IEEE1588 Boundary clocks

Boundary clock 通常有多个physical port,每个physic port通过两个logical interface 和network 通信: event 和general;每个boundary  clock的port都类似于ordinary clock的port一样,但以下情况除外:

a) The clock data sets are common to all ports of the boundary clock.(clock data sets 对boundary clock 的所有port都通用);
b) The local clock is common to all ports of the boundary clock.(local clock 对boundary clock的所有port 都通用);
c) Each protocol engine has the additional function of resolving the states of all ports to determine which port provides the time signal used to synchronize the local clock.(每个protocol engine还具有解析所有ports的state来确定哪个port来提供用于同步本地时钟的时间信号的额外功能)。

与tsynchronization有关的message(Sync,Delay_Req,Follow_Up 和Delay_Resp),建立master-slave hierachy的message(Announce)以及signaling,在boundary clock protocol engine中终止并且不会被转发。 Managenet messages 在boundary clock的其他ports转发但要收到限制,以限制这些management messages在system中传播。

图3的边界时钟模型仅适用于PTP消息。 对于所有非PTP消息,边界时钟的行为就像一个普通的网络组件,例如,网桥,转发器或路由器。

IEEE1588 Boundary clocks