



We have been talking about Apple’s new Photos application since it was recently released as part of a larger OS X system update. Today we want to cover how to create slideshows and other projects like calendars, cards, and books.

自苹果公司最近发布的Photos应用程序以来,我们一直在谈论它,它是OS X系统更新的一部分。 今天,我们要介绍如何创建幻灯片和其他项目,如日历,卡片和书籍。

Photos isn’t an overly complex application. It’s intended to be OS X’s go-to native photo management tool. You can use it to edit photos and sync everything to iCloud so all your Apple devices – other Macs, iPhones, iPads – have the same photos on them.

照片不是一个过于复杂的应用程序。 它旨在成为OS X的本机照片管理工具。 您可以使用它来编辑照片并将所有内容同步到iCloud,以便所有Apple设备(其他Mac,iPhone,iPad)上都具有相同的照片。

Much like iPhoto (the application it is intended to replace), Photos incorporates the ability to set up quick slideshows for easy viewing, or export photos for various projects such as calendars, books, and cards.


With these projects, you can personally create professionally finished gifts for colleagues, family, and friends.


创建快速幻灯片 (Creating Quick Slideshows)

When you want to start a slideshow, you can either create one using pictures from your camera roll or from an album.


Here we can create a slideshow from pictures taken on a certain day, by clicking the little play arrow in the upper-right corner.



A dialog will slide out so you can choose effects and music. You can select music from anything in iTunes or using a theme’s included music.

将弹出一个对话框,以便您选择效果和音乐。 您可以从iTunes的任何内容中选择音乐,也可以使用主题的随附音乐选择音乐。


Simple enough, when you’re cool with everything you can just click “Play Slideshow” and it will begin.


This type of slideshow is meant to be quick and easy, but it isn’t really a project. To create a project, you should first make an album.

这种幻灯片显示的目的是快速简便,但实际上并不是一个项目。 要创建一个项目,您首先应该制作一个相册。

将照片添加到项目的相册 (Adding Photos to Albums for Projects)

If you want to create a book or calendar or just a simple card, you’ll want to edit your photos a bit, and add them to an album so you can then just export them to your project.


To add photos to an album, first select a photo or photos and click the “+” next to the slideshow play button.

要将照片添加到相册,请先选择一张或多张照片,然后单击幻灯片播放按钮旁边的“ +”。


Take note of what you see next because we’ll be returning to it again. The menu that appears will have several selection relevant to this article, but we want to first organize our project before we create it.

请注意您接下来会看到什么,因为我们将再次返回。 出现的菜单将具有与本文相关的几个选择,但是我们要在创建项目之前先对其进行组织。

We click the “Album” selection.



When you first create an album, you can give it a name. Thereafter, it will appear in the “Album” selections. We name this first album “Food.”

首次创建相册时,可以为其命名。 此后,它将出现在“专辑”选项中。 我们将第一张专辑命名为“ Food”。


Now, we can go through the rest of our camera roll and add food pictures to our “Food” album.


Alternately, you can open the “All Photos” album and use “Command” + select to choose the photos you want.

或者,您可以打开“所有照片”相册,然后使用“命令” +选择选择所需的照片。


Then again, click the “+” in the upper-right corner and add them to your album.

然后再次单击右上角的“ +”,然后将它们添加到您的相册中。

从相册创建新项目 (Creating a New Project from an Album)

Here then is our “Food” album in its completed form. We can go through now and select photos from it by clicking each photo we want while holding the “Command” key.

然后是完整形式的“ Food”专辑。 我们现在可以通过按住“ Command”键单击想要的每张照片来浏览并从中选择照片。


Again, you can click the play button and start a slideshow like we discussed previously, or click the little “+” for a selection of projects.

同样,您可以单击播放按钮并开始播放幻灯片,如我们之前讨论的那样,或者单击小“ +”以选择项目。


To illustrate how to create a quick project, lets start a book. We select “Book” from the list and we’re shown formats and pricing options.

为了说明如何创建快速项目,让我们开始写一本书。 我们从列表中选择“图书”,然后显示格式和定价选项。


Once we’ve decided on a format, we next choose a theme, and then “Create Book” to start our project.



The first thing you will notice is that the project wizard placed the photos we picked in the order we picked them. It’s easy to rearrange the pictures into the order you prefer. Just click and drag them from page to page; wherever you want them.

