


Cuphead by StudioMDHR is a run and gun action indie game that’s dedicated to reimagining the classic 1930’s cartoon style in “tough but fair” levels that focus on boss battles. The game’s highly anticipated release date was recently announced at E3, following nearly 7 years of development.

Cuphead 通过StudioMDHR是跑轰动作独立游戏,专设在“强硬而公平的”级别reimagining经典的20世纪30年代的卡通风格,专注于BOSS战。 经过近7年的开发,这款游戏备受期待的发布日期最近在E3宣布。

Since Cuphead’s initial announcement at E3 in 2014, developers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer have been able to expand the scope of their game. In response to strong support from the community for their game, they doubled down on development efforts and partnered with Microsoft to fulfill their dream of expanding their former boss rush game to one that included platforming, additional weapons, secrets, and more story.

自 2014 年 Cuphead 在E3大会上首次宣布 以来 ,开发人员Chad和Jared Moldenhauer便能够扩大游戏范围。 为了响应社区对他们游戏的大力支持,他们加倍努力进行开发,并与Microsoft合作,实现了他们的梦想,将以前的前任加急游戏扩展到包括平台,其他武器,秘密和更多故事的游戏。


Cuphead’s unique delivery of the 1930s cartoon style was achieved through the painstaking use of traditional animation techniques — including hand drawn cel animation and watercolor backgrounds. The incredible amount of work that  bring the era’s “subversive and surrealist” elements from early cartoons into Cuphead was featured in an exclusive article and interview in TIME Magazine.

Cuphead 独特地交付了1930年代的卡通风格,是通过辛勤地使用传统动画技术(包括手绘cel动画和水彩背景)实现的。 在《时代》 杂志 的独家文章和专访 中 , 惊人的数量将早期动画片中的“颠覆性和超现实主义”元素带入Cuphead 。

The accompanying soundtrack was recorded live in studio; the jazz recordings were composed specifically for Cuphead by Kris Maddigan and are slated for release with the game.

随附的配乐是在录音室中现场录制的; 爵士唱片是Kris Maddigan专门为Cuphead创作的,并将随游戏发行。

