,软件开发工具包(SDK)是一种工具包,其中包含允许开发人员创建应用程序的工具和说明。 一个应用程序本身可以具有执行预期任务所需的所有功能,但是为了使其具有可伸缩性,它还需要与其他应用程序进行交互。 这是API输入的地方。

An Application Programming Interface, or API, is an essential part of a SDK. It acts as a translator i.e. allows an application to sync and interact with other applications irrespective of the languages used to create them.

应用程序编程接口或API是SDK的重要组成部分。 它充当翻译器,即允许应用程序与其他应用程序进行同步和交互,而与创建它们的语言无关。

需要聊天,音频/视频SDK和API (Need For Chat, Audio/Video SDK and API)

Every company needs a personalised instant messaging channel to broadcast information efficiently. It helps bridge the communication gap, providing a fluid networking experience, specially in large-scale organizations. Embedding a real-time Messaging, Voice/Video Calling API& SDK in your enterprise organization’s networking infrastructure will not only improve internal communication, but also help in communicating with clients, leads or any external organisation or individual interested in your products or services.

每个公司都需要个性化的即时消息渠道来有效地广播信息。 它有助于弥合沟通鸿沟,提供流畅的网络体验,特别是在大型组织中。 在企业组织的网络基础结构中嵌入实时消息传递,语音/视频呼叫API和SDK,不仅可以改善内部通信,还可以帮助与对您的产品或服务感兴趣的客户,潜在客户或任何外部组织或个人进行通信。

聊天平台SDK和API功能 (Chat Platform SDK and API Features)

There are several features that distinguish a good Chat SDK from a great one. The best Chat SDKs for Android and iOS will have certain features which will set them apart in the market.

好的Chat SDK与优秀的聊天SDK有多种功能。 适用于Android和iOS的最佳聊天SDK将具有某些功能,这将使其在市场上与众不同。

  1. Multiple Messaging Formats — Text, Voice and Video

  2. Push Notifications

  3. Private and Group Chats

  4. Flexibility And Scalability


Depending on these factors, some of the best messaging API providers for Android, iOS and Web Apps have been listed below:

根据这些因素,以下列出了一些适用于Android,iOS和Web Apps的最佳消息传递API提供程序:

适用于企业业务的十大消息,语音和视频呼叫API和SDK提供程序列表 (List of Top 10 Messaging, Voice & video Calling API & SDK Providers for Enterprise Business)

1. MirrorFly-(美国和印度) (1. MirrorFly — (USA & India))

完整的消息,视频和语音呼叫解决方案 (A Complete Messaging, Video & Voice Calling Solution)

Mirrorfly is a versatile Messaging, Audio/Video Calling API & SDK Provider for both large-scale as well as small-scale enterprises. Considered to be a prime product in the market, Mirrorfly is highly customizable and compatible with Android, iOS and Web Applications. They have an absolute chat-app solution that provides a design-enriched UI/UX, an intuitive build and a plethora of other features making personalized communication a cake walk. It is embedded with WebRTC that enables HD quality video interaction and a powerful VoIP that gives a dynamic voice experience.

Mirrorfly是面向大型和小型企业的多功能消息,音频/视频呼叫API和SDK提供程序。 Mirrorfly被认为是市场上的主要产品,具有高度可定制性,并且与Android,iOS和Web应用程序兼容。 他们有一个绝对的聊天应用程序解决方案 ,提供了丰富的设计UI / UX,直观的构建以及大量其他功能,使个性化交流成为小菜一碟。 它嵌入了WebRTC,可实现高清质量的视频交互,以及功能强大的VoIP,可提供动态语音体验。

MirrorFly聊天平台的主要功能包括: (MirrorFly Chat Platforms Highlight Features are Include:)

  • 100% Customizable Solution

  • Data Channel

  • Screen Sharing

  • Video Conferencing

  • Interactive Live Broadcasting

  • Push to Talk (walkie Talkie)

  • Voip Calling (Data Calling)

  • SIP Calling (App to Phone)


2. Contus Fly-(印度和美国) (2. Contus Fly — (India & USA))

实时聊天,视频和音频呼叫SDK和API (Real-Time Chat, Video & Audio Calling SDK & API)

Second to Mirrorfly, Contus Fly is a prime chat SDK provider for Fortune 500 companies. It gives you full access to the source code, enabling 100% customizability and adaptation for your business needs. It’s infinite cloud infrastructure promotes adaptive scalability and can seamlessly integrate with any platform. All this is possible because Contus Fly uses XMPP Protocol which is appropriate for real-time applications. Its cross-platform functionality and multiple monetization techniques make Contus Fly one of the best chat API for Android, iOS and Web Applications.

