2019 错过春招_错过的理解

2019 错过春招_错过的理解

2019 错过春招

There are two basic ways to respond when someone expresses frustration about not understanding a tool or technique that we do.


The first is to blame them.


I mean, you understand it. It’s not that hard. They should be able to figure it out too. Maybe they don’t want to put in the work. Or they’re slow on the uptake. It would be great if they would put a little time and effort into actually understanding it instead of complaining.

我的意思是, 了解它。 没那么难。 他们也应该能够弄清楚。 也许他们不想投入工作。 否则他们的吸收速度会很慢。 如果他们愿意花一点时间和精力去真正理解它而不是抱怨,那将是很好的。

The other response is to consider it as feedback.


Is there documentation or other information that is unclear or misleading? Does the documentation assume a certain level of pre-existing knowledge? Is there something that you could communicate differently to make it click for them?

是否存在不清楚或具有误导性的文档或其他信息? 该文档是否假设一定水平的现有知识? 您是否可以通过其他方式进行交流以使其点击?

Maybe their context isn’t the same as you—there could be situations where maybe this tool or technique doesn’t make sense. Or perhaps there are downsides you haven’t considered. It would be great to take some time to understand better where they’re coming from.

也许它们的上下文与您不一样-在某些情况下,此工具或技术可能没有意义。 也许还有您没有考虑到的弊端。 花一些时间更好地了解它们的来源将是很棒的。

Blaming them is easy. It’s an emotional response that lets you off the hook for having to put in any work.

责怪他们很容易。 这是一种情感React,使您不必进行任何工作。

Taking the time to understand their perspective is harder. It requires you to put any initial emotional response aside and think critically about what is different for them.

花时间了解他们的观点比较困难。 它要求您将任何最初的情感React放在一边,并认真思考它们的不同之处。

It takes work to think critically about something and how it is being presented. It takes work to take the time to understand why someone else may not find it particularly intuitive or useful.

认真思考某件事及其呈现方式需要付出努力。 需要花一些时间来理解为什么其他人可能觉得它不是特别直观或有用的工作。

Blaming them is a missed opportunity. Critically evaluating why they feel the way they do is how you make progress.

责怪他们是一个错失的机会。 批判性地评估他们为什么感觉自己的方式是您如何取得进步。

It’s how you become more informed about the tools you use every day.


It’s how you make better decisions about what to use, and when.


It’s how you make tools more robust, and it’s how you make technology more accessible and approachable.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/remembers/2019-07-19-missed-understanding/

2019 错过春招