如何在Android Wear上截图

如何在Android Wear上截图

Android Wear is a useful and worthy counterpart to your mobile phone, putting notifications and Google Now right on your wrist. The thing is, sometimes you want to capture something that’s on the screen to show someone, or even document a bug. Taking screenshots on Wear isn’t as straightforward as it could be, however.

Android Wear是您手机上有用且值得的对等物,可将通知和Google即时贴在您的手腕上。 事实是,有时您想捕获屏幕上的东西以显示某人,甚至记录一个错误。 但是,在Wear上截取屏幕截图并非如此简单。

With your watch paired to your phone, open the the Android Wear app. From there, tap the three-button overflow menu in the upper-right corner.

将手表与手机配对后,打开Android Wear应用。 从那里,点击右上角的三按钮溢出菜单。

如何在Android Wear上截图
如何在Android Wear上截图

The second option in this menu is “Take a wearable screenshot.” Seems simple enough, but this actually where things get kind of messy. This doesn’t work like a regular Android screenshot—it doesn’t happen instantly, nor does it save locally. Go ahead and tap the “Take wearable screenshot” option to see what I mean. A toast notification will show up at the bottom of the screen to let you know that the request has been sent from the phone to the watch.

此菜单中的第二个选项是“拍摄可穿戴的屏幕截图”。 看起来很简单,但这实际上使事情变得混乱。 这与常规的Android屏幕截图不同,它不会立即发生,也不会保存在本地。 继续并点击“拍摄可穿戴屏幕截图”选项,以了解我的意思。 屏幕底部将显示一条敬酒通知,让您知道请求已从手机发送到手表。

如何在Android Wear上截图

This will take a little while to happen—anywhere from a couple of seconds to 30 seconds or so. You just have to wait, making sure your watch stays on the screen that you want to capture.

这将花费一些时间-从几秒钟到30秒左右。 您只需要等待,确保手表停留在要捕获的屏幕上。

如何在Android Wear上截图
如何在Android Wear上截图

Once the screenshot has been captured, a little watch icon will show up in the notification bar. It reads “Wearable screenshot finished. Tap to send.” There is no preview—the only way you can see the screenshot is to share it. Tap the notification to open the share dialog.

截取屏幕截图后,通知栏中将出现一个小的监视图标。 它显示为“可穿戴屏幕截图已完成。 点按即可发送。” 没有预览-查看截图的唯一方法是共享它。 点击通知以打开共享对话框。

如何在Android Wear上截图

Since I sync all my screenshots with Google Drive, this is the default action for sharing wearable captures on my device. There are a handful of other options here, though none of them are to simply save it to your phone. It’s rather silly.

由于我将所有屏幕截图都同步到Google云端硬盘,因此这是在设备上共享可穿戴设备的默认操作。 这里有一些其他选项,尽管它们都不是简单地将其保存到手机中的。 真傻。

The easiest method of sharing is probably to “Upload to Photos,” which will automatically upload the file to your Google Photos storage. This will also allow you to see the screenshot in the Photos app on your phone.

共享的最简单方法是“上传到照片”,它将自动将文件上传到您的Google相册存储空间。 这也可以让您在手机的“照片”应用中查看屏幕截图。

如何在Android Wear上截图
如何在Android Wear上截图

If, like me, you’re going to save your screenshot to Drive, you’ll have to give it a name. By default, every screenshot from Wear will be named “screen.png.” That’s it—if you don’t rename it, each screenshot will overwrite the last one. You’d think it would at least give them some sort of sequential numbering, but nope—that’s on you.

如果像我一样将屏幕截图保存到云端硬盘,则必须为其命名。 默认情况下,Wear的每个屏幕截图都将命名为“ screen.png”。 就是这样-如果不重命名,每个屏幕截图都会覆盖最后一个屏幕截图。 您可能认为它至少会给他们某种顺序编号,但不,这就是您的要求。

如何在Android Wear上截图

Once you save the file, it’ll upload (again, assuming you’re sharing this with Drive). At that point, you can actually look at the screenshot.

保存文件后,它将上传(同样,假设您要与云端硬盘共享该文件)。 此时,您实际上可以查看屏幕截图。

如何在Android Wear上截图
如何在Android Wear上截图

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/293075/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-android-wear/