
**UPDATE: Registration is now open for sessions at Unity Central! Sessions are all free but space is limited — sign up now!** GDC (Game Developers Conference) is viewed by many as the main event for the world’s developers and creators. Over 25,000 people from around the world descend upon San Francisco to learn, educate, build relationships, network, share stories, and show off their creations.

**更新:现在可以在Unity Central进行会话注册了! 会议全部免费,但空间有限-立即注册! ** GDC(游戏开发者大会)被许多人视为全球开发者和创作者的主要活动。 来自世界各地的25,000多人来到旧金山学习,教育,建立人际关系,建立网络,分享故事并展示自己的作品。

We love GDC. We’re a Diamond Partner of the show and many of our developers will be presenting in the sessions. However, this year we wanted to try something different and go beyond what we could achieve with our usual booth on the show floor. We’re going big, with a set of locations and events that exceed anything we’ve ever done before. Unity at GDC will take place at three main locations: Unity Central, Unity Mix, and Unity Lounge. This week-long program features hours worth of unique content, both on the ground in San Francisco and online!

我们爱GDC。 我们是展会的钻石合作伙伴 ,我们的许多开发人员将在会议中进行演讲。 但是,今年我们想尝试一些不同的东西,超越我们在展厅通常的展位所能达到的目标。 我们的业务不断发展壮大,其地点和事件超出了我们以往所做的任何事情。 GDC的Unity将在三个主要地点举行: Unity CentralUnity MixUnity Lounge 。 这项为期一周的计划在旧金山和网上都提供数小时的独特内容!


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欢迎来到我们的家:Unity Central (Welcome to our house: Unity Central)

Unity Central is located just blocks away from Moscone Center, where GDC is being held, so we thought it was only appropriate to open our offices up to our developer family. Go behind-the-scenes and learn about our newest technologies and initiatives from the people who make them.

Unity Central距举办GDC的Moscone中心仅几步之遥,因此我们认为只适合向我们的开发人员家庭开放我们的办公室。 进入幕后,并从制造者那里了解我们的最新技术和计划。

From March 19-23, 30 Third Street will serve as a destination where thousands of developers can meet with innovators, attend sessions with tech leaders, and view the latest Made with Unity creations during GDC. Register now for sessions at Unity Central — no GDC badge is required and all sessions are free, but space is limited so be sure to sign up soon.

从3月19日至23日, 第三街30号将成为一个目的地,成千上万的开发人员可以在这里与创新者见面,参加与技术领导者的会议以及在GDC期间查看Unity的最新作品。 立即在Unity Central上注册会话-不需要GDC徽章,所有会话都是免费的,但空间有限,因此请确保尽快注册。

Unity组合 (Unity Mix)

Unity Mix, located in Room 151 of Moscone Center South, will serve as a place to gather and connect with other developers, as well as Unity staff. This is the perfect spot to stop by and get to know others in the community, ask the expert Unity technologists here about the latest features, and also tune in live to some of deeper sessions happening up the road at Unity Central.

位于Moscone Center South 151室的Unity Mix将成为聚集其他开发人员以及Unity员工并与之联系的地方。 这是您停下来了解社区中其他人的理想场所,可以向此处的Unity专业技术人员咨询最新功能, 还可以现场直播Unity Central上一些更深入的会议。


团结休息室 (Unity Lounge)

Located down the street at Hotel Zetta, the Unity Lounge is the best spot to grab a drink and relax alongside other developers, even if you don’t have a GDC badge. Here we will be showcasing some of the newest games made with Unity, so stop by and meet your fellow Unity developers, grab a drink, and recharge.

即使您没有GDC徽章,Unity休息室也位于饭店Zetta的街道上,是与其他开发商一起喝酒并放松身心的最佳场所。 在这里,我们将展示一些使用Unity制作的最新游戏,因此请停下来与您的Unity开发人员会面,喝一杯,然后充电。

主题演讲 (The Keynote)

Our annual GDC keynote will take place on March 19th at 6:30PM (Pacific Time). Building on the foundation of the 2017 cycle, which introduced powerful artist tools that give teams of artists and engineers the power to do more together, the keynote will be the first deep dive into Unity 2018. We are thrilled to share with you our latest innovations covering graphics, performance, artist tools and more!

我们的年度GDC主题演讲将于3月19日下午6:30(太平洋时间)举行。 在2017年周期的基础上,引入了功能强大的艺术家工具,这些艺术家工具使艺术家和工程师团队能够共同完成更多工作,主题演讲将是对Unity 2018的首次深入学习。我们很高兴与您分享我们的最新创新涵盖图形,性能,美工工具等!

The keynote will be hosted by Lucas Meijer (Technical Director) and will feature John Riccitiello (CEO), Brett Bibby (VP of Engineering),Natasha Tatarchuk (Director of Global Graphics), and Joachim Ante (CTO). The event is invite-only, but never to fear — we will be live streaming it in full on Facebook and YouTube.

主题演讲将由技术总监Lucas Meijer主持,并将由John Riccitiello(首席执行官),Brett Bibby(工程副总裁),Natasha Tatarchuk(全球图形总监)和Joachim Ante(CTO)主持。 该活动仅接受邀请,但请放心-我们将在FacebookYouTube上全面直播该活动。

在GDC体验Unity Live (Experience Unity Live at GDC)

What if you are unable to join us on the ground in San Francisco? We’ll be bringing the GDC experience to you. Tune in on March 20 – 22 morning for Unity Live at GDC, a talk show featuring interview style conversations between special guests and Unity hosts Will Goldstone (Product Manager) and Liz Mercuri (Technical Evangelist), which will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Catch a glimpse of all the latest announcements and news in the Unity ecosystem, with Made with Unity developers, industry partners, and Unity team members.

如果您无法加入旧金山的实地怎么办? 我们将为您带来GDC的经验。 收看3月20日至22日上午在GDC举行的Unity Live,这是一场脱口秀节目,特色节目由特邀嘉宾与Unity主持人Will Goldstone(产品经理)和Liz Mercuri(技术传播者)之间进行访谈,并通过FacebookYouTube进行直播。 与Made与Unity开发人员,行业合作伙伴和Unity团队成员一道,了解Unity生态系统中的所有最新公告和新闻。

Beyond Unity Live at GDC, we will be bringing you behind the scenes with a glimpse into the Unity at GDC experience on our social channels throughout the week.

除了GDC的Unity Live,我们将在一周内通过社交渠道带您深入了解GDC的Unity体验。

与我们聚会 (Party with us)

It wouldn’t be GDC without a Unity party! We have taken over The Village at 969 Market Street for an unforgettable night of friends, music and fun. Together we’ll celebrate another amazing year of creation with an open bar, some small bites, and a special guest VR DJ performance by Electronauts!

没有团结党就不会是GDC! 我们接管了市场街969号的The Village,度过了一个难忘的朋友,音乐和娱乐之夜。 我们一起将通过开放式酒吧,一些小叮咬和Electronauts的特别嘉宾VR DJ表演来庆祝创作的又一年令人惊奇!

Enter you name here to be entered for your chance to win a ticket to the party. Winners will be contacted on March 12th with details to claim their spot.

在此处输入您的名字,以便有机会赢得聚会的门票。 我们将于3月12日与优胜者联系,并提供详细信息以声明他们的位置。


We can’t wait to spend the week with you during Unity at GDC! For information about sessions, the keynote, Unity at GDC Live, and more, visit us here.

我们迫不及待地想在GDC的Unity期间与您共度一周! 有关会议的信息,主题演讲,GDC Live的Unity等,请在此处访问我们。
