ios 标点符号限制输入_iPad的键盘可以在iOS 11中更快地输入符号:

ios 标点符号限制输入_iPad的键盘可以在iOS 11中更快地输入符号:

ios 标点符号限制输入

ios 标点符号限制输入_iPad的键盘可以在iOS 11中更快地输入符号:

The iPad got a lot of updates in iOS 11 to make it a better productivity tool. Along with headline stuff like multitasking, you’ll probably notice that the keyboard got an overhaul. While it may seem a little cluttered at first, it’s actually a big improvement. Here’s what’s changed and how to use it.

iPad 在iOS 11中进行了大量更新,以使其成为更好的生产力工具。 加上诸如多任务处理之类的标题内容,您可能会注意到键盘进行了大修。 虽然乍一看似乎有些混乱,但实际上是一个很大的改进。 这是更改的内容以及使用方法。

The first thing you’ll notice is that, rather than showing just the letters on each key, iOS 11 also shows a smaller, light grey symbol. In iOS 10 and earlier, you used to access these symbols by first tapping the “123” key, and then if you wanted a more esoteric symbol, tapping the #+= key. This still works as you can see below.

您会注意到的第一件事是,iOS 11不仅显示了每个键上的字母,而且还显示了一个较小的浅灰色符号。 在iOS 10及更早版本中,您通常通过先轻按“ 123”键来访问这些符号,然后如果要使用更深奥的符号,则轻按#+ =键。 如下所示,它仍然有效。

ios 标点符号限制输入_iPad的键盘可以在iOS 11中更快地输入符号:

There is, however, now a better way to type any of these symbols. Instead of having to tap  the “123” button first, you can tap the key the symbol is on, swipe down a small amount, and then release the key. This types the symbol rather than the letter (or the more esoteric symbol rather than the regular symbol if you’ve already hit 123). In the GIF below, you can see how I type a semi-colon by tapping and swiping down on the N key.

但是,现在有一种更好的方式来键入任何这些符号。 无需先点击“ 123”按钮,您可以点击符号所在的键,向下滑动少量,然后释放键。 这将键入符号而不是字母(如果您已经按123,则键入更深奥的符号而不是常规符号)。 在下面的GIF中,您可以通过点击并向下滑动N键来查看如何输入分号。

ios 标点符号限制输入_iPad的键盘可以在iOS 11中更快地输入符号:

This method of typing takes a little bit of getting used to, but once you’ve got the hang of it, it makes typing symbols on your iPad much quicker.



ios 标点符号限制输入