紧随Mirrorfly之后,Contus Fly是面向财富500强公司的主要聊天SDK提供程序。 它使您可以完全访问源代码,从而实现100%可定制性和适应您的业务需求。 它的无限云基础架构可提高自适应可扩展性,并可以与任何平台无缝集成。 所有这一切都是可能的,因为Contus Fly使用了适用于实时应用程序的XMPP协议。 它的跨平台功能和多种货币化技术使Contus Fly成为适用于Android,iOS和Web应用程序的最佳聊天API之一。

Contus Fly Chat SDK的主要功能包括: (Contus Fly Chat SDK Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Message Broadcast

  • Screen Sharing

  • Cross-platform Messaging

  • Conference Calling

  • Live Broadcasting

  • End to End Encryption

  • Channel

  • Push Notifications


3. SendBird-(美国) (3. SendBird — (USA))

领先的聊天API和消息传递SDK (Leading Chat API & Messaging SDK)

Founded in 2013, SendBird has grown exponentially with its full-featured messenger and chat SDK. It has an end-to-end AES256 encryption module for sharing sensitive data along with a user-centric UI/UX design. Other features include an in-built Chatbot for user assistance and a highly intuitive customer support interface, making it one of the best chat APIs for your website. Be it for intra-networking or customer support, SendBird can cater to multiple industries like E-commerce, healthcare, gaming, etc.

成立于2013年的SendBird凭借其功能齐全的Messenger和聊天SDK呈指数增长。 它具有用于共享敏感数据的端到端AES256加密模块以及以用户为中心的UI / UX设计。 其他功能包括用于用户帮助的内置Chatbot和高度直观的客户支持界面,使其成为您网站的最佳聊天API之一。 无论是内部网络还是客户支持,SendBird均可满足电子商务,医疗保健,游戏等多个行业的需求。

Sendbird Messaging API和SDK的主要功能包括: (Sendbird Messaging API & SDK Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Push Notifications

  • Typing Indicators

  • Send & Receive Structured Media

  • Auto-Thumbnail Generation

  • Read Receipts

  • User-to-User Blocking

  • Cross-Platform Sync

  • Chat Analytics


4. Applozic-(印度) (4. Applozic — (India))

适用于应用内通信的最佳聊天SDK和消息传递API (Best Chat SDK & Messaging API for In-app Communication)

Applozic is another powerful chat API for mobile apps and web apps providing solutions for healthcare, broadcasting and e-commerce niches. With an integrated Chat Bot and chat-based support, Applozic takes customer service to the next level. While it doesn’t have an in-built VoIP feature or WebRTC, it does allow integration with similar tools that facilitate said features. They pride themselves in their front-end and back-end infrastructure, allowing for a seamless and intuitive chat experience.

Applozic是另一个针对移动应用程序和Web应用程序的强大聊天API,为医疗保健,广播和电子商务领域提供解决方案。 凭借集成的聊天机器人和基于聊天的支持,Applozic将客户服务提升到一个新的水平。 尽管它没有内置的VoIP功能或WebRTC,但它确实允许与促进这些功能的类似工具集成。 他们以自己的前端和后端基础架构而自豪,从而实现了无缝,直观的聊天体验。

Applozic应用内消息传递SDK的主要功能包括: (Applozic In-app Messaging SDKs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Multiparty Chat

  • Push Notifications

  • Real-time Components

  • Location and Media Sharing

  • Internationalization

  • Chat History

  • Integrations


5. Sinch —(瑞典) (5. Sinch — (Sweden))

屡获殊荣的SMS和Messaging API (Award-winning SMS & Messaging APIs)

Sinch provides an instant messaging SDK and chat API for Android, iOS and Web Applications that supports VoIP, SIP and PSTN, giving their clients complete freedom to touch base with customers on any platform. Their WhatsApp-enabled messaging API enables them to scale on an already widely used platform, increasing reach and improving ROI.

Sinch提供了适用于Android,iOS和Web应用程序的即时消息SDK和聊天API,支持VoIP,SIP和PSTN,使他们的客户可以完全*地与任何平台上的客户保持联系。 他们的WhatsApp支持的消息传递API使他们能够在已经广泛使用的平台上进行扩展,从而扩大覆盖面并提高ROI。

Sinch Messaging SMS,MMS和RCS SDK的主要功能包括: (Sinch Messaging SMS, MMS & RCS SDKs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • SMS Messaging

  • RCS Messaging

  • Personalized Messaging

  • Voice Calling

  • Verification

  • Signaling Firewall


6. Apphitect IM-(UAE) (6. Apphitect IM — (UAE))

自定义聊天,语音和音频呼叫平台 (Custom Chat, Voice and Audio Calling Platform)

With built-in real-time instant messaging characteristics, Apphitect’s API is one of the best chat APIs for iOS and Android. It has a rich and customizable UI/UX along with an unlimited cloud storage facility. It also permits third-party integrations which can help you scale upon the existing architecture. Apphitect’s multi-faceted, flexible and scalable features make it one of the best chat SDKs for iOS, Web and Android applications.

