cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

One of the most talked about features in the latest version of Windows 10 was the Cortana personal assistant that is integrated directly into the taskbar. But what if you don’t want to waste all that taskbar space?

最新版本的Windows 10中最受关注的功能之一是直接集成到任务栏中的Cortana个人助手。 但是,如果您不想浪费所有任务栏空间怎么办?

Luckily they not only provide a way to remove the search box from the taskbar, but you can change it into an icon, or you can remove it entirely and then it’ll show up on the taskbar only when you open the Start Menu (so you can still search for your apps).


We’re not entirely sure if we like the idea of a digital assistant as part of Windows, but if you’re using the preview, we recommend that you test it out at least to give it a chance. If you don’t like it, then you can disable it and make the search box revert back to the Windows 8.x behavior where it searches your apps as well as the web.

我们并不完全确定我们是否喜欢将数字助理作为Windows的一部分,但是如果您使用的是预览版,建议您至少对其进行测试,以使其有机会。 如果您不喜欢它,则可以将其禁用,并使搜索框恢复为Windows 8.x行为,以便在其中搜索您的应用程序和网络。

从任务栏中删除Cortana搜索框 (Removing the Cortana Search Box from the Taskbar)

Note that hiding the search box doesn’t actually disable Cortana — keep reading below for instructions on how to do that. This will simply hide the box from the Taskbar.

请注意,隐藏搜索框实际上并没有禁用Cortana-请继续阅读以下内容,以获取有关操作方法的说明。 这只会在任务栏中隐藏该框。

Simply right-click on any empty space on the taskbar, go to Search, and then change “Show search box” to either “Show Cortana icon” or “Hidden”.


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

If you change it to an icon, it’ll show a circle like you can see below.


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

And if you disable it entirely, it’ll be removed from the taskbar. You can also hide that Task View button while you are at it by just right-clicking and unchecking the box — although we’ll say that the new task switcher is pretty nice.

如果完全禁用它,它将从任务栏中删除。 您也可以通过右键单击并取消选中该框来隐藏“任务视图”按钮-尽管我们会说新的任务切换器非常不错。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

禁用Cortana (Disabling Cortana)

If you haven’t enabled Cortana, you’ll see the top of the box that looks like this when you click on the Search box and then click the Settings icon. Note that Cortana is Off. You can also turn off the online search and including Bing results when you search the Start Menu by flipping that switch off as well.

如果您尚未启用Cortana,则单击“搜索”框,然后单击“设置”图标时,将看到框的顶部。 请注意,Cortana已关闭。 当您搜索“开始”菜单时,也可以通过关闭该开关来关闭在线搜索并包括Bing结果。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

If you have already enabled Cortana, the settings dialog changes completely and is hidden beneath the Notebook icon — from here you can click on Settings and get to the screen above.


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏Cortana搜索框

Once you disable Cortana and Bing, you can then hide the icon.


It’s really nice that you can turn it off — we’d have probably preferred that Bing stay out of our Start menu in the first place though.


