

By default, inactive worksheet tabs in Excel are gray, and active or selected worksheet tabs are white. If you have a lot of worksheets in your workbook, it may be hard to quickly find a particular sheet.

默认情况下,Excel中的非活动工作表选项卡为灰色,活动或选定的工作表选项卡为白色。 如果您的工作簿中有很多工作表,可能很难快速找到特定的工作表。

One way to differentiate worksheets is to assign different colors to the worksheet tabs. We’ll show you how to change a single worksheet tab or multiple worksheet tabs at once.

区分工作表的一种方法是为工作表选项卡分配不同的颜色。 我们将向您展示如何一次更改一个工作表标签或多个工作表标签。

To change the color of a single worksheet tab, right-click on the tab and move your mouse over the “Tab Color” option. A palette of Theme Colors and Standard Colors displays on the colors submenu. Click on a color to select it, or click on “More Colors” if you want a color you don’t see on the palette.

要更改单个工作表选项卡的颜色,请右键单击该选项卡,然后将鼠标移至“选项卡颜色”选项上。 在颜色子菜单上显示主题颜色和标准颜色的调色板。 单击一种颜色以将其选中,或者,如果您想要在调色板上看不到的颜色,则单击“更多颜色”。


You can also use the ribbon to select a color for a tab. Make sure the worksheet tab for which you want to change the color is the active tab. Then, make sure the Home tab is active on the ribbon. Click “Format” in the Cells section, move your mouse over “Tab Color”, and then click a color on the colors submenu.

您也可以使用功能区为选项卡选择颜色。 确保要更改其颜色的工作表选项卡是活动选项卡。 然后,确保功能区上的“主页”选项卡处于活动状态。 单击“单元格”部分中的“格式”,将鼠标移到“制表符颜色”上,然后在颜色子菜单上单击一种颜色。


If you prefer using the keyboard you can press Alt, H, O, T in succession (pressed separately, one after the other–do not hold any of the keys down). Once you press “T”, you’ll see the colors submenu where you can click on a color to choose it, or you can use the arrow keys to move to the color you want and then press Enter.

如果您更喜欢使用键盘,则可以连续按Alt,H,O,T(分别按下,一个接一个地按下-请勿按住任何键)。 按“ T”后,您将看到颜色子菜单,您可以在其中单击颜色以进行选择,也可以使用箭头键移至所需的颜色,然后按Enter。


Once you’ve assigned a color to a tab, it’s displayed in a light gradient of that color when that tab is active.



When the colored worksheet tab is not active, the color on the tab becomes a solid color.



You can also apply color to multiple worksheet tabs at once, as long as it’s the same color. To change the color of two or more contiguous worksheet tabs, click the first tab you want to select and then press Shift and click on the last tab you want to select. Then, right-click on any of the tabs in the selected group and change the Tab Color as shown earlier.

您也可以一次将颜色应用于多个工作表选项卡,只要颜色相同即可。 要更改两个或多个连续工作表选项卡的颜色,请单击要选择的第一个选项卡,然后按Shift键并单击要选择的最后一个选项卡。 然后,右键单击所选组中的任何选项卡,然后更改选项卡颜色,如前所示。


While the tabs are still selected, they all have a light, gradient shade of the chosen color.



To deselect a group of selected tabs, click on any tab that’s not selected. If all the tabs are selected, you can right-click on the tabs and select “Ungroup Sheets” from the popup menu.

要取消选择一组选定的选项卡,请单击任何未选中的选项卡。 如果选择了所有选项卡,则可以右键单击选项卡,然后从弹出菜单中选择“取消分组工作表”。


To select multiple sheets that are not contiguous, click the first tab you want to select then press and hold Ctrl and click on the second tab you want to select. Continue this until all the desired tabs are selected.

要选择多个不连续的工作表,请单击要选择的第一个选项卡,然后按住Ctrl并单击要选择的第二个选项卡。 继续此操作,直到选择了所有需要的选项卡。


Then, you can select a color for the selected tabs the same way we described earlier. Again, while the tabs are still selected, they are colored in a light gradient shade of the chosen color.

然后,您可以按照我们之前介绍的方法为选定的选项卡选择颜色。 同样,在仍然选择选项卡的同时,它们以所选颜色的浅渐变阴影着色。


Active worksheets with colored tabs have the light, gradient shade of the color and non-active colored tabs are solid colored.



We only used red on the tabs in our example, but you can choose different colors for different tabs, as shown in the image at the beginning of this article.


To return the worksheet tabs to their original gray/white state, select the tabs and then choose “No Color” from the colors submenu under the Tab Color menu option discussed earlier.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/275902/how-to-change-the-color-of-the-worksheet-tabs-in-excel/