

Writing is an important way for all of us to share our thoughts and experiences. While the content itself is important, what else can we can do to more effectively get our thoughts across?

写作是我们所有人分享思想和经验的重要途径。 尽管内容本身很重要,但我们还能采取什么措施来更有效地传达我们的想法?

为什么写作首先重要? (Why is writing important in the first place?)

Everyone will develop their own reasons for why writing is important to them, but there are aspects of writing that can help us all.

每个人都会开发自己的理由 ,说明写作为什么对他们很重要,但是写作的某些方面可以帮助我们所有人。

Writing is a way to teach both others and yourself. While it may be obvious that writing out a tech guide is helping to teach an audience, you're also reinforcing your own learning. Documenting your experiences both provides a way to dig deep into what you've learned and also gives you a way to reference it in the future.

写作是一种教别人和自己的方式。 显然写出技术指南有助于教给听众,但同时您也在加强自己的学习。 记录您的经历既提供了一种方法,可以使您深入了解所学内容,还可以为将来提供参考。

While writing comes easier to some than others, it doesn't have to be scary! There's always someone that can learn from your perspective whether you're new or experienced on a topic.

尽管某些人比其他人更容易写作,但不必害怕! 无论您是新手还是经验丰富的人,总会有人可以从您的角度学习。

And the best part about writing is you can do it for yourself. If you want to write to help yourself grow, you can do so privately and never share it with the public! But when making that decision, weigh the benefits, as there is some merit to learning in public.

而写作的最好的部分就是你可以自己做。 如果您想写作以帮助自己成长,则可以私下这样做,永远不要与公众分享! 但是在做出决定时,要权衡收益,因为在公共场合学习有一些好处。

So now that you're convinced, what can you do to make your writing more effective?


用标题保持内容井井有条 (Keep your content organized with headlines)

Getting someone to read your content is already hard enough, but when you have a sea of text, it just makes digging in more intimidating.


Naturally when reading, having breaking points helps let your brain keep thoughts organized and understand the hierarchy of the page. By using headlines, we can effectively break our thoughts into chunks of content that can help others more easily follow along.

自然地,在阅读时,具有断点可以使您的大脑保持思想井井有条,并理解页面的层次结构。 通过使用头条新闻,我们可以有效地将思想分解为大块的内容,从而可以帮助其他人更轻松地跟进。

documentation website文档网站上使用标题的方式

An easy way to approach this is to think about the outline of your page before you dig in. When writing this article, I thought about what I wanted to talk about and in what order I thought it made the most sense.


While maybe some people might have understood the article regardless of the organization, it makes more sense to explain why it's important before going into how we can be more effective. Having that flow also helps me better express my thoughts as I'm writing the content.

尽管也许某些人可能对本文的了解与组织无关,但在进入更有效的方法之前先解释一下为什么如此重要是比较有意义的。 顺其自然也有助于我在编写内容时更好地表达自己的想法。

This also helps from an SEO perspective. When you use HTML headers (which is common in most content management systems), you're signaling to Google and the other search giants what your page is about and what's most important.

从SEO角度来看,这也有帮助。 使用HTML标头 (在大多数内容管理系统中很常见)时,您是在向Google和其他搜索巨头发出信号,告知您网页的内容和最重要的内容。

By effectively using headlines, you're helping not only your readers, but you're helping to send the right signals to the robots indexing your page for search.


用图像形象化您的想法 (Visualizing your thoughts with images)

Similar to headers, seeing a wall of text with no visual breakpoints can be hard to consume. Another way we can break up this content and provide more value is to add pictures to go along with our thoughts.

与标题相似,很难看到没有视觉断点的文字墙。 我们可以拆分此内容并提供更多价值的另一种方法是添加图片以符合我们的想法。

Pictures can be useful for a variety of reasons. For complex concepts, having a diagram can help illustrate thick data that can be hard to understand. Throwing a bunch of numbers in a sentence is easier to create, but providing a graph or chart can help someone actually understand what those numbers mean.