凭借内置的实时即时消息传递特性,Apphitect的API是适用于iOS和Android的最佳聊天API之一。 它具有丰富且可自定义的UI / UX,以及无限的云存储功能。 它还允许第三方集成,从而可以帮助您扩展现有体系结构。 Apphitect的多面,灵活和可扩展功能使其成为适用于iOS,Web和Android应用程序的最佳聊天SDK之一。

Apphitect IM,视频和音频呼叫API的主要功能包括: (Apphitect IM, Video & Audio Calling APIs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Enterprise Communication SDK

  • In-App messaging

  • Group Chat

  • Push notifications

  • Multimedia Sharing

  • Easy Screen Sharing

  • Live Broadcasting API

  • Video Conferencing API


7. Mesibo —(印度) (7. Mesibo — (India))

高端聊天应用技术和消息传递API和SDK (High-end Chat App Technology & Messaging APIs & SDKs)

Mesibo is a carrier-grade platform which enables real-time messaging, voice and video calling through its impeccable chat API and messaging SDK. It is compatible with Android, iOS and Web Applications while having the ability to support multiple languages. Apart from having immense scalability potential and end-to-end encryption, it also provides real-time analytics and a flexible and user-friendly UI/UX design.

Mesibo是运营商级平台,可通过其无可挑剔的聊天API和消息传递SDK进行实时消息传递,语音和视频呼叫。 它与Android,iOS和Web应用程序兼容,同时具有支持多种语言的能力。 除了具有巨大的可扩展性潜力和端到端加密之外,它还提供实时分析以及灵活且用户友好的UI / UX设计。

Mesibo实时消息传递SDK的主要功能包括: (Mesibo Real-time Messaging SDKs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • One-on-one messaging

  • High Quality Video and Voice calls

  • Push Notifications

  • White-label solution

  • Group Messaging

  • Security Encryption


8. CometChat-(科罗拉多州) (8. CometChat — (Colorado))

应用内消息传递的热门聊天SDK和API (Top Chat SDK & API for In-app Messaging )

Providing scalable in-app messaging, voice and video calling with cross-platform compatibility (iOS, Android and Web), CometChat is a chat SDK/API provider for medium to large-scale organisations. It has WebRTC-enabled HD voice and video calling capabilities in a custom UI centered to the needs of the enterprise. They also have a preset “Sandbox” package meant for individuals and small-scale companies which is free of cost but comes with limited features.

CometChat提供可扩展的应用程序内消息传递,语音和视频通话以及跨平台兼容性(iOS,Android和Web),是面向中型到大型组织的聊天SDK / API提供程序。 它具有自定义UI中支持WebRTC的高清语音和视频通话功能,以企业需求为中心。 它们还具有一个预设的“沙盒”程序包,该程序包适用于个人和小型公司,该程序免费,但功能有限。

CometChat视频和音频呼叫API的主要功能包括: (CometChat Video & Audio Calling APIs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • One-on-One text chat

  • Group chat

  • Voice calling

  • Voice conference

  • Video calling

  • Video conference


9. Smooch-(加拿大) (9. Smooch — (Canada))

适用于iOS,Android和Web的嵌入式聊天SDks (Embeded Chat SDks for iOS, Android & Web)

An omnichannel messaging platform, Smooch believes in enabling a more “human” customer experience. Their unified API can connect your business to all messaging mediums already available in the world so your customers feel comfortable. Integratable mediums include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Viber, ******** and many more universally used communication platforms. They also provide custom UI designs according to the organisation’s needs and requirements, providing an all-round user-centric experience.

Smooch是一个全渠道的消息传递平台,致力于提供更“人性化”的客户体验。 他们统一的API可以将您的业务连接到世界上已经可用的所有消息传递媒体,使您的客户感到舒适。 可集成的介质包括WhatsApp,Facebook Messenger,Twitter,Viber,********和许多其他普遍使用的通信平台。 他们还根据组织的需求和要求提供自定义UI设计,从而提供全方位的以用户为中心的体验。

CometChat聊天应用程序API的主要功能包括: (CometChat Chat Application APIs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Native SDKs

  • Real-time push notifications

  • Roles and identities

  • Message storage

  • Media support

  • Rich chat interactions


10. ChatCamp-(美国) (10. ChatCamp — (USA))

适用于移动应用和网站的领先的聊天SDK和API (Leading Chat SDK & API for Mobile Apps & Websites)

ChatCamp provides reliable, scalable and secure messaging APIs for Android, iOS and Web apps. Their User Moderation feature allows seamless text, audio and video conferences, whether it’s an Open Channel or a Group Channel. Their notification engine can even send messages to offline participants via Email or Mobile Push Notifications. It is ideal for an E-commerce marketplace industry where conversations between the buyer and the seller are immense and essential.

ChatCamp为Android,iOS和Web应用程序提供了可靠,可扩展和安全的消息传递API。 他们的用户审核功能允许无缝文本,音频和视频会议,无论是开放频道还是小组频道。 他们的通知引擎甚至可以通过电子邮件或移动推送通知向离线参与者发送消息。 这是电子商务市场行业的理想选择,在该行业中,买卖双方之间的对话非常重要。

CometChat消息传递应用程序API的主要功能包括: (CometChat Messaging Application APIs Highlight Features are Include:)

  • Group Channels

  • Online Presence

  • Profanity Control

  • Push Notifications

  • Chat Archiving

  • Rich Text Messagin


Now that you have understood the need for Video & Audio Calling APIs and SDKs and perused through the list, you can choose the right one for your enterprise and watch your business scale and grow to unforeseen heights.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/453374/
