


Good news today! I got an email from my editor saying that the phpBB book will be published soon.

今天好消息! 我收到编辑发来的电子邮件,说phpBB书籍即将出版。


Yes, I've been working on a phpBB book for some time, it's written and completed now and undergoing final proofreading. So it means that in a few weeks it will be published! It's pretty exciting...

是的,我从事phpBB书籍已有一段时间,该书籍现已编写并完成,正在接受最终校对。 因此,这意味着它将在几周内发布! 真是令人兴奋...

Here's some more about the book. The publisher is Packt Publishing, great guys, publishers of books such as the phpMyAdmin book, the one about eZ publish, Typo3 and other great titles.

这是关于这本书的更多内容。 发布者是年底Packt出版 ,伟大的球员,图书出版商,如phpMyAdmin的书 ,关于一个Typo3的和其他伟大的冠军

I'm not the only author; there are two other great guys. Jeremy is a team member of He's known as Thoul in phpbbhack's forums (if you didn't know it, is a great site), he has written a lot of great tutorials for the phpBB community. He wrote two chapters and a few appendices for the phpBB book and was really helpful reviewing my chapters.

我不是唯一的作家。 还有另外两个伟人。 Jeremyphpbbhacks.com团队成员 。 他在phpbbhack的论坛中被称为Thoul(如果您不知道, phpbbhacks.com是一个不错的网站 ),他为phpBB社区写了很多很棒的教程。 他为phpBB书写了两章和一些附录,对我的章节复习确实很有帮助。

The other author is Mike. He wrote the chapter about designing your own phpBB theme, which is probably my favourite. It starts from coming up with the idea about the design and goes through all the steps. Check out his phpBB templates - Ad Infinitum, Conundrum, NoseBleed (the one that the his chapter is based on) and NoseBleed2, which powers his own community.

另一位作者是麦克 。 他撰写了有关设计自己的phpBB主题的章节,这可能是我的最爱。 它从提出有关设计的想法开始,并经过所有步骤。 看看他的phpBB的模板- 循环往复难题鼻血 (就是那个在他的章是基于)和NoseBleed2,其中的权力了自己的社区

Here I should also mention Mr. Patrick O'Keefe. He is the creator of and other sites that are part of his iFroggy network. He's a SitePoint author (just like myself, only with greater number of articles and experience) and SP forums Advisor. He did a great job reviewing our work and he also wrote an intro to the book.

在这里我还要提到帕特里克·奥基夫先生。 phpbbhacks.comiFroggy网络中其他网站的创建者。 他是SitePoint的作者 (就像一样,只有更多的文章和经验)和SP论坛的顾问。 他在审查我们的工作方面做得很出色,并且还为这本书撰写了简介。

So, the book will be out soon, meanwhile you can see its page, download a sample chapter and preorder with 25% off. There's also another nice surprise about the book coming up but ... it's a surprise, isn't it?

因此,该书即将发行,同时您可以看到其页面 ,下载示例章节并以25%的折扣预订。 关于这本书的出版,还有另一个很好的惊喜,但是……这是一个惊喜,不是吗?

Finally, did I mention that my publisher is great? Yes, and if you're thinking about becoming an author yourself, check them out as a potential publisher. The details are here.

最后,我是否提到我的发布者很棒? 是的,如果您想自己成为一名作者,请以潜在的出版者身份签出。 详细信息在这里

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