



If you use your iPhone a lot at night, even the Night Shift feature can’t stop your screen from burning your eyes. Luckily, there’s a way to reduce the brightness of the screen even more than the lowest possible setting.

如果您晚上经常使用iPhone,则即使使用Night Shift功能也无法阻止屏幕灼伤您的眼睛。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以将屏幕的亮度降低到甚至超过最低设置。

You might think that reducing the screen brightness too much will make the screen so dim that you can’t even see it. That may be the case in day light or a brightly-lit room, but you’d be surprised how bright a fully-dimmed iPhone screen still is in a completely dark room.

您可能会认为,过多降低屏幕亮度会使屏幕太暗,甚至看不到它。 在日光或明亮的房间里可能会发生这种情况,但是您会感到惊讶的是,完全昏暗的iPhone屏幕仍然在完全黑暗的房间里仍然如此明亮。

With that said, if the dimmest setting is still too bright for you, you can reduce the screen brightness beyond standard iOS levels using an Accessibility feature. Here’s how to do it.

话虽如此,如果最暗的设置仍然对您来说太亮,您可以使用辅助功能将屏幕亮度降低到标准iOS级别之外。 这是操作方法。

Start by opening up the Settings app from the home screen and tapping on “General”.



Select “Accessibility”.



Tap on “Display Accommodations”.



Hit the toggle switch next to “Reduce White Point”.



When you do this, you’ll now see a percentage slider appear below the toggle switch, and your screen brightness will be turned down slightly.



Drag the slider to the left and right to increase or decrease the intensity. You’ll notice that the higher percentage results in a dimmer screen. Take note that if you slide it all the way to 100% and it’s still not dim enough, you can make further adjustments using the main brightness slider in Control Center. Use these two sliders in coordination with each other to come up with a dim setting that you’re happy with.

向左和向右拖动滑块以增加或减少强度。 您会注意到较高的百分比会导致屏幕变暗。 请注意,如果将其一直滑动到100%,但仍然不够暗,则可以使用Control Center中的主亮度滑块进行进一步的调整。 相互配合使用这两个滑块可以调出您满意的暗淡设置。

Once you have it where you want it, you’ll now set up the Home button so you can enable and disable the dimming with a triple-press of the Home button. So go back to the main Accessibility screen, scroll all the way down, and tap on “Accessibility Shortcut”.

将其放置在所需位置后,现在将设置“主页”按钮,以便您可以通过三按“主页”按钮来启用和禁用调光。 因此,请返回到“辅助功能”主屏幕,一直向下滚动,然后点击“辅助功能快捷方式”。


Select “Reduce White Point”.



Now, whenever you triple-press the Home button, it will toggle the feature on and off, allowing you to quickly dim your screen even more when bed time arrives.


Keep in mind that you’re setting this up to view your screen in a dark room, so you may want to make these adjustments when you’re actually in a dark room to get the levels where you want them. Once you have them set, it will auto-save those settings.

请记住,您要对此进行设置以在黑暗的房间中查看屏幕,因此当您实际上在黑暗的房间中时,可能需要进行这些调整以获取所需的水平。 设置好之后,它将自动保存这些设置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/248005/how-to-reduce-your-iphones-brightness-lower-than-ios-allows/
