apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞


apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

The Apple AirPods Pro comes with small, medium, and large silicone ear tips. The medium set is preinstalled, but it can be yanked off and swapped to find the best fit. Here’s how to test the seal and acoustic performance.

Apple AirPods Pro带有小,中和大号硅胶耳塞。 介质组已预先安装,但可以将其拉出并更换以找到最合适的介质。 这是测试密封和声学性能的方法。

Start by testing the physical fit of the preinstalled medium ear tips. You want the AirPods Pro to have a secure but comfortable fit. If the tip is too tight or too loose, yank the silicone tip off the bud and then press the smaller or larger tip into its place.

首先测试预安装的中耳塞的物理适应性。 您希望AirPods Pro既安全又舒适。 如果笔尖太紧或太松,请从芽中拔出硅胶笔尖,然后将较小或较大的笔尖按入其位置。

Now that you have a comfortable fit, it’s time to test the seal to ensure the best noise cancellation and audio performance. Keep in mind that your AirPods Pro has to be paired with an iPhone to complete this test.

现在您已经很舒适了,是时候测试密封垫了,以确保最佳的噪音消除和音频性能。 请记住,您的AirPods Pro必须与iPhone配对才能完成此测试。

Begin by opening the “Settings” app. If you can’t find it on your iPhone, swipe down on your home screen and use Apple’s Spotlight Search to locate the app.

首先打开“设置”应用。 如果您无法在iPhone上找到它,请在主屏幕上向下滑动并使用Apple的Spotlight搜索来找到该应用。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

Next, tap on the “Bluetooth” option.


apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

To continue, you’ll need your AirPods Pro to be out of the charging case and in your ears. Doing this will connect the earbuds to your iPhone.

如要继续,您需要将AirPods Pro放在充电盒中并且放在耳边。 这样做会将耳塞连接到您的iPhone。

Now, locate the AirPods Pro listing and select the “i” icon next to it.

现在,找到AirPods Pro列表,然后选择它旁边的“ i”图标。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

Scroll down and tap on the “Ear Tip Fit Test” link.

向下滚动并点击“ Ear Tip Fit Test”链接。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

The next screen will explain what the ear tip test is and why it’s crucial to find the best fit. When you’re ready, select the “Continue” button.

下一个屏幕将解释什么是耳塞测试,以及为什么找到最合适的耳塞至关重要。 准备就绪后,选择“继续”按钮。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

Confirm that the AirPods Pro is comfortably in your ears and then tap on the Play button to begin the test.

确认AirPods Pro戴在耳朵上舒适,然后点击“播放”按钮以开始测试。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

You will now be presented with the fit results. If there’s a good seal on both earbuds, you can exit the test by selecting the “Done” button in the top-right corner.

现在将为您提供合适的结果。 如果两个耳塞都密封良好,则可以通过选择右上角的“完成”按钮退出测试。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

If the AirPods Pro failed the fit test, you should adjust the earbud or try one of the other tip sizes. Once you’re ready, tap on the Play button again to redo the test.

如果AirPods Pro在贴合测试中失败,则应调整耳塞或尝试使用其他耳塞尺寸之一。 准备就绪后,再次点击“播放”按钮以重做测试。

apple为什么绑定无效_如何为Apple AirPods Pro选择最佳耳塞

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