



Have a prepaid card with a few dollars left on it? Just want to add enough to snag a deal later in the week without going overboard on spending? By default, Valve only lets you add funds in increments of $5 to your Steam account—but there are a few ways around that.

上面还有几美元的预付卡吗? 是否只想添加足够多的东西以在本周晚些时候达成交易而又不会过度花费呢? 默认情况下,Valve只允许您以5美元的增量向您的Steam帐户添加资金,但是有几种解决方法。

You have two main options here: you can use a browser extension called Enhanced Steam, or if you’re feeling adventurous, jump into your browser’s JavaScript console. Here’s how to use both tricks.

您在此处有两个主要选项:您可以使用名为Enhanced Steam的浏览器扩展,或者如果您喜欢冒险,请跳入浏览器JavaScript控制台。 这是两种技巧的使用方法。

使用增强的Steam添加任何金额 (Add Any Amount with Enhanced Steam)


The easiest way to add an odd amount of money to Steam is through the Enhanced Steam browser extension, which is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and (soon) Microsoft Edge. Enhanced Steam integrates lots of useful functionality into storefront and community pages, including price history, performance information, and warnings about DRM. The extension isn’t created by Valve and occasionally breaks when Steam receives major changes, but it’s open source and well supported.

向Steam添加少量资金的最简单方法是通过Enhanced Steam浏览器扩展程序,该扩展程序可用于Chrome,Firefox,Opera和(即将推出)Microsoft Edge。 增强型Steam将许多有用的功能集成到店面和社区页面中,包括价格历史记录,性能信息以及有关DRM的警告。 该扩展不是由Valve创建的,在Steam进行重大更改时偶尔会中断,但是它是开源的 ,并且得到了很好的支持。

Navigate to the extension’s download page and you will be provided with a large download button and instructions for your web browser. Once the extension has been installed, go to Steam’s Add Funds page. A new box will appear beneath the $5 option. Enter any amount (over $5) and click “Add Funds”.

导航到扩展程序的下载页面 ,将为您提供一个较大的下载按钮和Web浏览器说明。 安装扩展程序后,转到Steam的“ 添加资金”页面。 $ 5选项下方将出现一个新框。 输入任何金额(超过5美元),然后点击“添加资金”。


From here, you can check out normally. Enjoy!

从这里,您可以正常退房。 请享用!


使用JavaScript控制台添加任何金额 (Add Any Amount with the JavaScript Console)

If you don’t want to install a browser extension, or you just feel like messing around with the JavaScript console, you can head straight to Steam’s Add Funds page.

如果您不想安装浏览器扩展,或者只是想弄乱JavaScript控制台,则可以直接进入Steam的“ 添加资金”页面。


When you click the button next to any of the dollar amounts, it instructs your browser to execute a JavaScript function called submitAddFunds() . By hovering your mouse over the button, you can see the syntax being used.

当您单击任何美元金额旁边的按钮时,它会指示您的浏览器执行一个名为submitAddFunds()JavaScript函数。 通过将鼠标悬停在按钮上,您可以查看所使用的语法。


In Chrome, you can open the JS console by hitting Ctrl+Shift+J. On Firefox, the combination is Ctrl+Shift+K.

在Chrome中,您可以通过按Ctrl + Shift + J打开JS控制台。 在Firefox上,组合键为Ctrl + Shift + K。

Now, type in submitAddFunds(x); where x is the amount of money you want to add in cents. When you click the $5 button, it calls submitAddFunds(500); , so if I wanted to add $14.51, I’d enter submitAddFunds(1451);  to the box.

现在,输入submitAddFunds(x); 其中x是您要加分的金额。 当您单击$ 5按钮时,它会调用 submitAddFunds(500); ,因此,如果我想增加$ 14.51,请输入submitAddFunds(1451); 到盒子里。


Hit Enter, and you’ll be brought to the checkout page.



If you’re planning to drop some big bucks, keep in mind that the maximum amount Steam will let you store is $500. Grab some fun games in the next sale, and try not to spend too much!

如果您打算少花一些钱,请记住,Steam最多可以存储500美元。 在下次销售中抢购一些有趣的游戏,并尽量不要花太多钱!

