SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences

SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences


              Android新后报错location of the android sdk has not been setup in the preferences。所有建立好的模拟设备都不能用了,eclipse里的SDK Manager也打不开,出现下图状况

SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferencesSDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences


   出现这种情况,主要是由于我更新了SDK Tools,导致android更新后ADT的版本过低造成的,但是有的人又因为跟新ADT失败导致,也有部分人是ADT版本低导致。下面就是博主造成这种情况的操作


SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences


SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences

》》》3.如果点击Check for Updates会出现第3-1的情况,如果选择关闭,则会出现3-2的情况


SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferencesSDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences


SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences


SDK更新后,重新打开Eclipse时提示错误Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences



   切记,当你安装上面的方法修改好的环境,千万不要在手误(手贱*_*)在把sdk tools更新了,如果是第二次遇到上述的问题,一般是没救了,只能重新安装ADT Bundle环境了(如果你足够幸运的话,可能还可以救活,反正博主第二次没救活)。