山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

Summary of Course

如题,后天上午期末考试,因课表冲突不得不突击复习,以下内容包括教材信息以及重点分析 (本科学过图论算法,简单的概念和证明以及本人熟悉的部分一带而过)


Introduction to Algorithm (Third Edition)》by Thomas H. Cormen,Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein
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Selected Solutions for《Introduction to Algorithm
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Key Points

Chapter 22 Basic Graph Algorithm

  1. Graph Basics
    Graph (Edge&Vertex)
    Undirected Graph&Directed Graph
    Repeated edge, Self-loop & Simple graph
    Degree, Isolated vertex
    Cycle, Sub-graph,
    Connected (connected component, strongly connected, strongly connected component)
    Special Graph (complete, bipartite, forest, tree, sparse, dense)

    Theorem 1.1
    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E), vVd(v)=2E\sum_{v\in V}d(v)=2\lvert E\rvert

    Copollary 1.2
    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E), the number of vertices with odd degrees is even.
  2. Representations of graphs
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试
    For an undirected graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E)
  • Adjacency-list:
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试
       When the graph is sparse, uses only O(V+E|V|+|E|) memory.
       No quicker way to determine if a given edge (u,v)(u, v) is present in the graph than to search for v in the adjacency list Adj[u]Adj[u]. O(V| V |)

  • Adjacency matrix
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试
       Easily or quickly to determine if an edge is in the graph or not. O(1)
       Uses more memory to store a graph. O(V| V |2)

  1. Elementary graph algorithms
  • BFS(Breadth-First Search)
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

  • DFS(Deep-First Search)
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

  • White Path Theorem
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

  • Topological Sort
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

  • Strongly connected components
    山东大学 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019年 期末考试

Chapter 23 Minimum spanning tree

  • Kruskal algorithm
  • Prim algorithm

Chapter 24 Single-Source Shortest Path

  • Bellman-Ford algorithm
  • Dijkstra Algorithm
  • Proof of Dijkstra algorithm

Chapter 15 Dynamic programming

  • Shortest path in DAGs
  • Knapsack problem
  • Bellman-Ford algorithm

Chapter 26 Maximum Flow

  • Capacity-scaling algorithm
  • Bipartite matching