



The iPad is great for watching YouTube or web browsing, but it’s increasingly common for people to use it instead of a laptop. Having a keyboard changes the game, and some great keyboard shortcuts can save you time when working.

iPad非常适合观看YouTube或Web浏览,但人们越来越多地使用iPad而不是笔记本电脑。 拥有键盘可以改变游戏,并且一些出色的键盘快捷键可以节省您的工作时间。

The arrival of the iPad Pro and a keyboard that you can attach to the tablet 24/7 brought with it a change in approach for Apple. No longer is the iPad only a media consumption device; having a keyboard always at hand transforms the iPad into a more-than-capable computer. If you’re a long time Mac user who knows just which keys to press to bend macOS to your will, you’ll feel like a fish out of water when tapping away at an iPad. But that needn’t be the case.

iPad Pro和可连接到24/7平板电脑的键盘的到来,为Apple带来了改变。 iPad不再只是一种媒体消费设备; 随时准备使用键盘可以将iPad变成功能强大的计算机。 如果您是Mac的老用户,并且只知道按哪个键可以将macOS弯曲到您的意愿,那么当您轻按iPad时,您会感觉像鱼在水里。 但这不是事实。

Here, we’re going to run through twenty of the best keyboard shortcuts—ones that everyone who is serious about using an iPad instead of a laptop really ought to know.


Let’s get started!


系统级快捷方式 (System Level Shortcuts)

  • Cmd+Space: Opens Spotlight from anywhere in iOS

    Cmd + Space:从iOS中的任何位置打开Spotlight

  • Cmd+H: Returns to the Home screen.

    Cmd + H:返回主屏幕。

  • Cmd+Tab: Opens the iOS app switcher from anywhere in iOS and behaves similarly to the app switcher in macOS.

    Cmd + Tab:从iOS中的任何位置打开iOS应用程序切换器,其行为类似于macOS中的应用程序切换器。

  • Shift+Cmd+3: Takes a screenshot.

    Shift + Cmd + 3 :截屏。

  • Shift+Cmd+4: Takes a screenshot and immediately enters markup mode.

    Shift + Cmd + 4:截屏并立即进入标记模式。

  • Option+Cmd+D: Opens the Dock when inside an app.

    Option + Cmd + D:在应用程序内部时打开Dock。

  • Press and hold Cmd: Displays a list of shortcuts for the app that you are currently using.


文字编辑捷径 (Text Editing Shortcuts)

  • Cmd+Up Arrow: Jumps to top of the page.

    Cmd +向上箭头:跳到页面顶部。

  • Cmd+Down Arrow: Jumps to bottom of the page.

    Cmd +向下箭头:跳至页面底部。

  • Cmd+A: Selects all.

    Cmd + A:全选。

  • Cmd+C: Copies the selected text.

    Cmd + C:复制所选文本。

  • Cmd+X: Cuts the selected text.

    Cmd + X:剪切选定的文本。

  • Cmd+V: Pastes the contents of the Clipboard.

    Cmd + V:粘贴剪贴板的内容。

Safari快捷方式 (Safari Shortcuts)

  • Cmd+F: Opens the “Find” dialog.

    Cmd + F:打开“查找”对话框。

  • Cmd+N: Opens Split View.

    Cmd + N:打开拆分视图。

  • Cmd+T: Opens a new tab.

    Cmd + T:打开一个新选项卡。

  • Cmd+W: Closes the current tab.

    Cmd + W:关闭当前选项卡。

  • Cmd+R: Refreshes the current tab.

    Cmd + R:刷新当前选项卡。

  • Cmd+[: Goes back a page in the current tab.

    Cmd + [:返回当前标签页。

如果您使用的是硬件键盘 (If You’re Using a Hardware Keyboard)

  • Press the Down Arrow, then tap and hold the keyboard icon on-screen: Switches to the software keyboard, perfect for accessing the emoji picker.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398356/20-keyboard-shortcuts-every-ipad-owner-should-know/
