

When you launch Steam, it normally shows a pop-up window with advertisements for updates to games you own and new games. Here’s how to turn those popup ads off.

当您启动Steam时,它通常会显示一个弹出窗口,其中带有广告,用于更新您拥有的游戏和新游戏。 以下是关闭这些弹出广告的方法。


This feature is located in Steam’s Settings menu, which you can access by clicking “Steam” in the top-left corner and selecting “Settings.”

此功能位于Steam的“设置”菜单中,您可以通过单击左上角的“ Steam”并选择“设置”来访问。

If you’re on a Mac, you can also use a hotkey to open up the Steam Preferences menu. Press Cmd+, to launch it.

如果您使用的是Mac,还可以使用热键打开Steam偏好设置菜单。 按Cmd +启动它。


Once you’re in the Settings or Preferences window, click the “Interface” tab at the left side of the window.


Uncheck the “Notify Me About Additions Or Changes To My Games, New Releases, And Upcoming Releases” box to disable the ads.



When you’ve altered this setting as desired, click “OK” to confirm your changes. If you ever want to start seeing these ads pop up again, you can simply return to this menu and reenable the setting.

根据需要更改此设置后,单击“确定”以确认您的更改。 如果您想再次看到这些广告弹出,只需返回此菜单并重新启用设置即可。

Steam’s pop-ups do make it easy to keep an eye out for updates or new releases that might interest you. However, you can disable this annoying pop-up and instead find interesting titles by customizing your Steam search settings.

Steam的弹出窗口确实使您可以轻松监视可能感兴趣的更新或新发行版。 但是,您可以禁用此烦人的弹出窗口,而可以通过自定义Steam搜索设置查找有趣的标题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672691/how-to-turn-off-steams-popup-ads/