图片可能由于多种原因而有用。 对于复杂的概念,使用图表可以帮助说明难以理解的大量数据。 在句子中添加一堆数字更容易创建,但是提供图形或图表可以帮助某人实际理解这些数字的含义。

New York Times data visualization of running shoes纽约时报的跑鞋数据可视化

Adding examples of a new idea can help contextualize your thoughts. This can serve as a way to demonstrate a use case or to inspire someone with successful implementations.

添加新想法的示例可以帮助将您的想法具体化。 这可以用作演示用例或激励成功实施的人的一种方式。

But sometimes images are a good way to break the tension. Later we'll talk about finding your voice, but this is a way to help shape it. While maybe a funny gif isn't appropriate in a science paper, it can be a good way to get a chuckle in the middle of a technical walkthrough, particularly after getting through a dry, challenging part!

但是有时候图像是消除压力的好方法。 稍后我们将讨论找到您的声音,但这是一种帮助塑造声音的方法。 虽然有趣的gif在科学论文中可能不合适,但它可能是在技术演练过程中窃笑的好方法,特别是在经历了干燥而具有挑战性的部分之后!

Spongebob bored

链接到其他资源以获得更多背景信息和信任 (Link to other sources for more context and trust)

When writing, the last thing most of us probably think about is adding links to other pages. But this can be a valuable tool at your disposal!

在写作时,我们大多数人最后想到的就是添加指向其他页面的链接。 但这是您可以使用的宝贵工具!

From your reader's perspective, linking to other pages is a way to show authority with your writing. Are you making a claim based on facts? Link to those facts! By backing up your claim, you're building trust with your readers that you're doing the research.

从读者的角度来看,链接到其他页面是一种显示写作权威的方法。 您是否基于事实提出索赔? 链接到这些事实! 通过支持您的主张,您可以与读者建立起正在进行的研究并建立信任。

Link and chart to show language popularity trends链接和图表以显示语言流行趋势

But you're also helping yourself. If you've been writing for a while, you already have a stock of great content you want to share. Why not link to some of your past work with some internal links?

但是,您也正在帮助自己。 如果您已经写了一段时间,那么您已经有很多要分享的精彩内容。 为什么不通过一些内部链接链接到您过去的工作?

The first sentence in this article when I was explaining why writing is important was a link to one of my previous articles:  Overcoming Your Fear of Writing and How You Can Find Motivation. Rather than rewriting all of the same content, I can highlight a key point and provide a link for the reader to follow if they're interested. I'm both helping give the reader more value and sharing more of my content at the same time.

当我在解释写作为什么如此重要时,本文的第一句话是指向我以前的文章的链接: 克服对写作的恐惧以及如何找到动机 。 除了可以重写所有相同的内容外,我还可以突出显示一个关键点,并提供一个链接,供读者在感兴趣的地方关注。 我既可以为读者提供更多价值,也可以同时分享我的更多内容。

Providing links to other sources via external links is also helpful. In addition to backing up your claims with your readers, you're also helping build that trust with search engines who can see that you're linking to trusted resources.

通过外部链接提供到其他资源的链接也很有帮助。 除了与读者支持您的声明外,您还可以帮助搜索引擎建立信任,这些搜索引擎可以看到您链接到受信任的资源。

And there's also a chance someone from that other website can see you sending over links. If you're sending them traffic and they see value in your work, they might return the favor and send people your way.

而且,另一个网站上的某人也有可能看到您通过链接发送。 如果您向他们发送流量,并且他们在您的工作中看到了价值,那么他们可能会回报您的青睐,并按照您的方式派人。

Similar to headers, providing both internal and external links are another tool we have to build trust with both our readers and search engines.


寻找你的声音 (Finding your voice)

Everyone tends to have their own unique voice when talking to others. And I'm not talking about the sound of your voice, but your style. It's the words you use, how you phrase them, and your experiences that go into those words.

