
Sometimes when setting up computer workstations for company employees and / or family members, you might not want certain default XP applications to be accessible. In this tutorial I will show you how to disable the features Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, and MSN Instant Messenger.  Keep in mind that this process does not technically remove these applications but it makes them not available.

有时,当为公司员工和/或家庭成员设置计算机工作站时,您可能不希望某些默认XP应用程序可访问。 在本教程中,我将向您展示如何禁用Outlook Express,Windows Media Player和MSN Instant Messenger的功能。 请记住,此过程不会从技术上删除这些应用程序,但会使其不可用。

Click on Start Run type in Control Panel and hit enter.



Now double click on Add / Remove Programs and in the resulting screen click on Add / Remove Windows Components.



In this screen you want to scroll down through the list of available Windows Components and uncheck the items you wish to uninstall.  Another one to get rid of is MSN Explorer which is one of the first items at the top of the list.  When your finished click Next.

在此屏幕中,您想在可用的Windows组件列表中向下滚动,然后取消选中要卸载的项目。 另一个要摆脱的是MSN Explorer,它是列表顶部的第一批项目之一。 完成后,单击“下一步”。


You will see the progress bar while the items are removed and when everything is done you will get the Completion Wizard Screen.  Just click Finish and your done.

删除项目后,您将看到进度栏,完成所有操作后,您将看到“完成向导”屏幕。 只需单击“完成”,然后完成即可。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79923/disable-certain-default-xp-applications/