c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?

c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?


c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?

If you want your Nest Cam to store video recordings in the cloud so that you can retrieve them later on, you have to sign up for the company’s Nest Aware subscription service. But is it worth buying in the long run?

如果您希望Nest Cam将视频记录存储在云中,以便以后可以检索它们,则必须注册该公司的Nest Aware订阅服务。 但是从长远来看是否值得购买?

Update: We originally wrote this article in 2017. In May 2020, Google made Nest Aware less expensive.

更新 :我们最初在2017年撰写此文章。2020年5月, Google使Nest Aware的价格降低了

什么是Nest Aware? (What Is Nest Aware?)

c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?

Nest Aware is Nest’s subscription service for Nest Cam users that allows you to store video recordings in the cloud for up to 30 days, among other features. When you purchase a Nest Cam, you get a free 30-day trial, but after that you have to begin paying for it if you want to continue using it.

Nest Aware是Nest为Nest Cam用户提供的订阅服务,除其他功能外,您还可以将其保存在云中长达30天。 购买Nest Cam后,您将获得30天的免费试用期,但是在那之后,如果要继续使用它,就必须开始付款。

The biggest feature of Nest Aware is the 24/7 recording—without Nest Aware, you can only view snapshots that are taken whenever motion is detected, and even then, those are only kept for up to three hours.

Nest Aware的最大功能是24/7录制-没有Nest Aware,您只能查看在检测到运动时拍摄的快照,即使这样,快照也最多只能保留三个小时。

Nest Aware is also pretty much a must if you have the newer Nest Cam IQ and want to take advantage of its face-recognition technology, as that’s the only way to get the feature.

如果您拥有较新的Nest Cam IQ并想利用其面部识别技术,则Nest Aware也几乎是必须的,因为这是获得此功能的唯一方法。

Also, you can also take advantage of “activity zones”, which allow you to highlight a certain portion of what the Nest Cam can see and receive motion alerts if anything is detected within that specific area. This can be great to have if you want to tune out passing cars and only focus on your driveway or walkway.

另外,您还可以利用“活动区域”,如果您在特定区域内检测到任何东西,则可以突出显示Nest Cam可以看到并接收运动警报的特定部分。 如果您想淘汰过往的汽车而只关注车道或人行道,这可能会很棒。

c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?

There are two different subscription packages that you can choose from. Both come with the same features, with the only difference being how long recordings are stored in the cloud. There’s a cheap plan, which saves video recordings for up to 10 days. It costs $10 per month (or $100 per year), and any additional Nest Cam costs $5 per month (or $50 per year).

您可以选择两种不同的订阅包。 两者都具有相同的功能,唯一的区别是记录在云中的存储时间。 有一个便宜的计划,可以保存长达10天的录像。 每月费用为10美元(或每年100美元),任何其他的Nest Cam费用为每月5美元(或每年50美元)。

The more expensive plan allows you to store video recordings for up to 30 days, and it costs $30 per month (or $300 per year) with additional cameras costing $15 per month (or $150 per year).


值得购买吗? (Is It Worth Buying?)

I’ll be honest: Nest Aware is pretty expensive. And even if it was cheaper, there are plenty of other companies that offer some kind of free cloud storage for video recordings with their own Wi-Fi cams, like the Logi Circle, Netgear Arlo, and Blink.

老实说:Nest Aware非常昂贵。 即使价格便宜,也有许多其他公司提供一些免费的云存储空间,用于通过自己的Wi-Fi摄像机进行视频录制,例如Logi CircleNetgear ArloBlink

c#的nest是异步的吗_什么是Nest Aware,您应该为订阅付费吗?

However, $8.33 per month isn’t that bad (if you go with the $100/year option)—you likely spend that much anyway on various streaming services like Spotify, Netflix, and YouTube Red. So if 24/7 recording is something you really want or need, there’s really no arguing there, especially if snapshots of motion that are only saved for three hours just won’t cut it at all.

然而,$ 8.33,每月不 (如果你用$ 100 /年的选择权去) -你可能花那么多反正像Spotify的,Netflix公司和YouTube红各种流媒体服务。 因此,如果您真正想要或需要24/7全天候录制,那么这里确实没有争论,尤其是如果仅保存三个小时的运动快照根本不会被切掉。

On the other hand, if you ever add more Nest Cams to your setup, the cost of Nest Aware can quickly add up. If you ended up with three Nest Cams with all of them recording 24/7, you would end up spending around $16.50 per month for Nest Aware, at the very minimum, which ends up being $200 per year. After just a few years, the cost of ownership quickly adds up to well over $700, which at that point would buy you a really nice standalone surveillance system with more than just three cameras.

另一方面,如果您在设置中添加了更多的Nest Cam,则Nest Aware的成本会Swift增加。 如果您最终获得了三个全部记录为24/7的Nest Cam,则您每月在Nest Aware上的花费约为$ 16.50,最低费用为每年$ 200。 短短几年后,拥有成本Swift增加到700美元以上,届时您将购买一个真正不错的独立监控系统,其中不止三个摄像头。

Then again, you can’t really argue with how easy the Nest Cam is to set up and use, so you would definitely be paying for the convenience. But if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, it might be better to get a Wi-Fi cam that comes with free cloud recording.

再说一次,您真的不能与Nest Cam的安装和使用有多么容易,因此您肯定会为此付出代价。 但是,如果您正在寻找更经济实惠的选择,那么最好选择带有免费云录制功能的Wi-Fi摄像头。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/291952/what-is-nest-aware-and-should-you-pay-for-a-subscription/
