android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

android nfc启动

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

Android Auto recently made its way to phones, eliminating the need for a $1000+ head unit to get its road-friendly features. And while you can set Auto to automatically launch when a specific Bluetooth device (like your car) is connected, what about those who may not have a Bluetooth-enabled car stereo? NFC is the answer.

Android Auto最近进入了手机市场 ,不再需要$ 1000以上的主机来获得道路友好的功能。 而且,虽然您可以将“自动”设置为在连接特定的蓝牙设备(例如您的汽车)时自动启动,但是那些可能没有启用蓝牙的汽车立体声音响的人又如何呢? NFC是答案。

NFC—or Near Field Communication— is a simple but relatively modern technology that allows phones to communicate wirelessly with just with a tap. Two NFC-equipped phones can send data to each other this way, but it’s more commonly used with NFC “tags”: small programmable chips that make it incredibly easy to share data or launch activities. NFC is also used for Android Pay (and Apple Pay for iOS users). NFC chips are incredibly inexpensive, with bundles of 10-12 usually going for around $8 to $10. That’s a lot of utility for not a lot of money.

NFC(或近场通信 )是一种简单但相对较现代的技术,它允许电话只需轻按一下即可进行无线通信。 两部配备NFC的手机可以通过这种方式相互发送数据,但更常与NFC“标签”一起使用:小型可编程芯片使共享数据或发起活动变得异常容易。 NFC还用于Android Pay(对于iOS用户为Apple Pay)。 NFC芯片价格便宜得难以置信, 通常10到12捆的价格在8到10美元左右 。 这不是很多钱,而是很多实用程序。

One very cool, yet very simple thing you can do to make your life easier is write Android Auto to an NFC tag—an NFC key chain would be great for this—so you can instantly launch it as soon as you get in the car. If you have a dock for your phone, you could even write this data to a tag and stick it to the dock—this way, as soon as you drop your phone in the dock, boom: Auto pops up on the screen.

要使生活更轻松,您可以做的一件非常酷但很简单的事情是将Android Auto写入NFC标签-NFC钥匙链将非常适合此操作-因此您一上车就可以立即启动它。 如果你有你的电话码头,你甚至可以把这些数据写入标签,并坚持到了被告席,这样一来,只要你放下你的手机在被告席上,   自动在屏幕上弹出。

Once you have your tags in-hand, you’ll need to install an app that can write to the tag. We’ll be using NFC Tools for this tutorial, as it’s easy to use and full-featured.

拿到标签后,就需要安装可以写入标签的应用。 本教程将使用NFC工具 ,因为它易于使用且功能齐全。

With the app installed, go ahead and launch it. A tutorial explaining NFC will start—if you’re curious about NFC, read it. It’s helpful! After the tutorial, you’re going to need to erase your tag. Tap the “Other” tab in NFC Tools, then tap the “Erase Tag” option.

安装该应用程序后,继续并启动它。 将开始介绍NFC的教程-如果您对NFC感到好奇,请阅读它。 有帮助! 学习完本教程后,您将需要删除标签。 点击NFC工具中的“其他”标签,然后点击“擦除标签”选项。

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

It will start looking for a tag here—just rub the tag around on the back of your phone till it gives some sort of audible notification. The NFC chip is located in different places on different phones, so you may have to fiddle with it a bit before you find yours. Once the tag has been erased, the app will give a notification.

它将开始在此处寻找标签-只需在手机背面擦一下标签,直到发出可听见的通知。 NFC芯片位于不同手机上的不同位置,因此您可能需要花一点时间才能找到自己的NFC芯片。 删除标签后,应用会发出通知。

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto
android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

Now that the tag is clean and ready for data, move over to the “Write” tab. This is where you’ll set everything up to add Android Auto to the tag. Tap the “Add record” button to get started. There are a slew of different options here (all things you can do with NFC!), but you’re looking for one in particular: Application. Find that option (it’s closer to the bottom of the list) and tap it.

现在,标签已经干净,可以进行数据读取了,移至“写入”标签。 您将在此处进行所有设置,以将Android Auto添加到代码中。 点击“添加记录”按钮开始使用。 这里有很多不同的选项(使用NFC可以做的所有事情!),但是您要特别寻找一个:应用程序。 找到该选项(靠近列表底部),然后点击它。

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto
android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

The next screen will prompt you to “Enter your package name,” but I can’t imagine most users know the exact name of what they’re looking for, so instead tap the icon next to the text box. This will launch a list of all the installed applications. Find Android Auto and tap it.

下一个屏幕将提示您“输入软件包名称”,但是我无法想象大多数用户都知道他们要查找的确切名称,因此请点击文本框旁边的图标。 这将启动所有已安装应用程序的列表。 查找并点击“ Android Auto”。

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto
android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

With Auto selected, tap the “OK” button at the bottom.


Now, you can add more functions here if you’d like. For example, you can have the tag automatically disable Wi-Fi and enable Bluetooth alongside launching Android Auto. Just tap the “Add a record” button to add more functionality. For the sake of this tutorial, however, we’re going to stick with just launching Auto.

现在,您可以根据需要在此处添加更多功能。 例如,您可以让代码自动禁用Wi-Fi,并在启动Android Auto的同时启用蓝牙。 只需点击“添加记录”按钮即可添加更多功能。 但是,出于本教程的考虑,我们将坚持仅启动Auto。

With everything set and ready to go, tap the “Write” button. The same dialog from earlier (when you were erasing the tag) will appear. Tap the tag on the phone again. Once again, a notification will show up once it’s finished writing—this will only take a split-second.

一切就绪并准备就绪后,点击“写入”按钮。 将会出现与之前(删除标签时)相同的对话框。 再次点击手机上的标签。 再次,一旦完成编写,将显示一条通知-仅需一秒钟。

android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto
android nfc启动_如何使用NFC自动启动Android Auto

That’s it! Now all you have to do is tap your phone on the tag (with the display on, of course), and Android Auto will launch instantly. Handy!

而已! 现在,您要做的就是在标签上点击手机(当然会显示在屏幕上),Android Auto将立即启动。 便利!


android nfc启动