vetur插件提示 [vue-language-server] Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives错误的解决办法


[vue-language-server] Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives.
Renders the element or template block multiple times based on the source data

使用VS Code 出现如下问题,如图

vetur插件提示 [vue-language-server] Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives错误的解决办法

Vue 2.2.0+的版本里,当在组件中使用v-for时,key是必须的。

更改vetur配置            vscode->首选项->设置->搜索(vetur)

"vetur.validation.template": true,


vetur插件提示 [vue-language-server] Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives错误的解决办法