使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏

The new Taskbar in Windows 7 is a great new feature, but sometimes you might have too many apps and not enough room. Today we take a look at Jumplist Launcher that allows you to consolidate the app launchers on the Taskbar.

Windows 7中的新任务栏是一项很棒的新功能,但是有时您可能有太多的应用程序,而没有足够的空间。 今天我们来看看Jumplist Launcher,它使您可以在任务栏上合并应用程序启动器。

Using Jumplist Launcher


Jumplist Launcher doesn’t require installation and you can run it directly from your hard drive or a flash drive and launch the executable.

Jumplist Launcher不需要安装,您可以直接从硬盘驱动器或闪存驱动器运行它并启动可执行文件。

使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏

After launching it you’re presented with a configuration dialog screen to begin setting up your jump lists. You can create different Groups and name them to suite your needs. You can browse to program and file directories, but the easiest way I’ve found is to drag shortcuts into Jumplist Launcher.

启动它后,将显示一个配置对话框屏幕,以开始设置您的跳转列表。 您可以创建不同的组,并命名它们以满足您的需求。 您可以浏览到程序和文件目录,但是我发现的最简单的方法是将快捷方式拖动到Jumplist Launcher中。

使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏

You can add up to 60 different Jumplist items.


使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏

After you have created the lists, make sure to pin the program to the taskbar and close out of the app. Then you can still access the items by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar.

创建列表后,请确保将程序固定到任务栏并关闭应用程序。 然后,您仍然可以通过右键单击任务栏上的图标来访问项目。

使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏

Occasionally there are errors while adding items to the Jumplist, but the problem seems to correct itself right away, so just click OK to the dialog box. If you do get errors or find any bugs it’s recommended to post them on the developers blog.

有时在将项目添加到“跳转列表”时会出现错误,但是问题似乎可以立即解决,因此只需在对话框中单击“确定”即可。 如果您确实遇到错误或发现任何错误,建议将其发布在开发人员博客上

使用Jumplist Launcher整合Windows 7任务栏



For this article we used Jumplist Launcher Version 7 on Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit). It looks like this project is in constant development, and there are still a few bugs, but it works and and can be quite useful. This cool little app is a great way to consolidate taskbar launchers and save space on the Taskbar.

在本文中,我们使用Windows 7 Ultimate(32位)上的Jumplist Launcher Version 7。 看起来该项目正在不断开发中,并且仍然存在一些错误,但是它有效并且非常有用。 这个很棒的小应用程序是整合任务栏启动器并节省任务栏空间的好方法。

Download Jumplist Launcher

下载Jumplist Launcher

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8187/consolidate-the-windows-7-taskbar-with-jumplist-launcher/