您会注意到的第一件事是项目向导按照我们选择的顺序放置了我们选择的照片。 将图片重新排列为您喜欢的顺序很容易。 只需单击并在页面之间拖动它们; 无论您要在哪里。


In the top-right corner, there are four buttons (left to right) for adding/removing pages, showing the layout options, changing the project settings and, in this case, to buy the book when you’re finished creating it.


Note, adding content (pages, months, etc.) will increase the price of your project. Both these figures will update to reflect your changes.

请注意,添加内容(页面,月份等)会增加项目的价格。 这两个数字都会更新以反映您的更改。


The project settings button in particular might come in handy. From here you can quickly increase the page count, change the theme, format and size, and more.

特别是项目设置按钮可能会派上用场。 在这里,您可以快速增加页数,更改主题,格式和大小等。


If you want to change the layout for each page, click the page, then open the layout options. You can decide how each page is laid out, as well as the background color.

如果要更改每个页面的布局,请单击页面,然后打开布局选项。 您可以决定每个页面的布局方式以及背景颜色。

Select a new layout for pages with multiple photos and different background color.

Double-click on a page to focus in on it, rearrange and move your photos, and edit text.



Finally, note there’s a “Photos” tray that appears along the bottom of the project window. Use this to sort through placed and unused photos, auto-fill, clear placed photos, and more importantly “Add Photos” to your project.

最后,请注意,项目窗口底部会出现一个“照片”托盘。 使用它可以对已放置和未使用的照片进行排序,自动填充,清除已放置的照片,更重要的是将“添加照片”添加到项目中。

Quickly add photos to your project by selecting them and clicking “Continue”.

Once you add new photos to your project, they will appear in the tray as unused. You will still need to place them where you want them to appear.

将新照片添加到项目后,它们将在托盘中显示为未使用。 您仍然需要将它们放置在希望它们出现的位置。


That’s pretty much the basics of Photos projects. There’s obviously more to it than this, every project is a little different, but should all work very similarly. From here we think you can figure things out.

这几乎是Photos项目的基础。 显然,这还不止于此,每个项目都有点不同,但是所有项目都应该非常相似。 我们认为您可以从这里解决问题。

休息一下,订购照片,以及更多关于幻灯片的信息 (Take a Break, Order Prints, and More About Slideshows)

You’re not obligated to finish a project right away nor order it immediately after you complete it. Your projects, finished and unfinished, will now appear in the “Projects” window.

您没有义务立即完成项目,也没有义务在完成项目后立即订购。 您的已完成和未完成的项目现在将显示在“项目”窗口中。


Beyond books, calendars, and cards, you can also order prints of your pictures.



You can also create custom slideshows that you can name, save, and play for regular or special occasions.


Creating a custom slideshow from the add button gives you more options than creating a quick one, such as we showed you earlier. In addition to themes and music, you can set the duration of each slide and transition effects.

从添加按钮创建自定义幻灯片演示比创建快速幻灯片演示(例如我们之前向您展示)提供了更多选择。 除了主题和音乐,您还可以设置每个幻灯片和过渡效果的持续时间。


If you need to add more photos, click the little “+” on the far-right end of the photo tray at the bottom. Drag photos around into the order you want them. To watch your slideshow before you’re finished, click the “Preview” button.

如果您需要添加更多照片,请单击底部照片托盘最右端的小“ +”号。 将照片拖到所需的顺序中。 要在完成之前观看幻灯片,请单击“预览”按钮。

This time your slideshow is a project, so it will be available to edit in the Projects window.



If you’d like to export it to a movie, you can then share it with friends and family.



It’s apparent that Photos is really tailored to people who want to do stuff with their photos. While the ability to sync and share them across all your devices is great, it’s still nice to have something you can look at, touch, and enjoy without first having to whip out your iPhone or iPad.

显然,“照片”确实是为想要使用其照片做事的人量身定制的。 尽管可以在所有设备上同步和共享它们的功能很棒,但无需先拨出iPhone或iPad即可拥有您可以看,触摸和享受的东西,这仍然很好。

Best of all, projects are simple enough that you can create one in a matter of minutes, yet give you enough customization options, that your project is uniquely your own.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.