与他人交谈时,每个人往往都有自己独特的声音。 我不是在谈论您的声音,而是您的风格。 这些单词是您使用的单词,如何表达它们以及您的经历的。

You might even have a few different voices. Sometimes we need to be a little more professional in a school or work setting whereas we can be more relaxed with friends and family. But similar to when you talk to people, everyone has their own voice when writing.

您甚至可能会有不同的声音。 有时我们需要在学校或工作环境中更加专业一些,而在与朋友和家人的陪伴下我们可以更加放松。 但是类似于与人交谈时,每个人在写作时都有自己的声音。

This is something that will develop over time. Some people are lucky and find it early, but the more you write, the more you will develop your own unique style that people will grow to love.

随着时间的流逝,这将会发展。 有些人很幸运,而且很早就找到了它,但是写的越多,就越能培养出自己独特的风格,人们会越来越喜欢。

ThinkGeek's historically unique writing voice

And it's something that you don't need to and shouldn't fake. While changing the voice of your writing can be important if you're writing on behalf of someone else, when you're writing from your own point of view, try to be yourself and open up your mind through your writing.

这是您不需要的,也不应该伪造的。 如果要代表他人写作,改变写作的声音很重要,但是当您以自己的观点写作时,尝试做自己,并通过写作来开拓自己的思想。

For me it comes from the passion of my work. I love being a developer so my voice naturally comes as I write articles to help others with their own journey. Try to remember why you're writing and it will help you craft your voice with that passion.

对我来说,这源于我对工作的热情。 我喜欢成为一名开发人员,因此在撰写文章以帮助他人进行自己的旅程时,我的声音自然而然。 试着记住自己写作的原因,它将帮助您以这种热情来创作自己的声音。

其他一些想法 (A few other thoughts)

Here are a few more points that are worth mentioning.


代码段 (Code snippets)

Similar to images, code can be an effective way of demonstrating your point. It also proves as a way to share the code as you're walking through how to create something.

与图像类似,代码可以是证明观点的有效方法。 在逐步创建内容的过程中,它也被证明是共享代码的一种方式。

While helpful, be careful not to abuse code snippets. You don't want long blocks of code that extend beyond the page or really even half of the page for that matter. If the code is going to be long, try using something like a gist, git repo, CodeSandbox, or Codepen.

虽然有用,但请注意不要滥用代码段。 您不希望将很长的代码块扩展到整个页面甚至是整个页面的一半。 如果代码太长,请尝试使用gist ,git repo, CodeSandboxCodepen之类的东西

画面质量 (Image quality)

Nobody likes looking at poor quality images. When adding a new image, make sure the resolution is high enough that it's clear and not looking fuzzy.

没有人喜欢看质量低劣的图像。 添加新图像时,请确保分辨率足够高,以使其清晰且不会显得模糊。

You also don't want to go too far overboard with high resolution imagery, as the bigger the image is, the larger the file size. Try to avoid huge images so your readers don't have to download those big files.

您也不想在高分辨率图像上走得太远,因为图像越大,文件大小越大。 尽量避免显示大图,这样您的读者就不必下载那些大文件。

书写工具 (Writing tools)

Try to get comfortable with your writing tools. There are a ton of options whether you use something like Bear to write with markdown or if you prefer to write directly in the CMS.

尝试使自己的书写工具更舒适。 无论您使用Bear还是Markdown书写,还是喜欢直接在CMS中书写,都有很多选择。

There's also a lot of tools that can help improve the quality of your writing. Hemingway will actually analyze the readability of your writing and help point out where you could improve it.

还有很多工具可以帮助提高您的写作质量。 海明威实际上将分析您的作品的可读性并帮助指出您可以在哪些方面进行改进。

有效的讲故事 (Effective storytelling)

These are just some tools that can help you tell your stories. While we're all writing for our own purposes, you can use these tools to ultimately help boost the great content that you're working hard to create!

这些只是一些可以帮助您讲述故事的工具。 虽然我们都是出于自己的目的而编写,但是您可以使用这些工具来最终帮助增强您正在努力创建的精彩内容!

您的写作技巧是什么? (What are your tips for good writing?)

Share with me on Twitter and start the conversation!


